Content Harry Potter


The Resident posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 2:11pm

With all the talk of weapons, I'd like to present you with something a little mundane and quite useful. I have a beautiful Buck knife I've had for years. It has excellent balance, a good pommel that can be used in numerous ways, a smooth black grip that fits nicely in the hand and a blade that holds an edge for a very long time (unless you're really careless, which I sincerely doubt). That and the dozen doughnuts I mentioned last chapter should make good presents for you. I am enjoying the disclaimers and ANs every bit as much as the story. Your portrayal of H&H's relationship reminds me a bit of my first relationship. The turtle and not the hare wins the race.

ginnysohma posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 1:06pm

Bob- Great chapter! Let's get a move on though, hm? It's slow going... Here. Have some sugar free cookies. They were made with Splenda, I swear!! lol

Alyx- Yup, I used to be a huge fan of the manga. And I'm sure it was the blinking lights that scared everyone away, not the naked-ritualistic dancing. (Don't forget to upload that to YouTube, kay?)

bdh008 posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 12:14pm

Would you consider shovelimg snow as a bribe for faster updates?

Abram posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 9:11am

Dear Alyx & Bob

I've read and loved
'Sunset over Britain'. I enjoy this story with a rampant passion that would get me arrested and/or kicked out of a library.
That being said, you have
a real talent for making
people feel like an idiot. I've just understood 'Dan & Emma' Granger. THAT MAKES ME SO HOT!

The Resident posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 7:33am

You two are my kind of weird. I've been that way all my life (I wouldn't be an editor otherwise.) I think I'll have to figure a way to get you two a dozen fresh, warm, Krispy Kreme doughnuts. They are my downfall. I cannot pass the d**m place if the 'Fresh' light is lit on the sign. My car won't let me. Thank god for senior discounts. The best think I can say about this story (and most of your writing) is that you make me smile. I, unfortunately, find to little to smile about these days. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter as soon as I finish this review. Keep up the great work.

noylj posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 5:50am

Thank Keith and Dorothy for the beta work, will you. Great story, but I still suspect the wizarding telescopes might be even better light buckets than a Meade 16" (which I would love to have). Love the story, but keep an eye on Amelia.

Vtigo posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 6:00pm

I take it the next chapter will be the last one for this wonderful fic?

Immortalitis posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 5:49pm

*Cackles insanely*

VERY amusing and intriguing.

One of the better Harry/ Hermione stories on this site.

Keep up the excellent work.

Immortalitis Lightbane

Chris Williams posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 2:43pm

Still very well done. Just an observation; these characters could have been taken right out of Sunrise and Sunset. Is that done on purpose or is it just how you see Harry, Hermione and crew? I agree with you on the Harry/Tonks thing, just kinda squicky. Entertaining read.

David Stanley posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 1:57pm

Another good chapter. It is nice to see that life still goes, and not everything can be wrapped up quickly. I really liked the scene with Sirius and Amelia talking about how to change the Ministry rules.

rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 12:01pm

Thanks for another excellent chapter. Just the thing when you are sick and are tired of watching tv/movies and sleeping all week. Can't wait 'til the next update but I have to go hack up a lung right now.

Yamikeckley posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:07am

thank you for the new chapter. i have been waiting for it patiently for awhile. i can not wait for more of it. i hope something good happens for cho because this is the second fic of yours that i remember that has something bad happen to her (sunrise over britain being the other one.) well i am off to actually write on my own story (first time in two years.)

tw posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 9:27am

as always your chapters continue to astound and intigue me. I o have a question though..With the headmistress being so accutely aware of the wards and the interaction of people to those wards, shouldn't she have some basis on the location of the magical beings/creatures in the castle.

As you pointed out with her confronting Hermione, she was aware of when and who was in the library with her. As you also pointed out she has a book detailing the expansions and additions to the castle since 968. Are these magical areas not "connected" to the wards, being inside them, or are the wards layered vertically rather than horizontally and vertically?

Emperor Vanquest

Bobmin356 replied:

Well the obvious answer is that the wards are tuned to watch over and keep track of PEOPLE. It's part of the whole British snobbery we've been trying to highlight in this story.

The wards would have detected a student in danger, but not an elf because wizards really don't care about elves.

vanishingact posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 8:49am

I've decided to discontinue lurking (quivering in fear is not one of my favourite pasttimes, I'm afraid), though I only really have the following to say:

Loved what you decided to do to Snape. It amused me ever so much. What he deserved in the end, I feel. *maniacle laughter*

Just a random, odd question...are Emma and Dan's relationship based anything off of yours?

Alyx, I give you a box full of donuts to taunt Bob with. Enjoy! I'd offer you a nuke instead, but you seem to have quite a few of those already...

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 8:12am

I agree with Blind-phoenix, sometimes the most entertaining part of all your stories are the AN... and the Quibbler stories... Now, I'm missing the Super Bowl and my Chili and cheese dip is almost cold.

By the way, the picture Cindy sent Hermoine was excellent.

Mrs.TiffanyPotter posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 7:48am

Great Chapter. It sounds like Snape has completly lost his mind. He'd make a great villian for a sequel. Harry destroy's Voldemort and they think they can live happily ever after, only the scene switches to Riddle Manor and Snape holding the book Mcnair was looking for.

fallingmonkey3 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 7:39am

Ah awesome chapter you guys. I really like this fic. Just wish it could be a bit longer... Maybe a sequel?? It's really great. It's awesome that Remus and Tonks are engaged now and can go somewhere so Remus won't be persecuted because of his "furry little problem". I feel bad for Nev though... Since Ginny's only with him because Draco and Harry aren't available... :( She's going to be pissed when it comes out that Evan is Harry. Great job on the chapter!

Funny Bunny P posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 6:53am

Someone on here was talking about owning a Meade telescope. Having woked with large Meade telescopes in the past, I'll try to give a few pointers.
1. When you get a large telescope make sure that your mounting area is stable ground if you are using a tripod and not a more stable Cement pole mounting.
2. Remember to save enough money for a good CCD camera. With a good CCD camera and the right computer software you can search the skies for new asteroids or track already discoved asteroids. (Even spotting a Particular asteroid for the second time can be interesting when you point to where it should be and see something else.)

3. If you have enough money for it, then get a MAX Robotic German Equatorial Mount. Aiming your telescope becomes a lot less hit or miss, so that you can quickly and easily look at the same spot in the sky night after night. It also makes tracking a particular spot of sky possible as the mount moves to counteract the rotation of the Earth.

joeBob posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 6:28am

Yeah! No more visible disclaimers! Hallelujah!

Oh dear. Kitty McGonagall is about to be snake chow. :-(

How dense are these wizards? All they need is to use a few "Snake-onum revelio" charms (minor variation of canon spell), and they have Nagini.

Thanks for the update and thanks, again, for no more disclaimers.

FrequencyQueen posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 6:21am

Another great chapter! Sucks that you let Nagini get away for the winter. Is the uproar in the Forbidden Forest about Nagini?