Content Harry Potter


IceBlades posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 6:10am

Heh, great chapter. I'm waiting to see when Harry himself id revealed. I kind of hope that its at the end of the ball. Anywhoo, its time to do a bit of homework before the game. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 5:08am

A very busy and informative chapter. I'm glad Hermione and Harry can get together at Hogwarts in a discrete place. The Head-girls suite sounds great. I'm glad you answered the question about why "Evan" can only appear as Evan for a limited amount of time. I am sorry Nagini killed the house-elf child. That is sad. I hope Harry can take care of Nagini and the horcrux without anyone else dying. I am really glad "Evan" got to go to the ball with Hermione. This is a great story. Thanks so much for writing. I look forward to more of this story. pms

lelila posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 4:58am

woot!! another chapter is out! and here i was afraid i was going to have to resort to watching the superbowl for entertainment. watching branding, minion job interviews and the different uses of peppers is way more amusing. hee hee. all we need is a good old fasioned flogging and everything will be all set.

nice touch on the 'i told u i was sitting on him.' transforming mcnair into a sitting stool struck a peculiar point on my funny bone and had me giggling for a bit there. . .then again, my giddiness could just be due to the medicines i've been taking for this cold i've had for the past few days. i still especially enjoy the quibbler articles. my fav parts r the quotes by perky weatherbee. snape's back, eh? well, he's sort of, or whatever is left of him is back. i'm curious to what he's planning to do. honestly, i wasn't expecting him to be back. i was hoping he'd be in azkaban and forgotten about. i'm happy for remus and tonks to finally have a way of really being together. they're definitely a pair together as they teach dada. giving extra credit to the boys that broke thru the wards to the girls' dorm was great. and i wanted to see the food fight too! hee hee. the poster of the marauders together was just awesome. sent me into another fit of giggles . . .still not sure if the meds r affecting me or not. that was nice of hermione to forgive lavender and really help her out like that and it was also nice of lavender to offer the shampoo recipe to hermione. i would have thought that there would be a reaction from lavender to evan at the ball, but not a big deal in the long run of things. i know u said that the weasleys weren't going to show up much in the later chapters but i do hope u show ginny and molly's reaction when they find out that evan black is really harry potter. i just hope she doesn't hurt neville too badly. i just love neville and she doesn't deserve him.

it was such a lovely chapter. when will there be more?

Tammerz posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 4:29am

Great chapter, and this story is intriguing, it's written in an original style.

Just one thing- Snakes are venomous, not poisonous.

Sakya posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 4:09am

Oh. thank the gods, an update!

And here I was going through an increadibly hard week (is carnaval down here - one week of dancing is the streets - the down side is trying to concentrate if you have tons of work to do like me) and all of the sudden... a new chapter!

You made my day. Thanks.

Oh, and it was a great chapter. I hope they get Nagini soon - well, as soon as possible, and it was increadibly naive of them not to think of a subterranian entrance to Hogwarts, I mean, the Marauders alone knew of quite a few large enough for a human... and they run underground, the wards don't cover them either!

And I'm really ticked by Molly's atitude about Evan in particular and the Weasleys atitude about Harry. Which reminds me, Ginny seems to be settling for Neville now that her first choise is no longer available. I got the feeling she just went for the best she could get and love is not a part of that decision. I do hope I'm mistaken, Neville deserves better than that.

Oh, and I hope they catch Snape and the others soon. That is a nasty bunch of people.

That is it for now and I hope you update soon.


webdoc posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 4:08am

Another great chapter.

I was going to attempt to say something funny. but my mind has gone out to lunch.

So until next time, keep up the good work, and post pictures of Crys after the branding.

Lilredwitch posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 3:23am

0.0 I didn't know you were accepting minions Alyx! Are you still accepting cause if so willing woman right here complete with 2 that's right TWO atomic bombs!

Tarkas posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 2:56am

A new chapter! Excellent, and a delightful birthday present, so thanks for that. Overall, this part is well up to scratch for this story, though I do wonder about one or two things.

First was the chapter title, something that has never exactly been this story's great strength; I mean, they're okay, but rather dull. This one, though, had me thinking... "Year Seven Fall": that sounds ominous. What's going to fall? And how? Hogwarts? The Minstry? Harry? I doubted we'd be lucky enough for it to be Moldyshorts quite so soon. It was only after I was about half-way through the chapter that I realised that "Fall" was, in this context, that weird name that Yanks use for the season of Autumn; I do wish you lot would join the rest of the world...

Then I read the bit in which Snape escaped, and the later part in which we see the git's brain is as functional as ever. Having finished the chapter, I still wonder why you bothered to re-introduce him. Your treatment of Ferret-boy was perfect, discarding the idiot as the pathetic irrelevance he always was, and I for one would have been perfectly happy for Snivellus to rot in Azkaban for the rest of his life as he deserves. I know that you two are the authors and will do as you do -- and at the time of my writing, probably already have -- but I nonetheless hope that Snape will not have any sort of significant role to play in the future. He doesn't deserve it and should be wiped out in passing with as much effort and importance to the plot as swatting a fly. Maybe you could have Alan Rickman run him over with his car?

Getting back to important characters, I don't like Harry and co. being so dismissive of Nagini's prospective presence in the castle. That kind of over-confidence is typical of Dumbledore, Moldyshorts and the Dung Eaters, and can only lead to disaster to a greater or lesser extent. After all their work, you'd think they'd exercise a little caution. I think Remus should give them all a bit of a kick in the tail; this close to success, Moody's catchphrase is incredibly relevant if they don't want to fall at the last hurdle.

You say that there won't be much of the Weasleys in future; shame, really, as I'd like to see the female Weasleys' reaction to Evan being revealed as Harry. In particular, how will Ginny react to the re-emergence of a magically-powerful Harry after apparently accepting Neville as a not-all-that-satisfactory substitute? And will someone open Molly's eyes to her own petty bigotry? These are small matters compared to what else will be dealt with as the story comes to a close, but it would be nice to see these loose ends wrapped up, even if it means that the Black-Potter-Lupin-Granger group becomes estranged from their erstwhile friends.

I look forward to seeing it all play out -- and even to the Disclaimer and Articles of a Nutcas-- er, Authors' Notes. ;-)

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 2:52am

Bribes, bribes - give me a few minutes to think of appropriate bribage for the Bobster whilst I deal with feedback on this chapter.

Once again I find things so well paced. Seeing Hermione's reaction to Lavender's problems - very mature, very Hermione-like. I would expect nothing less of she who champions house-elves! It seems there was more to Lavender's problems than just spiteful pettiness.

I love the Quibbler articles!

I hope Harry realizes his error about Nagini being in the castle soon! C'mon, boyo, take a clue, would ya lad? :D

Now onto Bribery - I'm not sure what, exactly, works on Bob but I'm offering up some vintage wine, chocolate covered strawberries and a partridge in a pear tree.... does that work? :D

FaithU posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 2:42am

Watch me not comment on the restraints thing. Great update as always, even if it took me almost a full day to get through it. One thing: In the last chapter, I think, Nagini ate an old man in a cellar somehwere. This chapter, she doesn't go into the castle because a bunch of kinds are too big for her to chew on. Unless she's shrinking, there's something slighty off with that. That's all.


Bobmin356 replied:

Go back and check again. From the start with Wormtail, Nagini has killed adults, but NEVER ate one. :)

Adult muggles are easy to kill. Wizards carry weapons.

Jujuberry posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 2:03am

Wow, another great chapter! I love the political changes (slow as they are) and who though SIRIUS would be the patient one?

Great job with giving Lavender some depth, and I love the Nagini sections! And, of course, I can't wait to see Ginny's reaction to Evan being Harry.

Thanks so much for the awesome update!

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 1:49am

A great chapter, keep it up.

dennisud posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 12:54am

So far still exiting and entertaining. Hope the next one sees more of a confrontation between Harry and either Nagani or Snape!


Sheepstamper posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 12:31am

Oh, what a wonderful chapter, although I would have liked a bit more detail of the Yule Ball and people’s expectations, what did Lavender think about Harry/Evan, how was Hermione’s hair, etc.... please don't flog me for complaining.

Now what have you got planned for Snape, he didn't escape to be play a bit part, I'm thinking that you have something evil planned for our duo - but what?? Will have to wait and see. This has been a great story - not like your usual ones, but still excellent......Sheeps

rune1806 posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 11:10pm

I love how you have set Ginny to suffer once Evan turns out to be Harry. Love the poster that was very funny.

biblios posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 10:57pm

cool, even cold if you count the snow scene... inspired by your own weather?
like the idea of voldegini hibernating in hogwarts, and if harry knows so much about snakes he would just look for creatures in warm places esp under the floors...
poor baby house elf! evil snake! set the 5 legged llama on it now!
I am loving this story and hate the idea of ending soon, you manage to make your stories much better than canon, down with JK up with Bobmin, and llamas.
what is minerva going to do when remus leaves? does she know yet? and poor harry that would so make a good deneumont batteling nagini/voldy and susseding and then turning back to harry in the great hall with even amelia watching...
snigger must go and make dinner for my 3 kids!!! they are fun and very well behaved and make the best servants...

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 10:49pm

Thank you for another wonderful installment to this excellent piece of fanfic. I really hope to see the final chapter very soon - I can't wait to see what happens when Evan is revealed to be Harry...I look forward to the reaction of the female Weasleys especially. Keep up the great work, and give the llama a pat from me...

KenF posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 10:44pm

Stools don't bleed. That was good for a laugh. And at least Molly and Arthur got to arrange one of their childrens' marriages.

Enjoyable chapter. I sense that the end is nigh... hopefully our heroes will get to see the new and improved Snape before the end?

anjapotter posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 9:25pm

Great story, please keep going and update as soon as possible.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 8:12pm

*is curious* How long is the branding iron? Where are you going to place the brand on your minion? Is the site dictated by the size of the iron? Will the brand still make sense to readers if the site...ummm...contracts?

Excellent chapter! The depth of the relationship between Harry and Hermione is lovely and has been created with care.
I do like your view of the British wizarding mindset - the parochialism, almost-xenophobia. Your Molly is much more realistic, in my opinion.
Keep up the great work.