Content Harry Potter


bratling posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 8:06pm

*cowers under her favorite rock* Sorry. Didn't mean to spell your name wrong. Really. I swear. I won't do it again, Alyx! I promise. *wonders if she can con her favorite vampire into rescuing her...*

Seel'vor posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 8:05pm

Another excellent chapter. How do you do it? Each time you write something, I feel compelled to drop whatever I'm doing to read it. Damn you two for being so good!

iluvchocs posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 7:19pm

Thanks a lot for the update XD I really love how you described the beginning of the ball, and the way McGonnagall talked about Harry's parents. Great job.

Ginger posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 5:05pm

I love the stories you guys write but the AN just make me laugh. Thank you so much for the ANs and the stories. For laughs and giggles do you think you could save a doc of you AN in you yahoo group

Silberdrachi posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 5:01pm

i have got to say... it is kinda sad how happy i get now when i get an update announcement for this story. Congrats on another good update, and please, please, keep them coming.

Torrey posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:58pm

In the section that starts thusly:

From the Journal of Harry Potter (Private Entry), Oct. 29th 1997, Forbidden Forest...

Is line that contains a spelling error:

Oh, she's still the same sweet girl I feel in love with, but she has a naughty side that she's showing me with an almost gleeful delight.

feel should be fell. Minor, I know, but very easy to miss. :)

Other than that little nit, I am enjoying this story quite a bit. I love reading stories on this sight because you all are always so origional. You seem to see the best places to put turning points that so many other authors seem to miss or ignore, and it almost always winds up being an excellent story!

I eagerly await the next chapters in all your fics! :)

Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:58pm

Excellent chapter, as usual. I wonder, does one ever get tired of hearing that? For shiggles, I should just lay into you two one time decrying your talents as authors, entertainers, and human beings in general. :)

Completely aside from the HP multiverese, I was saddened to hear that Fate is denying you a telescope. I, however, am the proud owner of a Meade 8" LX200 GPS.

No, Alyx, you can't have it.

However, I don't get to use my 'scope as much as I like to because
1) I live in MN. The sky is not favorable many nights of the year for viewing, and
2) I do live in the "REAL WORLD", with a salaried job and everything (look Mom, I'm a big boy now!), and go to grad school in the evenings. (Sigh)
Such is the life of the aspiring physicist and software engineer.

FYI, the 8" scope is rather awesome, but I wish I would have saved an extra few months and gotten at least the 10" if not my new dream toy: the 14" RCX400 (this came out 2 months after I bought my SMC... damn.) Check it out sometime over on Meade's site.

wavelink99 posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:51pm

Alyx I found an error:

"It's daunting. I passing through a Muggle town yesterday and I stopped at a jewelry store."

It should be, "I passed through a Muggle town..."

Now normally I would never nit pick small errors, but I believe you said any error found is Bob's fault. You don't strike me as someone who will let Bob's mistakes slide, so I thought I'd give you a gift.

I do have a request thought. In exchange for pointing out Bob's horrendous error of the English Language, I would like for you to use a 3 Iron instead of explosives or knives in your next violent rampage.

I think you'll find inducing physical pain with a device created by the Scottish is much more therapeutic then large explosions. Or perhaps you could do both, strap some C4 to the 3 Iron and duck tape it to someone.

On a side note I was wondering if Crys will get any tax breaks by becoming a branded minion? If so could you let me know how to go about getting an application to apply for minionship?

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:40pm

Wonderfully well written. Confusing me though. How is he sposed to get Nagini if shes asleep under the school! posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:18pm

Outstanding chapter!!!! Your readers have only given you two nukes, wow we're behind on our nuke tithing to you, heres 4 more because you RULE!!!! Have you guys(Bob and Alyx) thought of writing your own book???? Is there really only 1 chapter left or will there also be a epilogue too?? I loved the Author notes and to the guy who says you have to be insane to enjoy the Author Notes your wrong because even then sane love them!!!! I'll be your Minion Alyx!!!! We're not worthy!!!! Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)

aengus posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 4:11pm

I can say that I never get tired of reading all of your stories over and over again, and this one stands out from the rest as a departure from the rest. With the amazing character development and interaction that should leave your readers stunned and amazed.

Thank you for you time and i can't wait to see what else you have planned.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 3:17pm

*laughs* Quite the interesting chapter, there, with some definite developments along several lines. I love the deepening relationship 'tween Harry & Hermione, y'all are taking it at, IMHO, the right pace rather than them jumping into matters. The bits with Nagini are nicely handled, I can't wait to hear Tom when he finds the carcass of that basilisk rather than a living one (it's probably a good thing for Lucius that, at that point, Tom can't get to him; the mayhem would not be pretty). I'm glad Ginny had the good sense to accept Neville's arrangement and dwell on what she has, esp. since he's rather more than he started as, rather than "what she could've (maybe) had" if the Tournament had started as in canon. GIven the talents Lavender and Parvati show, I wonder if Harry shouldn't talk to them about a business development loan, I can just see Harry having a sideline as a wizarding venture capitalist and that might yet bring him back to financing a rather more, now, educated Fred and George.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 2:34pm

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

kellygreenpassion posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 1:19pm

I loved this story.
Molly was being petty. But she and Ginny will be down right mean once they find out about Evan and Harry being the same person.

DaZZa posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 1:14pm

Alyx - the wedding was normal - it was the before and after bits you don't wannt know about. :-)

Your authors notes make me laugh as much as your stories do - although, I am jealous of the number of really cool toys you get - just because you're the goddess of authoring, doesn't mean you get to have ALL the best toys!

Just watch where you put those snails next time you decide to slime Sydney, OK? It took us WEEKS to clean up the mess, and there are some spots you still slip over on the remains!

I'm really liking the depiction of the more hidebound, tradition-oriented side of wizarding life in Britain. Especially the Weasley and Longbottom matriarchs - puts Molly in a whole new light!

Chewy posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 12:30pm

I love your authors notes i get a good laugh out of them. So if anybody tells you stop them you can have them for over for dinner. They my even begin Bob some donuts for dessert i can hardly wait to read the magic words reaction to Harry still having his magic. will there be epilogue to the story or will it in the next chapter. Also hope when all the snow you got melts it doesnt flood on you.

wiredwizard posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 12:03pm

Dear Bob & Alyx,

I just wanted to say thank you for some truly fantastic stories. =)


WiredWizard out.

Wolfric posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 11:56am

Thanks for another great chapter. I enjoyed it a great deal. W.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 11:50am

Great chapter, Nagini being holed up in the pipes at Hogwarts is certainly an interesting problem. On the one hand they should have plenty of time to prepare a proper welcome for her when she wakes up, on the other, well, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. The bit with Lavender was a brilliant twist, you'd done well making her a vindictive little bitch that everybody loved to hate, then you turned it around and got me to feel sorry for her, outstanding plot point there. Outstanding work as usual, thank you.

DrT posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 11:23am

Transfiguring McNair was interesting and brilliant. Kudos Great chapter, as usual, It should be interesting to see how you are going to use Snape.
