Content Harry Potter


blind-phoenix posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 11:22am

Were we all sane, we would find ourselves simply shaking one's head at the author notes. I'd prefer to be wacked in the head any day. it's much more satisfying. 'gives alyx some powerfully explosive toys to play with.' I like so many others don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every cotten pickin' minute of it. 'dissappears into the future for a few minutes and pops back with some startrek like weapons for alyx to have multiple orgasms over.' keep it up guys, there's very few fanfics these days that keep my interest and I've read all yours. no seriously, thanks for entertaining me.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 10:44am

Good chapter, and I'm looking forward to the next (and last) one when you get to it.

Molly Weasley petty...nah....hehe.

Something tells me Snape will somehow cause some serious mess in the last chapter for someone.

Thanks for writing,

dolphinleigh posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 1:47am

great chapter can't wait until the next chapter.....if someones was to bribe err I mean give whips and chains to the authors to play with would another chapter be coming sooner rather than later????????????

4Dracoseyesonly posted a comment on Thursday 31st January 2008 11:48pm

What a refreshing twist! I really like this idea and will continue to read the remaining chapters.

DarkestSecret posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 8:23am

I read 'Dumbledore's Army' and it's sequal (I'll probably spell it wrong without looking, and I'm too lazy to look it up and too afraid of bodily harm to risk it) on, and, quite honestly, didn't make it to reading your works on this site til just now. But good job with it. By the end of this last chapter, my ribs were hurting from laughing, my mind was both confused and twisted, and I can honestly say that, after reading the AN's, I feared for my life. Can't wait to read more! (Not that I'm rushing you, or impaitent or anything. I do value my life)

Having said that, the diaper idea? You could sell them to all your loyal readers so that they wouldn't have to hold it the whole time they read your stories. There's nothing worse than having to relieve yourself in the middle of a chapter =)

amb posted a comment on Tuesday 29th January 2008 7:23am

I am usually more of a lurker than a reviewer, but I wanted to make the effort for this fic.

I have read all of your Hermione/Harry stories on this website and I have to say that this is probably my favorite.

I find that I prefer stories that explore the more emotional aspects and this story fulfills my craving for well developed plots and emotional interaction.

Though I, like most, long for fast updates. I am willing to forgo speed in updating for quality in content.

Thank you both for the time and effort that you put into giving we poor readers something worth sinking our teeth into.

Happy creating!

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Tuesday 29th January 2008 1:15am

As always your work is superior. I enjoy the story immensely and can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work!

iluvchocs posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 9:41pm

I apologise for the lack of screams (and chocolate). However, I'll do my best to explain.

Understandably, after Christmas I was rather broke. So I went out and bought a nice box of Lindts to send, and then realised that they were the only thing available I could set traps for to catch impatient reviewers. Plus, after digging one of those old fashioned bear pits, I kind of needed more sugar energy (operating a stolen digger on Boxing Day whilst pretending it's all for the kiddies and letting the parents take photos of them with it takes effort). So I figured that I'd use up the chocolate, and just do my best to catch as many reviewers as possible.

Flaw to the plan: when you dig a bear pit, it's impossible to get the reviewers out again. Have either of you ever tried breaking into your father's toolshed, stealing the ladder, dragging it out to the local park in the dead of the night and then removing all the planks you'd put over a deep pit? Then, when I got down there, the reviewers were all sitting down wailing about how nothing had happened for like totally ages and they were so completely utterly bored and how when was Harry Potter with all his awsum magic going to come and save them. Well. It was a bit of a racket. And then when I put the ladder in to get them out, it was too short, and I didn't have another way of getting out. Plus, some of the girls had gotten together in the corner and were discussing nail polish colours. And which one would best match Harry Potter's eyes. And giggling.

So I kind of lost my temper, and just chucked in the torch and would I'd brought with me. And they went up like . . . well, like a group of flammable objects that gets lit on a hot day goes up. I was in the midst of congratulating myself on my brilliant plan, and deciding how to phrase the placque I was crafting to place the edge of the pit that would explain exactly what it was that happened to impatient reviewers for stories with lovely long chapters, when I realised I'd left the tape recorder at home, and thus had no way to record the screams and send them to you. So I'm real sorry about that, but trust me, the pleas of "Please no we'll be more patient get me out now!" and the dying screams were nice to hear. Very soothing.

Oh. Right. Meant to review this chapter too. I loved the way you showed that Harry was really developing his relationship with Sirius and maturing. Also loved the way you showed that he was keeping his sense of humour and instinct for pranking well in practise, and carefully cultivating similar talents in Hermione. Great job guys XD

I can't promise you any impatient reviewer sacrifices or chocolate, as I just got back from Germany a couple of days ago, and there's a lot of neat stuff over there to window shop at. And there's also such a fine line between window shopping and buying. But if ever you need an inventive torture story for reviewers to keep the blood pressure down, let me know :D

immortal7 posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 4:48pm

I find the story enjoyable. I'm a lousy reviewer so I'll leave it at that. In fact i enjoy all your stories. I jsut have one question. Was it intentional that your Quibbler articles have a slight feel of the Quibbler articles from 'Make a Wish'. well till the next chapter later.

scribbler posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 12:29pm

I don't even know where to begin, really. This is one of the most entertaining and amazing stories I've ever read. It's absolutely and completely on par with Miss_AnnThropic's VOX CORPORIS and JECONAIS' "White Knight, Grey Queen". More - your story has humor, depth, brilliant details, and is amazingly well thought out. I'm stunned that I've never come across it before...but completely and totally grateful that I had a full day to burn to read it.

I have a few comments to make - details, mostly, that I should mention. ONE - A PERSON IS GRADUATED FROM an organization. It is written (in correct English) "I was graduated from" such-and-such a place. Remember - it is the ORGANIZATION that graduates you...and not you, from it.

I also noticed that you have several dangling modifiers in your writing and you need some work with commas, to distinguish your subordinated clauses.

Stylistically - I have a small bone to pick that is purely one of preference: You talk about what Hermione is wearing, but only loosely. One of the things that works to increase eroticism in a scene, without amp'ing up the smut quotient, is to work on your descriptions. I am thinking, particularly, of what Hermione wears and *how* she wears said items.

When they first make love, for instance, you talk about Hermione's nighty...without describing how it hangs on her body or what it might reveal. What is Hermione's body like? shaved? not? are there scars? (there should be, based on the books). Are her ears pierced? nipples? belly-button? Tattoos? All those things make a difference. You mention her all-over tan - nice point by the way - but you don't talk about Harry's (and how much of Harry she saw or didn't see when they were tanning like that).

Also - you talk about the magic-sharing ritual, but you didn't mention whether Harry and Hermione performed it before they made love. If they didn't, are they going to do so? I would have thought that it would have been top of the list of things-to-do.

Also - will Tonks and Remus do the ritual? will they get married during when they're teaching at Hogwarts? (that would be very cool).

I've rambled on long enough - but I have to say...THANK YOU. You've done a great....nay, AMAZING job with this story and I'm completely captivated by it.

When you get this, please email me privately, because I have a few more questions I'd like to tackle off-line.



Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 3:25pm

Just a quibble - Harry might well be unaware that sushi is Japanese, not Chinese, but I have trouble believing Hermoine wouldd be, and fail to enlighten him. Or Dan or Emma for that matter. It's kinda like having someone suggest a French restaurant, and have the invitee say "Ok, but let's not order pizza." posted a comment on Saturday 19th January 2008 7:32am

I have never left a review before on the almost many hundreds of stories I have read, but this chapter deserves it! This chapter had a little bit of everything! Comedy, drama, love and pain. Which reminds me of my life, lol. The last part is my favorite with Minister Bones finally being clued in and accepting anything and everything that Harry/Evan requires.

I usually only read completed stories but the first chapter really hooked, to keep checking back for updates :) (I have read this story 3 times and may do a 4th reading)

SlytherinSlayer21 posted a comment on Friday 18th January 2008 7:56am

please write more

hobbsing posted a comment on Thursday 17th January 2008 2:26pm

I am really getting into the emotional, but not sissy Harry. I really like that your Hermione isnt too bookish and over-riding Harry all of the time.
I would like to ask Bob to loan me the better half, my teenager needs "re-educated" after getting angry and breaking my laptop. I hate getting updates 3 chapters at a time. Can teenagers be returned for a refund?

DarkRoot posted a comment on Sunday 13th January 2008 10:49pm

Greetings form Germany! I like this story, really. May I get Alyx some toys? Just write a wishlist, I will see what i can do.
You know, i read sunrise/set over britain, found it first in a german FF-Forum, but the translated version was really awkwards. Then I found this original version and couldn't stop reading all of you stories (yes, that includes attack of the ff authors. Would you mind sending me some of the drugs you consumed?)
I have no problems in understanding English, I just hope I don't make too much mistakes by writing it. So, please don't torture me, Im really taking trouble to write a good review, even if it contains no real content. So, just write another chapter damnit.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Saturday 12th January 2008 8:11am

Chocolate and choux fritters (better than donuts! trust me!) cooked in nice healthy coconut oil for Keith and Dorothy--and for Bob and Alyx! This story gets interestinger and interestinger. No surprise, of course, but I thought you'd like to know.

Alyx, I think you do fine with the AN's, but couldn't Bob use a little help from you in the story itself? ;-)

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Saturday 12th January 2008 7:55am

A good chapter, keep it up.

Connie York posted a comment on Friday 11th January 2008 1:15pm

I love it can't wait until next chapter

Sheepstamper posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 7:40pm

An excellent chapter, nice to see that you didn't 'sex' scence to far 'fade to black' like it.

Hermoine's use of the word 'Bollocks' when speaking to her mother was the only thing that caused me some confusion, I thought that she wouldn't swear and even if she did I thought that her mother would have told her off - however you make up the rules in this story to which I am greatful........Sheeps

TeddyLupin posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 12:02pm

Alyx, you seem to complain a lot about having to write the AN's for Bob. Have you two ever considered picking a topic and a few general details and having your 'faithful' and generic reviews vote on which is better. Personally I would love to see each of you write stories where Harry attends Salem instead of Hogwarts. Each of your personalities would make two great stories.

btw, I recommend you and bob try bdsm to relieve some of the stress that you seem to have built up.