Content Harry Potter


misteryman526 posted a comment on Sunday 17th October 2010 12:16pm

Well done!

I especially liked the way wraith-Voldemort was shown to be so weak when his minions turned against him. After seeing how useless he was while stuck on the back of Quirrel's head, I could never see why even Pettigrew was willing to serve him, much less actually cut off his own hand! The technical details of common magics were interesting too; finding out why Harry had such problems with Portkeys rather than just using it as a running joke as many author's do.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 15th October 2010 1:04pm

Now, this is cute. Dumbles goes from disgraced to *dead*, and in short order. The Soapophobe has Sirius' old suite at Club Azkaban. Nagini takes down both the Rat *and* Riddle. What else will go wrong for anyone not named Harry?

forgotten13 posted a comment on Monday 11th October 2010 10:37am

Wow. Truly and excellent story, and worth the two days it took me to get through it.

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 4:32pm

Hah, Weasel-bitches!

BarnabusIII posted a comment on Sunday 25th July 2010 9:41pm

Yay, that was a lovely read :)

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Tuesday 13th July 2010 8:16pm

Great story and very well written. Thanks for sharing!

Taly-chan posted a comment on Thursday 8th July 2010 1:56pm

That was AWSOME! And a very original take on the 'Screw the Tournament and leave' plot. I loved it.

Bashalinge posted a comment on Tuesday 15th June 2010 7:13am

I really enjoy alternative stories like yours. The sunrise stories wer noteable as well. Your listing for abandoned stories brought me to many other well written stories and authors, but I think you need to reevaluate the medicinal properties of those donuts...

avidreaderbz posted a comment on Friday 11th June 2010 12:38pm

The sheer randomness of your A/Ns make me suspect that you guys are a riot at parties. Either that, or your shunned and spend your time doing this instead. I have never write such entertaining strangeness.
And the story wasn't hard bad either

...I kid, its fantastic. Though I do not understand why so many authors have decided to name hermione's parents after the actor who play harry and hermione. Maybe they were all borrowing your ideas.

bz x

Kevin Cullen posted a comment on Tuesday 8th June 2010 12:58pm

Hi nice to see my home town mentioned (Motherwell) incase you are wondering great chapter btw

fallenhunter posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 7:24am

I might have already reviewed this story, but am rereading it again and thought I would say again, how well, I loved it. I hate to put any pressure on any author (just encouragements), But I think an epilogue would not be out of place for this story. Even if its a separate one shot.

Personally, I want to know how many kids Harry and Herms had, and the like, not more adventures. And when he decided to take over as Headmaster.. unless he settled for Asst Headmaster, to his wife, as headmistress.

CeriK posted a comment on Friday 28th May 2010 11:51pm

Did you know more people die from falling coconuts each year than from shark bites?

CeriK posted a comment on Friday 28th May 2010 11:34pm

I have to say, Malfoy's fate is a fate worse than death. Rape by Umbridge? Wouldn't Azkaban have been kinder? Or the Dememtor's Kiss?

Grace Cole posted a comment on Monday 24th May 2010 6:37pm

I have never liked Harry/Hermione stories for the simple reason that they have always been painted as brother/sister.
However, I LOVE many of your other stories, so I thought I would give it a chance. I can honestly say that I like the pairing you chose for this story.
(An Epilogue someday might be nice...)

nintschi posted a comment on Wednesday 19th May 2010 4:51am

thank you for this pleasure
i loved your story
and the happy end
thanks nintschi

nintschi posted a comment on Sunday 16th May 2010 12:07pm

great story so far thank you
love the humor and sirius gets also his girl
love harry hermione and there parents

Professor Complexity posted a comment on Saturday 15th May 2010 8:40am

I really enjoyed reading this story, like Jeconais, I seem to have a hard time when I need to stop reading.

It was a lovely, and amazingly well written change from other stories and attempts to personify what would happen if Harry left when he was chosen for the tournament and found the family he truly deserved.

All I can say is Bravo, Good Job, and Fantastic reading!

At times it was funny, others sad, and in other parts, the adrenaline was pumping as I read the action scenes (storming the village :D)

I think its time to go back and re-read some of your other works.


Ian Major posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 4:12pm

My least favorite thing about the Harry Potter series, is Rowling's Magic WOW look they are in love!!! I like this FAR better. (hopefully this is better than Generic Reader #6)

purrfus posted a comment on Tuesday 27th April 2010 10:28am

Absolutely delicious.

I don't generally care for Harry / Hermione stories, but when they're put together in interesting ways it makes me want more.

mwbritt posted a comment on Tuesday 20th April 2010 12:27pm

While apparently you've been done with this story for a while, I'd like to point out for future reference that Hermione's middle name is not "Jane" (like you and, quite frankly, the majority of fanfic writers seem to think) but is in fact "Jean." I wish I knew of a better way to go about fixing this problem than having to write individual reviews on every story i come across with this mistake because it's getting rather tedious.