Content Harry Potter


malfoie posted a comment on Wednesday 25th November 2009 5:14pm

This might sound weird but I don't know what I look forward to more you stories 'cuz their great or your author notes best out their so funny it takes me about a min to stop laughing so I can read the story. Great work both of you.

HellsMaji posted a comment on Thursday 29th October 2009 3:10pm

Awesome story, and very well written.
I found something strange though.. Didn't you write that Harry had found a way to destroy the horcrux without destroying the crystal? I was confused.

Ratboy posted a comment on Wednesday 21st October 2009 2:22pm

Nice chapter, but were they at the intercontinental or the international hotel?

Yes it is a late review, but GR#7 and GR#9 stole my llama saddle so it to awhile to get here.


Murgatroyd posted a comment on Tuesday 20th October 2009 10:28am

2500 hectares, a "campus that would rival most modest sized colleges"? Try "major universities would be envious". That's over nine square miles - for comparison, the main campus of my college (one of the most populous in the USA) is about one square mile including the stadium, sports fields, and massive parking lots.

thughes_99 posted a comment on Sunday 18th October 2009 4:55pm

well reading that thing about the saving roll on a nuclear bomb being 22 on a d20 it more like 25 on that d20 so you better have the bonuses and armor to let you have a critical failure and still live or have sun block 5000, lmao

bratling posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 12:47pm

Hey Bob, why don't you borrow Lew Zealand if you want fish? I'm certain that he'd happily show you his boomerang fish! Or maybe he'd play you a song on his fish organ...

Alexis Rinaldi posted a comment on Thursday 24th September 2009 6:20am

Oh! What a wonderful story! I like the way you blended the plotline and the character development. Although I hate the horocrux plot, you did an outstanding job in making them a subplot to Harry/Hermione's development into young adults. Well done!


noylj posted a comment on Thursday 10th September 2009 3:55pm

My problem with the Meade--had an LX200 10"--(or other telescope) is bending down hurts my back and I can't spend time looking at one object for long. My solution, if I could afford it would be a Meade "camera" scope with feed into the house to display on my computer monitor. Sitting in a comfy chair and collecting images would be nice. Besides, some of the best sights are in winter, and with the cold and clouds there just aren't that many great days. Then you add in the light pollution...

LuffyLaxer posted a comment on Thursday 10th September 2009 10:55am

i liked this story alot. i also like the disclaimer and the question and answer segment. you guys rock. this story deserves a 11/10. keep on writing new stories and i'll read them.

BatmatTheThird posted a comment on Monday 7th September 2009 11:53am

I love you people!

Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Sunday 6th September 2009 2:16pm

As regards Hannah Abbot's hair color, if you're talking about canon Hannah, she has blond hair. Susan Bones has red hair.

Sarek5959 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 12:04am


moon_pup posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 12:22pm

I can not spell it but is harry a H like in the book?

noylj posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 11:42am

It is so nice to have Bumbles out of the way. I think this is the third time I've read this story.
It must be nice to know that any HP story write is MUCH better than what JKR came out with.

lordlugos posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2009 11:16am

Holy Insane Moly! That was the most awesome story. I've read a lot of fanfics, too many really, I'm an addict, what can I say. This is one of the tops. Truly. Yeah. Sure. Ok. Fine.

Wow. Truly. :)

lordlugos posted a comment on Thursday 23rd July 2009 7:04am

That was so totally amazing! Even more amazing, it was only the first bloody chapter! I still have many more to go! Whee! :)

James21 posted a comment on Sunday 12th July 2009 11:31pm

story rocked

ichai posted a comment on Thursday 9th July 2009 12:22am

I just want to say, I quite enjoyed that. It was very refreshing to to see well written character development.

Also, the ANs regarding doughnuts are insidious. I ended up walking a mile and a half at 4am this morning to buy a dozen after reading them.

albrittondl posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 6:22pm

I injoyed your take,on Harry's story.You got him a loving family enviorment,to learn and grow in. You also managed to clean up some of the obvious holes that are usually left in the stories..without making my teeth hurt either from grinding due to the angst,or because it was just too sweet..
thank you.. it was fun..

Charles Newton posted a comment on Wednesday 24th June 2009 2:16am

Just finished this and I am very impressed with your take on the Harry Potter 'verse. You have,in my humble opinion, an excellent grasp of the characters as well as an amazing imagination that helped you in your "what-if..." version here. I hope to find more from y'all (Southern expression, you Yankees out there hear it as "yawl" most of the time).
The author's (authors'es???) notes were pretty funny, too.