Content Harry Potter


Lady Magdalene posted a comment on Thursday 8th January 2009 11:46am

Well I have to say I just discovered this little website and I'm impressed! Can't say I've learned too much about it, but I definitely recognize some authors in the network--it's good to see so many amazing HP writers all on the same bit of net! I don't usually go for HP/HG, and the only reason I'm telling you this is to mention that I'm completely in love with how you write and I now love this ship. Keep up the author notes, they make me smile.

Carms posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd December 2008 7:20am

Great fic! It took me all day to finish and I loved it. You are both awesome the authors note and disclaimers cracked me up. Keep up the great job!

princess ducky posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2008 5:27pm

Your story was absolutely amazing. It made me laugh hundreds of times and the quibbler articles were some interesting... stuff.

Alyx- First, love your Author's notes, they were much more enjoyable than Bob's. Made me laugh too. I would also like to know what's wrong with putting a U in colour, that's how I have been spelling it my whole life (in New Zealand though)

Keep Writing, I love most of your stories. (Especially Dumbledores Army on FF.Net)

Princess Ducky

SophiaJoanna posted a comment on Monday 24th November 2008 4:21pm

"Yes, Hannah Abbott does have red hair — except in Bob's world, where he sent her to a muggle salon for a dye job!"

I can't tell whether or not this means Hannah Abbott is a redhead for the purposes of this story. She's blonde in canon.

Maya Wallace posted a comment on Saturday 15th November 2008 6:10pm

I just read some of the other reviews for this chapter (or rather glanced at them), and I was appalled. Does no one even try to use proper spelling these days? I at least make an effort, even if I don't always succeed. I mean, someone used u for the word you. Do these people put in any effort at all, or were their brains just addled by text messaging? Did they have brains in the first place? I only ever recieved one review with spelling that bad, ever . I thought that those people knew better by now, but maybe that's just because we have woods behind the house and I can keep them a long time before I shoot them. I'm sorry about the rant, and love the story, but I wanted to let you know that someone is trying not to bastardize the English language even more than it already is. Even if I don't succeed, know that someone's trying - and have a box of donuts while I'm here.

Maya Wallace posted a comment on Saturday 15th November 2008 6:00pm

"Send your kid to us. We have plenty of snow that needs to be moved from one pile to another. By the time we're done, your child will be the most well behaved, polite child you've ever seen. He/she will also be twitchy, crying and clinging to you in terror, but you can't have everything!" Unfortunately I don't do the clingy thing. I'm more of the "Suck It Up and Deal With It" School of Parenting TM, so touchy-feely doesn't work for me - and yes it is TM because my mother coined the term. I, luckily, don't have kids yet. I'm a woman who remembers how she was as a child and wants
no brats in consequence. If you're willing to leave him only twitchy, crying and terrorized, though, I'd be happy to send over my nephew.

Maya Wallace posted a comment on Saturday 15th November 2008 4:20pm

I know you like donuts, as do I, but I'm fresh out. Is Ben and Jerry's acceptable? As to the small tactical nuke, I know exactly what you mean. They're just *so* hard to find these days, and my last supplier came up with a bad case of dead after having a bad case of conscience. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a new supplier, but because your story is so good I'm shipping you my personsal Home Bio-Warfare Kit. If it looks like a play chemistry set, that's because Fed-Ex gets persnickety and then there are bureaucrats and red-tape involved and things go icky like all those cold telemarketers under the - oops, I wasn't supposed to talk about that. Anyway, Fed-Ex wouldn't let me send my spare Ex-Boyfriend Cleaner hand cannon to my mother (apparently not fond of cleaning products), so I hope the Home Bio-Warfare Kit gets to you okay - and I think you do a wonderful A/N and that people shouldn't be so rude as to bleed on you. Now the dress that my Grams sent me on the other hand.... I'll you send more chocolate as it comes, but not at the expense of my emergency stash. I tend to save that for when cops are around so that I don't just go "Die F***er F***er Die" like normal. For some reason they don't like that too much. (M shrugs, stabbing the desk with her Knife Sharpener of Doom TM)

Sarah813 posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 5:27am

wow!!! u guys r sooo awesome. i absolutely LOVE ur stories. dear tom was really funny and i hope u keep on writing fanfics.

bellachaos posted a comment on Sunday 9th November 2008 9:57am

Another great story. I'm rather fond of the way Trelawney's prophecy is interpreted in your stories. Your take on the prejudices and conceit of the British wizarding world is an interesting one, and I found myself making comparisons to several imperialist nations in the modern age.

Harriverse posted a comment on Saturday 8th November 2008 1:48pm

Hi gang, I just wanted to say that I'm reading through your impressive collection of works in awe! You two make quite a pair of authors. I can't say enough good stuff about you, so I'll just have to keep reading, bowing down, worshiping you, etc.

LesPaul posted a comment on Saturday 1st November 2008 1:07pm

Fun story to read. Very different from other Harry Potter stories. Disclaimers and ANs are always fun to read.

Puck1 posted a comment on Saturday 1st November 2008 11:53am

Can I be your minion, too, Alex? Being your minion sounds like FUN!! (by the way, I am female.)

zukertort posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2008 8:25pm

Honestly you guys should be sued. I was late for work 2 freacking days in a row due to the incredibly addictive writing you guys do.

My boss wasn't happy. =(

PS.: I showed him the realm of fanfiction 2 days ago. He's yet to come back to work. I ´d offer you guys a bribe but honestly,I live too far away for the bribe to arrive in a useful state. And yes I live pretty close to the Llama country, I live THAT FAR.

~Goes to read more fanfiction while surreptitiosly pretending to work~

darthme1011 posted a comment on Friday 3rd October 2008 12:13pm

love the end note form

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Saturday 27th September 2008 12:29am

oh dear merlin...
*backs away slowly*
i'm sorry for giving you donuts, really i am!
*pops open packet of sprinkles*
these taste so much better and are alot cheaper. *rattles packets*
want some? =P

story is brilliant by the way, but you already knew that...right? i dont like generics i mainly stick to the random things...

i am sooo taking over the world with my army of Spaghetti Penguins and Jelly Chickens...
*stares blankly at screen* more sugar for me...not tonight...

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Friday 26th September 2008 12:40pm

Note: other ways for torture - 46 hits to the neck with a blunt axe = Nearly Headless Nick

you'd think he would have died quicker :|
seems the generic fellow did though.

hm...*backs away sloooowly*

*starts humming*
100 Lemmings on the wall, 100 Lemmings on the falls down, splats on the ground, no more Lemmings on the wall...
((The Lemmings game)) =P

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Thursday 25th September 2008 10:21pm

currently sitting on bed, in pitch black, reading the literary brilliance of Bob & Alyx...its midnight of course... =P

incidentally...*tosses a box of donuts in between Bob & Alyx*

wait till they finish, then continue reading =D

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Thursday 25th September 2008 2:01pm

do you need any ideas for mascots?

i use a purple monkey, myself...i'm also trying to find a good scapegoat =P
((we cant all blame Alyx))

yay good story!

dadscooking posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 8:10am

Harry felt that Hermione's presence was the best gift he could have received.

Didn't you mean "presents"

LOL sorry, I couldn't resist that with the disclaimer for this chapter.

jonathan snider posted a comment on Wednesday 17th September 2008 12:17pm

uh quick question were any llamas harmed durimng the writing of the disclaimer for this chapter