Content Harry Potter


pobolycwm posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2008 3:18am

cracking cahpter cracking story but it needed more llamas more do-nuts and more of alyx` coconuts

jabbersjewels posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 4:30pm

Well done! It's 4:30 in the morning and I couldn't quit reading until I finished it. The disclaimers tend to make me shake my head as I smile. I really enjoyed it. Thanks!

rabio posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 2:05pm

nice chapter.
btw, do you have any idea how does: "Yes, but I think you should ease off on the Veela import restriction." sound? since when does Britian import Veelas?

Sanaro posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 10:43pm

Hey, you've written a brilliant story here, with lots of laughs and a very satisfying ending. Gotta love the disclaimers and notes, too - they were hilarious.
Alyx, I should probably inform you that Kiri wants to be a minion as long as you don't brand/bikini wax her or anything. Though she will consent to wearing a playboy bunny suit (please say no... she's bad enough as it is...)
Your characters were superb - the prank wars were definitely something I could see Sirius doing, and the fighty-ish scenes you did were well-scripted as well. All in all, a fantastic read! Thanks!

sayena posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 4:49pm

Thank you for a great read, I've read most of your stuff and from the intro to the outro you always leave me panting for more (calm down lad, calm down!!!)

sayena posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 3:24am

Lovr it (and the story).

bajab posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 10:53am

Working from a very interesting and orignal premise, you guys have once again delivered an interestig and engaging story.

Well done, again.

ears posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 9:31pm

I would have reviewed earlier but I always forgot what I was going to say a few lines into the End Notes.. whoops.
Brilliant story! What you did to Snape is probably one of the best outcomes/story lines for him that I have ever read, I laughed so much over his insanities and hang ups.. why does the Shrieking Shacks haunter hate the Gryfindors so much, lol! Also your portrayal of Hermione's parent's, they were so much like real parent's and not wishy washy cardboard cutouts like typically seen. If I wasn't so sleep deprived I'd keep going, but can't remember what else to say.. ah yeah, loved your Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Cindy... and the Prank wars, they were amazing! And Harry taking out the Auror's and Hit Wizards with Coconuts, that has to be one of the best way to take out the highly trained professionals ever. Thank you for this to read, now I have to go read your Sunrise/set over Britain series.

STBgirl posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 10:02pm

I really enjoyed the style of this story it worked really well and the newspaper articles helped to break up the story.
I look forward to starting to read your new story, Harry Potter crossovers generally tend to be great or horrific with a tiny middle ground. I'm looking forward to the next great adventure.

axe8gothchic posted a comment on Sunday 3rd August 2008 4:03pm

Alyx and Bob are hilarious! Although that image of Generic Reader #6 will haunt me until I properly review. I have to say the number one thing I love about this story is that it's completely opposite from what you'd expect. Having the bad guy eaten by his familiar and bound by his own horcrux is much more interesting then the cliche all-powerful Dark Lord that causes havoc until Harry finally defeats him. Things are more to the point (like the relevations about Dumbledore and his demise) rather than drawn out like the usual stories. I don't usually read Harry/Hermione, but this is amazing! I love all their interactions! Must. Stay. Awake. I have to finish reading this story!

axe8gothchic posted a comment on Sunday 3rd August 2008 2:02pm

Dan and Emma? I feel so stupid for not realizing it earlier! Good one! This is definately one of my favorite stories.

Houseki posted a comment on Friday 1st August 2008 10:30am

this is the worlds greatest piece of crap since the bush administration and The Canadian Prime Minister before Stephen Harper and even that was a better government than bush

Banscherus posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 8:41am

It's quite a nice story, hasn't taken the place as my favorite since that's SoB but it's a very good piece of work and I enjoyed reading it... took me over a week but it's all done now.

I have to say you both are some of my favorite HHr authors, nice stories altogether and quite developed, they actually grow up in the story so that the relationship is more real, and those Quibblers entries, perhaps Luna was somehow aiding Harry to remain hidden? and Perky Weatherbee... hilarious.

Keep up the good work Bob! and remember whenever Alyx says something you don't quite agree to, the only logical thing to say is "Yes, dear" I had to learn that the hard way... posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 4:37pm

Nice story, flowed really well and an orignal concept. Greatly enjoyed. Thanks

fullsailnate posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 2:32pm

I guess I should have left my comments until the end! The author notes addressed my gripe, so I feel duly chastised for not holding my tongue.

Once again, phenomenal chapter! I really enjoy the direction you're taking this!

fullsailnate posted a comment on Wednesday 9th July 2008 2:12pm

This was a great chapter. Really good dialogue, and excellent characterization throughout. I have just started reading this story, and was going to save my comments for the end, but I noticed a very, very small mistake in either this chapter, or a couple chapters ago. In Hermione's letter to Harry, when she tells him Ron has started dating Hannah Abbot, Hermione describes Hannah as having blonde hair in a single plait. In this Chapter, she is decribed with red hair.

Great Chapter over all. I can't wait to finish the rest!

SGT Nathan Swift
Baghdad, Iraq

pobolycwm posted a comment on Wednesday 9th July 2008 12:52am

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm llama burgers, as my wife said in a review on sunrise, its getting harder for me to pull myself...... away from this cool story to go do the mundane things in life like visit the bog. and the heartless wench wont buy me a commode

Lilani Estal posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 1:50am

WOW, just plain wow. This is an amazing story with a great plot and it has been exceptionally written. I've almost been glued to my seat reading this. Thank you very much for sharing this tale.


abraxis posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 3:31am

Excellent. An interesting and complicated plot with all the 'i's dotted and all the 't's crossed.

Loved the Molly and Ginny bashing. Glad you gave Ron someone to help him get his temper under control and his mind working a bit more logically. I like Severus too much to fully enjoy your take on him but his crazed comments were hilarious. Totally 'good on you' for the fall of Dumbledore.

Loved your take on the British and European Wizarding World as compared to the Wizarding Worlds of the rest of the globe. Kind of matches the muggle side of things IMO. But then I'm American and can get pretty tired of fanfiction either ignoring the rest of the world, bashing it, or stating outright that we have no magic.

This story was a bang to rights joy to read. Thank you.

witowsmp posted a comment on Friday 27th June 2008 6:32am

This was a good read. I especially enjoyed the Quibbler articles. I would've liked an epilogue of some type, but I've lived long enough to know we don't always get what we want in life. Otherwise, JKR would've shipped H/Hr.