Content Harry Potter


dhampirkinfolk posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 7:23am

That was funny as hell. I say we the HP universe needs more centaur on veela action. End up with a bunch of little tauric pegasi that can throw fireballs. And wouldn't that be fun?

Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 7:21am

Very nice. Especially the part about Abe being behind it all...

C. Harris posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 4:54am

First, yayayay for a rabid plot bunny.
Second, that was great. I don't think I've ever seen a Abe behind the scenes fic. It was wonderful. And I liked how the last line left room for a sequel.

Treck posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 4:41am

Grabs Bob's bunny...

Get back in there. Sirius isn't free yet.

Damn it's nice to see you two back!

whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 4:07am

Very good short, it's hard not to enjoy seeing Albus so down...when he brings it on himself, that is.

Babs posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 3:59am

Aberforth the master strategist! And Albus giving everything the worst possible spin, except where he himself is concerned. A very enjoyable read.

David Najarian posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 3:23am

Yet another great story. Keep up the good work!!

Mickey posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 2:29am

Yawn. Wake me up if something actually happens, as opposed to two old geezers talking.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 2:05am

Great fun, thanks.

webdoc posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 1:57am


David305 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 1:31am

Another very amusing one-shot!
Only glaring boo-boo is the same as in the other story: Albus was the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and the Chief Warlock of the British Wizengamot. You have the offices scrambled.
Keep it up!

k13cat posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 1:21am

LOL Now that is a barrel of monkeys I didn't expect. Clever and oh so fun of a downfall for Dumbledore. I do like that Harry stood his ground & wouldn't forgive RW & HG. And putting him with Hannah is a new one for me, as is Andromeda acting as his guardian.

Maybe your muse will give us Harry meeting Sam in a different story--because that sequence of events sounds intriguing.

DJ posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 1:05am

HA HA HA Thanks that was even more fun then the last one keep it up. posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:56am

Awesome story!!!! Love the disclaimer!!!!

Carol Layland posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:34am

I think that the email announcement that I got about this story put it down as GOOOOODIE. I totally agree with that accessment. Another wonderful, immaginative one shot from Bob and Alyx. I hopw that they always continue with this wonderful way they have of telling a story. I eagerly await the next one and also the next posting to Mutant Storm. Carol Layland

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:33am

Another nice one shot here, and fun to read a Harry that takes charge, a Dumbledore who gets all he truly deserves, and we don't end up with him playing his little games forever, even after he dies. Nice, and a plus to see Harry paired with Hannah, who doesn't get nearly enough loving in fanfiction, imo.

heathw posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:14am

Ableforth the chess master. I like it.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:13am

Well, that was an interesting twist. I really like Aberforth metaphorically stabbing Albus in the back, lord knows he deserved it here. Outstanding story, and two in one day, life is good.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 12:01am

Cute. Very cute. And, high on my approval scale, Dumbles gets shafted. Well done indeed.

Alex2877 posted a comment on Monday 13th April 2009 11:54pm

An excellent short story.