Content Harry Potter


Hurin posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2011 5:50pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

I've read all of your H/Hr stories several times, and many of your others as well. This series is the one I come back to the most. It has a great premise, cool action, just the right amount of romance (with the right girl too!) and I like the tropical location, though I've never been down there. It has great atmosphere, and is more concise than a lot of your stuff (cough cough Sunset/Sunrise).

Maybe you will add more too it someday...

Thanks for writing!


Charles Newton posted a comment on Tuesday 27th October 2009 3:13am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

I realize it was vital to the plot, but the idea that a brilliant, driven woman like Hermione would actually fall in love with and remain in love with a lazy, slovenly, ego ridden, jealousy driven, half a**ed schmuck like Ron is depicted in canon (and, obviously, is in the story, since no mention is made of the INCRDIBLE personality transplant he received) just turns my stomach.
It's easier to believe the standard explanation that Hermione settled for Ron 'cause she wasn't confident enough to go after Harry.
HOWEVER: Having gotten that off my chest, I must say that this is an excellent story of what may have happened after the fall of Voldemort; well done!

Lientjuhh posted a comment on Sunday 31st May 2009 3:27am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

I like it.. Well done.. ;)

crocket posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 4:28pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

another master peice

Sheepdog posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2009 2:14pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

This is third or fourth time i have this story the best. Part was when Fawkes puts the Randy Ram in the bath with Dumbledore i call it getting his just deserters very fitting.

squiddy posted a comment on Thursday 5th March 2009 9:20am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Love the fic. Re-read it for the Nth time ('twas slow at work) and it just hit me while reading... Is it just me that finds it awkward when Harry, Hermione and other muggle-born/muggle-raised use the "Thank/Praise Merlin", "mighty Merlin on a bike", "Merlin's Balls" and "for Merlin's sake" in everyday conversation?

Granted this fic is set years and years after they were introduced to the magical world and had those years to acclimate to the cultures but sometimes it just doesn't seem "them".

It's much more evident when it's in a fic where they're still in school but still... maybe I'm just nitpicking...

dadscooking posted a comment on Thursday 25th September 2008 10:09am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

many parts of a Llama ARE edible.

Harold Clark posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 3:10am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Well done! Don't expect too much from me in the way of constructive criticism and nothing of negative criticism. I am always in awe of the writer's ability.

DizzyG posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2008 8:12am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Heh, just had a thought when reading about the enchanted rubber chicken.

'A fetish is using a feather, perversion is using the whole chicken'

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 5th May 2008 5:18am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Hermione having sex with Ron, proves the point that smart women are often very stupid in their selection of men.

I tend to think it is often a defense mechanism for women to marry below their class just to feel superior to their husbands.

Hermione and Ron is such a case, even if Hermione was ugly it would still be the case that being with Ron is a massive trade down.

fyrecat posted a comment on Friday 11th April 2008 11:43pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

AS usual, this is another thoughtful, well written story. It would be nice if, on the title page, you numbered the stories in this arc in chronological order so others don't read them out of order as I just did. Suddenly the beginning of what I thought was story 1 makes a bit more sense!

Thanks again for the wonderful story, I enjoyed it a great deal.

Aelita posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 11:52am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

WOW! This was really good! I love it, thanks for a great story!

dadscooking posted a comment on Sunday 17th February 2008 9:53am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

NOW you warn about the killer penguins! It's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out.

Vilkath posted a comment on Thursday 14th February 2008 10:26pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Hmm intersting fic, loved it all up to the last bit about Harry and Hermonie's sex life. Sorry call me old fashioned but if Harry had the nerve to still be a virgin I think he desrves a girl who was. Sure it was dark times but Harry was fighting putting off his own life and his friends were dying and Ron and Hermonie were rutting like animals?

It sort explains the whole normal HP series to a T, Harry has no real life and takes every one's problems on. No one really cares about his home life long as he saves the world every school year.

Bobmin356 replied:

While giving Harry a virgin love interest might be a nice fairy tale, this is the 21st century and the scenario isn't at all unrealistic.

It is, in my opinion, very in character that Harry would save himself and finally be bedded by someone more knowledgeable.

The actual events of the war are only seen in small snippets. It's more important to understand their current state and how it got there than to pick up on a minor point like this.

Of the hundreds of reviews concerning this tale, you're the only one to complain about this point.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2008 1:04pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Every time I read the bit about the Randy Rams, EVERY TIME, I end up chortling like a madman. Fortunately I live alone so there's no one to hear me and lock me up!

The good thing is, if I'm having a bad day and need cheering up, all I have to do is re-read this chapter. It's like a web-based cheering charm, and has helped me past more than a few gloomy days. Thanks once again for writing it and sharing it with your readers!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2008 6:46am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Very good story, I really do enjoy this series. Nice to have some good times and now all that Moldyshorts junk. Very refreshing.


Terdwilicker posted a comment on Sunday 13th January 2008 12:39pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

This story is good, interesting, and does a decent job of talking about Harry's personality after having to do something horrible, and dealing with his losses. This could be the definitive answer to the Potterverse evil that's built into their "system", which any psychologist can tell you is hostile and self-sustaining malady. The Ministry and the organization of the Hogwarts houses only makes villains and victims with not future and no chance of success. One can only wonder how the Founders would feel about how their hopes were perverted over 1000 years.

katelyn posted a comment on Tuesday 25th December 2007 6:07pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

When are u going to contiune wizards fall?

dennisud posted a comment on Saturday 22nd December 2007 8:43am for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

I wish you had numbered this SA I read the last story of the series before this one!

oh well so goes it.

I hope you are as talented with the one chapter I haven't read, though I have the feeling that it will be just as good!

Oh and I hope we see more in the storyline soon!


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 2:24pm for Wizards Fall:Rescuing the Rescuer

Well aside from the vomit inducing mental image of Ron Weasley having a sex life...and Hermione being idiotic enough to indulge him in it....a very enjoyable story.

Thanks for writing,