Mutant Storm
Chapter 02 - Explanations
By Bobmin
Andrew hansen posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 2:45pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
I think we crashed FF.n's email. tryed to send one into them on my yahoo then my gmail accounts both failed.
dhampirkinfolk posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 2:18pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
*wave* Hi. Long time reader. Love ya'll's work. It's very...fluid. (By fluid, I mean it makes me spit, cry, and pee.)
Regarding you situation with the wankers in question, I've sent my polite yet condescending email, removed my work from their sight, and suggested that the purple-traitor unpost your work post haste.
I'm sorry to hear how disheartened this has left you, and hope that it doesn't prevent you from producing some of the best fanfic on the net. And I have noticed that you're affected. Your disclaimer does not meet the severely twisted bar ya'll have set for yourselves.
Regarding this story, I'm liking it so far. I too would like to see some interaction with Harry and the other students in the school. (Although, now that I think about it, it is summer, and I'm sure that a few of them have families to go home to.)
Perhaps a short term relationship with one of the local girls before he settles down with mini-mum. Get some wild mutant oats sown.
Anyhow, looking forward to more.
P.S. Please enjoy the enclosed tanning bed, rusty cheese grater, and 2 liter bottle of lemon juice.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 2:17pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
now on to more serious notes kick ass chappie and damn im glad to see harry still trusts at least one of the old gang so to speak. that makes it seem alot more likely of him coming to terms with the ones that arent idiots in the long run i would think.
Please update soon the mob equipment has been put away but is still easily accessable. i have sent an UNFORTUNATELY polite email to fanfiction but my prior offer is still up as well
also to riegert8 whats the name of hte story you tried to report for the underage stuff and ill send a complaint about that as well
Paladin11 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:57pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
I really like this, it's the best HP/X-Men crossover that i've ever read and its only two chapters long.
I like how you've got Harry gradually recovering but he's still got vulnerabilities which makes him more believable.
A couple of quick questions which you'll no doubt answer during the story but i can't resist asking.
1) Is his mutant ability/s 'the power he knows not'
2)Are you going to use spells other then those used in Fanfiction- by that I mean are going to create your own spells in a similar manner to Jbern, I only ask cause I really like when authors do that
PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:54pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Another amazing chapter, well worth the wait. I love that you have Logan mentoring Harry... it would be fun to see him take on a few Death Eaters, maybe give old Bella a bit of a surprise. And of course you had dangled the apple just out of reach by telling us that Harry won't be the only mutant attending Hogwarts.
(Groans loudly) Bloody hell... this means another month before we are graced with the next chapter.
Oh, and I sent FF my e-mail complaining of their endorsing plagiarism before I even started on this chapter. Hopefully it helps and they kick the Git off the site.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:52pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Very good chapter. I'm liking this story a lot.
I noticed a place where Scott says "Would would you be able..." Presumably there should be some punctuation between the two woulds, or only one of them.
The email links above say .com, but they actually point to .net, which bounces when you mail to it. I did send an email like you requested.
kittykatluver posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:47pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Love the story! Just wanted to let you know that I lodged a complaint. I do not understand stealing from someone like that...
Chris Williams posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:47pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Wonderful chapter, I can't tell if Harry will go or stay. FFN has sucked for a few years now, I avoid it like the plague. So some kid copied your work and they won't do anything about it? Big surprise there, they are too busy with more and more ridiculous rules and regs. Ignore the idiots. Sunset should be considered a definitive HP story and as an added bonus you wrote a sequel. Have no fear that you are being taken for granted or otherwise minimalized or sidelined, the Bob and Alex team is well known (and feared) by all.
tula posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:42pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
i am sorry to hear about your problems with ffnet. I must admit i have not noticed it, mostly because i do not visit the site anymore since i have found better places to find my fanfiction fix.
i've sent an email asking them to stick to their ToS and keep the site clean, let's hope they react properly.
M Wanagas posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:35pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Good chapter, if light on the action.
Please keep writing. Its wonderful to read takeoffs on my favorite stories without the bland mainstream feel.
Maybe Bob would consider feeding the people Extract of Llama before turning Alyx loose?
BTW-the link is correct, but it displays as FanFiction.COM rather than.NET.
Kris posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:34pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Never review when you've been up for more than 22 hours... It can go in the wrong place, and be disjointed. Aw well! :)
OK, I e-mailed the goofballs at, and cc'd you two. I'm more than happy to get on my high horse and toss around words that start with Plagir and end in ism. It's illegal and you shouldn't have to put up with it!!!!
OK, Done. On with the review.
Love, Love, LOVE the story. You are my absolute favorite team and I may die if I don't have access to your stories. Someone asked me once, (in a team building event at work of all places) what I would need in order to survive on a deserted island. I looked my team captain in the face and said, "My computer w/Internet connection so I can get the latest e-mails from Alyx and Bob!" Hello! he knows nothing, and some people like to call him our boss... good thing I know he's really a Dementor in disguise (wherever he is there's no cheer to be found). He thought I was being funny and saying I would get help through the Internet. Stupid man didn't realize I could use the vacation, and not seeing him anytime soon would be an early Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary present all rolled into one!
OK, now that I'm over my tangent I'll get back on topic of telling you how wonderful the story is, how much I enjoy reading it and even through you hate it, will tell you I can't wait for the next chapter.
Keep your chin up, and if doesn't get their act together, sign them up to be spammed!
Toddles for Today!
liquidfyre posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:31pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
If you guys want im a rather large and hairy individual and if it will help cheer yall up and defunk yall I will gladly take many naked hairy pictures and fill the email with them. I have been told that if i wanted i could get my back and rump braided in cornrows quite easily
slickrcbd posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:29pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
You're doing something that I've never understood in so many manipulative Dumbledore stories. You're having Harry flee the Dursleys and Dumbledore's control, only to have him go back to Hogwarts. Yes, it's important that he finish his education, but why not send him someplace else? You outright mentioned that there is a school in America, why not have him enroll there and wait until he's of age and able to do magic in Britain before having him go back to a potentially dangerous situation?
Hogwarts is the height of Dumbledore's power. This Dumbledore may only be misguided, but Harry does NOT know that at the moment. Why take the risk of being obliviated and put on mind altering potions? He should stay way like he did in "Power of the Press" and only come back when he's of age. Otherwise he runs the risk of somebody without his best interest at heart (like Malfoy) gaining custody of him.
Tanaxanth posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:23pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Heard about this Bullshit and already sent a rather, interesting email to them.
I can understand the motivation going away when you see people getting away with pure and simple theft.
Now onto the fun stuffs...
I loved the example Hermione used to explain DNA to a bunch of wizards.
Was simple and demonstrated the point perfectly.
Thanks for the update and looking forward to more soon.
Michael10 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:18pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
Great story this is shaping up to be. about the fanfiction thing, not sure what to say as all emails I send them are returned. I also say we get torches and pitchforks and deal with the some parts of the world they used to cut thieves hands off.
CaffeineAddict posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:09pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
A polite complaint has been lodged with the support team over at, I sincerely hope they are able to facilitate the removal of their craniums from their posteriors long enough to result in the eradication of this disgusting example of blatant skulduggery by an otherwise unimaginative buffoon. Unfortunately, at this point I wouldn't hold my breath.
Although you know you're good at what you do when those less intelligent try to rip off your work, not that that's any kind of consolation...
Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:06pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
You can damnsure bet I've put in my (politely worded) two cents worth.
willyjoeshow posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:04pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
A) I have sent a abuse report to on the story. (Which was great btw [it and sunrise]) So I hope another report helps.
2) The current story is, as expected, Great and I certainly, can't wait to read the next update.
D.5) Have a great 4th of July.
jim5 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:03pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations
I sent the email, like you asked, then went over and looked at the I could only take about two pages of reviews. One arthur over there had a good idea which I will be doing myself, and that was removing his stories from the site. I don't have many over there, but I think that if the administators won't lift a hand, then maybe a show of writers removing their work might prompt some action.
Ok onto your story I like the ideas that your showing, and can't wait to see how the Salem trip goes.
fountaam posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 2:53pm for Chapter 02 - Explanations