Mutant Storm
Chapter 03 - First Contact
By Bobmin
withfujkilp9087528nvhc posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 9:02pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Well I do enjoy a story in which Ron goes down hill with jealousy and then back up so I'm looking for it. Also I do enjoy X-Men a lot more than Harry Potter but as you've put both of them together, what more can I ask for?!
This was a great chapter and I do hope you update soon!
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:40pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I'll send over the joker to help out ole chap.
Great chapter, excellent work with the gob's. Very fitting what happened to that twit percy, and boy is ron gonna get it I bet from a few people. Excellent work with harry's trip to Brit, the s is really going to hit the fan me thinks.
pav posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:32pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I never believed a HP/X-men crossover of such quality is possible.Congratulations.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:59pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
While Ron continues his Downward Slide, Harry engages in a creative bit of Percy-sledging and Ministry-sledging/Fudge-bashing/Malfoy-bashing. Speaking of the Malfoys, I wonder how Narcissa and Draco are taking the mess that Luciuis got them into...
Patches posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:38pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Wow! This is a great story. It is amazing how Ron can get himself into so much trouble because he doesn't listen properly and he doesn't look at the big picture. He looks at the small things that bug him but doesn't see things from any point of view except his own. I look forward to you educating Ron. I think Harry did a great job correcting Percy. A lesson learned the hard way for sure. The goblins did a great job of helping Harry. Of course they were just following the law abut I think they helped mostly because Harry treated them with honor and respect. I am so glad Harry has Jean, Scott, Professor Xavier and the other X-Men on his side. This is such a great story. I look forward to more. Thanks for writing. pms
darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 5:03pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
The Ministry is going to move against Harry when he's a hero, an American citizen, super-powerful, and filthy rich?
Dude. They're so doomed.
darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 5:01pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
hehehehe! Awesome.
Rufus posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:31pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Help is on its way. They will gather your pieces and give them a proper burial...
Splendid chapter by the way.
Rufus posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:29pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Help is on its way. They will gather your pieces and give them a proper burial...
Darkon posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:06pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Very nice story. I like the Harry/Jean bonding you had going. As for the help I'm sending four platoons of Navy Seals Army Special Forces and Marine Operatives (forgot their specializid group is.) As well as a squadren of F-22's all to help Alyx. Oh and and 2 gross of doughnuts for you. Keep up the great work.
joeBob posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:36pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Very satisfying chapter. Thank you.
"Ron will get better soon" Why? Just torture the bastard to death and let us watch. Ah... Good times!
hordac85 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:24pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Excellent.Keep it up.
Jiapa posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:15pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Another delightful chapter. I enjoyed reading it; I'm enjoying your version of the crossover, and I want another chapter as soon as you can manage it please!
Wolf550e posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:10pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Too bad toy intend to redeem Ronald. I wanted him trampled by Centaurs.
silentjackal posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:43pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I would help you but from the way she's handlin that shotgun my answer would have to However, due to the sheer amount of pleasure I have been getting from reading this story (and others) I would kindly ask Alyx to not shoot you.
(You really shouldn't have made her the scapegoat you know)
That aside, I have been trying to decide who else will become mutants in this story ever since Dumbledore dropped his little announcement at the Order meeting. I have suspicions but am anxious to see who you have chosen. Keep up the good work
Dervish posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:39pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I like it a lot but,waiting makes me a sad, sad panda
Katsuhito posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:39pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Yeah! Another chapter is added to what is becomming a favorite fic for me. I can't wait for more.
As encouragement, I shall subtly transfigure Alyx's shotgun into an exact replica which fires only cork stoppers. Of course, knowing Alyx, she'll probably do something like stick needles in the corks and coat them with some strange substance... Hmmm... Maybe I'll just leave well enough alone. :)
Finbar posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:25pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Points of note.
Is True Silver going to be revealed to be Adamantium?
Why the hell did Shak shoot? Is he an incompetant bigot? Is he useless as a Auror?
There seems to be far more going on than is even lightly hinted at.
That said, I'd love to see one or two others of the X Men make at the least, a Cameo. C'mon, Brian and Betsy Braddock. Both are british but one is a ninja-in-a-thong and the other is the very embodiment of the power of England.
Failing that, Ron Weasley, slowly roasting over a fire while Death Eaters roast marshmallows and make pithy comments.
Thats something I'd like to see, the stereotypical British 'Hard' man. You know the sort, Barry the Butcher. any Vinnie Jones character. Tough, slightly formal and at least a little stylishly dressed.
Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:21pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Good chapter, and is it me, or the adults in Harry Potter verse dumber than a box of rocks?
(Sends Dawlish in for a human shield) (PS Use him for a disclaimer, the idiot should be standing between y'all when juggling chainsaws)
Good work nd keep it up
KenF posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 9:17pm for Chapter 03 - First Contact