Mutant Storm
Chapter 03 - First Contact
By Bobmin
BJH posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:28am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Send help???
Sorry son, you're on your own.
Not to mention the correct Vault is 687.
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:14am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I wonder what the sheep will think of Harry being a Mutant, and a Lord. . . . Interesting group of threads you have weaving here. Hermione should have nothing to do with Ron after this, even if he gets his act together
kb0 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:09am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Ah, yet another excellent chapter. I like having the Mutants involved, as it adds a fresh dimension. Fortunately, you've resisted from taking them over the top and ruining the story -- congrats.
There seems to be a big misunderstand happening, and that spells humor. :-) I look forward to what you do with it. As for Ron, he deserves everything you want to do to him, the brainless git. Once his part in the info leak comes out, I hope Harry pins his ears to the wall -- literally!
As for Harry's dealings with Percy, it was mostly a good idea. However, I think Harry would have done better for himself to tell the Weasleys that they could have Percy go free, in exchange for giving him Ginny as a bride, and that the huge debt (forgiveness) was the dowry. Therefore, Percy would be free, no debt, and Harry and Ginny both get what they want -- each other. ;-)
Please keep them coming!
Kevin (aka kb0)
Darak1 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:06am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
?? How come Rita Skeeter always get's off scott free, she's got no disclaimer either.
riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:47am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
It sad that Ministry of Magic would want to take Harry just to control Him, It funny that Percy is one of the people that have to pay Harry back and got lucky that was got off the hook. It sad that Ron is acting like his cousin Draco but I am not really surprise, It be nice that Ron would get better. But I wonder if by the time Ron grow up that he cause to much damage to fix, there always a price to pay for a person action and sometimes the price is higher then one could pay.
gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:38am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Oh my, WizBritain is as unified as always,I see. I get the feeling that Rita might be building Harry as the reviled hero, the unlikely champion, much like you appear to be building Ron. The Percy stunt was brilliant, and Ron's drunken fall from grace was a lot better thought out than most pratifications I've read. I'd like some more Ginny in the next chapter, please. I'm looking forward to see how you'll convince me of that pairing.
Tabi posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:33am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Oh Shite.
I know I'm just asking for Murphy's Law to work on this but I'll say it anyway: How much more bollocks up will this get?
Orion posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:14am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Great! I really like the direction you are taking this.
smog2187 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:06am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Great chapter but how could you end it right there? As always I know I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update.
I also noticed a couple of errors that slid under the spellcheck radar, during the scene with Ron and Skeeter you wrote "the mother lode" instead of "the mother load" and at the part when they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron you wrote "diner for four" instead of "dinner for four".
Bobmin356 replied:
While I will concede the second spelling error, the first you pointed out is not in fact an error. A lode is a mining term, and the "mother lode" is a mining phrase meaning you've hit the source of the ore you've been extracting.
Look it up. :)
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:06am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
I'm really enjoying this story--it's probably my favorite of the WIPs I'm following right now. Many thanks for sharing it with us.
Albus Brian Dumbledore posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:03am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
please update soon!!
great chap
James16 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:03am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
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MonCappy posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:56am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
This comment is in response to the authors' note. The best way for Ron to get better is to become a corpse.
redquail posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:55am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Another fine chapter I want to know just what you have in mind for fudge and the minestry as well as the order since harry has just declaired war on the english athourities. and how bad is he going to hurt dumbles when he catches upn with him.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:42am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
Of simple misunderstandings are great catastrophes born. It doesn't help that Rita had to choose the day of Harry's homecoming to do her little bit of fire-setting. Oh, things are not beyond fixing but it is going to take a lot to even convince Harry to let a member of the Order nearto him, let alone talk to him.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:22am for Chapter 03 - First Contact
The question that needs to be asked in relation to Ron is: Does he even deserve the chance to be redeemed?
The things he has done now go beyond the pale of forgiveness. Of course, saving for the fact that fanfic authors seem to have this fascination with divine forgiveness in too many cases. The other option often being a fic solely about bashing characters.
Why can't the stories fall somewhere in the middle, where real human beings most often fall?
Thanks for writing,
Bobmin356 replied:
In this case Ron will be redeemed, that doesn't mean Harry and Ron will be bosom buddies, it just means what it says. Harry won't be out for Ron's blood.
I have a particular form of torment in mind for Ron, but he's being relegated to the back of the pack. His actions are not without consequence and he will come to understand that.
redhandgrunt posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 4:45am for Chapter 03 - First Contact