Mutant Storm
Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
By Bobmin
tmp059237 posted a comment on Wednesday 17th June 2009 2:31am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Here are my 2 cents for the continuation of this story.
After some time, the Muggles discover the Wizarding World, with the constructed explanation that witches & wizards are mutants and nothing else. Dumbledore is demoted with cause, and finds himself in an isolated retirement home for the innocently crazy, sedated and minus a wand.
Enraged by the exposure, Voldemort starts to intensify his actions against the muggles, even participating personally to raids. In one of those, he finds himself pitted against some mutants who kill him.
The prophecy isn't true (Trelawney was a real fraud), but the Horcruxes thing is real. Now that some Death Eaters know how to revive him, they adapt the ritual further, and Voldemort finds himself a new body. He now has 5 lives left - while he's ghost-like, you can have Voldemort see the world in cascades of green symbols, hinting at another crossover ;-)
Through some Death Eater's boasts, Dumbledore learns of Voldie's death-and-return-to-life. He wants to return to his former glory as a Dark Lord killer. Through a brief surge of mental power, he gets the man's wand, frees himself, and seeks Voldemort. They fight, and kill each other somehow (gas pipe ? train wreck ? both are woefully ignorant of the muggle world - LV has 4 lives left)
Learning about each other's world can lead to meetings in person. The bad guys find each other: Voldemort, Magneto, etc. They try to unite, but fight in their deluded sense of self-importance (and conflicting goals). Some bad guy kills LV creatively (3 lives left)
The bad guys recruit some of the lawful evil Death Eaters, while a revived Voldemort recruits some chaotic evil mutants (compare the alignments).
During this, the forces of good/light meet and unite (captain Britain comes to the fore for... er... Britain I think ;-). They encounter some of the bad guys and even dispatch Voldemort - whose soul is so fractured that he can't split it further, and he is also weaker and weaker the more he dies. While LV is waiting for a revival, the good guys find one of his Horror-crux and destroy it (1 life left).
In a massive battle at a life-sustaining space station construction site (muggles aided by magic start going in outer space, and have wands slowly become lightsabers - ala Rorshach's Chemistry - hinting at yet another crossover), Voldemort is finally killed by falling debris, leaving only a footnote in the Grand Scheme of Things.
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Monday 15th June 2009 8:43am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Reading this story again. Like to point out 2 things.
Bill Weasly. : Is not Bill an employee of Gringotts? Running off to tell Dumbles is a violation of the oath he took when he is working at the bank. He needs to be punished by the Goblins for violating his oath to Gringotts. Maybe lose his magic and lose his access to his vaults for life.
Harry's Scar: Remove the stupid thing. Get the American Mages to remove that curse scare. He still keeps his abilities to talk to snakes and getting rid of his lightning bolt scar will annoy dumbles to no end and make snakeface cower in fear.... since on the plus side getting rid of the scar removes his connections to volemort's mind which dumbles wants to leave in place. Makes sense to remove it...
Drifter950 posted a comment on Sunday 14th June 2009 10:31pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
GRIN, Demand a refund? Heck no. Harry's finialy told the wizard world to stick, and your story of how they get him to care again is well worth the wait.
I love the way your expanding your characters to be more responsible and understanding. Even in canon, it was rare that a character even understood what the personal problems were. Harry usually forgave without any penitence.
Anyway, thanks for the very interesting read. I am putting this story in my browsers favorites file to check periodically (since I can't find a story alert (yet)).
May the MUSE always be with you!!!
james27 posted a comment on Thursday 4th June 2009 5:29pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
When I first started reading fanfiction, and I mean in a 'spending ever free minute reading' kind of way, Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalis were two of my favorites, and for the most part they still are.
I've been a fan of yours for so long that I'd follow this story in any direction you wish to take it like a lost puppy. I'd follow ANY story you wrote just because I know I'll enjoy it, you haven't posted a single story I haven't. To date only one other author had done the same and that's Jeconais.
In the end I suppose it doesn't matter what you do to old Voldie. You could simply push him off a tower, have him choke on a Lemon Drop, have Dobby kill him, have him slip getting out of the bath, or just give him a VD like crabs or herpes and make him a bit of a joke. It doesn't matter to me, just please keep writing and posting!
P.S. Is there actually anything 'standard' about your Standard Disclaimer? I swear, I find myself looking forward to an update for those every bit as much as I did the actual post.
Bob Swagger posted a comment on Thursday 4th June 2009 1:28am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I hope you update this again soon It's an interesting fiction. Very well done :) Will Harry ever come into contact with the rest of the "Mutant High" group?
Starlingswings posted a comment on Sunday 24th May 2009 6:12am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I really love the fic, but I understand about running out of ways to kill Voldemort. It's the reason why I mostly stick to reading HP fics instead of writing them now. Would you be willing to write a post-Voldemort X-Men crossover? You're a great writers, and that might keep your attention.
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Thursday 21st May 2009 7:29pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
If you want to finish voldemort of early and then take the story wrer you want it to go.
i love all your storys and would love to see were you could take this story universe
rede30325 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th May 2009 1:42pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Look totally agree with you on Voldy actually wish there were more post Voldy stories. But I will likely enjoy this story however it end up.
Arvin Betancourt posted a comment on Saturday 16th May 2009 6:46am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
please,please,please,PLEASE!!!!! don't abandon this story. I've been waiting for a rezally good crossover story fo this two genres and this is the BEST.
prateek91 posted a comment on Friday 15th May 2009 1:32pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
loving this story.keep up the good work!!!!!
Sankara posted a comment on Thursday 14th May 2009 6:55pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
"All of those stories have dealt with the issue of Voldemort. In fact I have a number of very large plot bunnies that will never see the light of day because of Voldemort. Frankly it's become rather old and hard to come up with new and interesting ways of killing off the bugger."
Then may I suggest just not worrying? Most of the stories I write are all about Harry/Hermione/Luna/Ginny/etc, and Voldemort is rarely seen. Generally he only appears in the final battle, because the stories *aren't* about him - they are about the good guys (and Ron).
So (as an example) make this story about Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Jean and company, and have "the final battle" as a minor plot thing - just something that happens at the end of a chapter. No big build up, no angst or hand-wringing chaos. He just goes out and kills him, then moves on with his life.
It's worked pretty well for me.
j_finchfletchley posted a comment on Thursday 14th May 2009 12:06am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Phew, five chapters read and five essay reviews posted in one day — haven't done that for a while. A bit jarring at first to see you've skipped straight to the school, makes sense really though considering that everything you needed to accomplish in the summer break has been done. I got the feeling that Harry would be arriving at school in the jet, and it was a suitably entertaining entrance — again the wizarding world's backward nature is revealed with the purebloods not knowing what a mobile phone was or a jump jet. The only thing that bothered me was the description of the dive, with him pulling out with 100 feet to spare; at that speed this distance is a fraction of a second, so I'd think that Scott would have taught him better here. Even the crack aerobatics teams set a "deck" when they're performing their displays to impress the crowds, below which they don't perform any high risk manoeuvres. While I think Scott would be quite happy for Harry to perform aerobatics at a reasonable altitude, and to buzz the school at low altitude, the low level pull-out from his crash dive would probably class as high risk — if even the slightest thing goes wrong with your plane at that height in such a high speed manoeuvre, you have no chance of correction before you slam into the ground. Maybe it's just me, but while Jean may not notice, not being as familiar with flying, I think Scott would seriously chastise him for that one; it's not a toy to show off but a serious piece of hardware that he could kill himself and any bystanders with.
Love Harry's put-down of Snape though, as well as Hagrid's kick up the backside for Ron and the gang. Good to see some development from Ginny — she's at least starting to realise that Harry won't be happy living in some replica of The Burrow, isolated from the perks and comforts of the regular world while working at some desk in the Ministry. I was a little disappointed in Hermione though — with first her critical approach to him and second the fact that she should have seen the look of hurt when she refused his offer of a flight and at least tried to show that she's willing to help repair their friendship. Serious kudos for the way you wrote Luna though — most people have a lot of difficulty writing her conversations, either turning her into some mystical daughter of the faeries who's statements about strange things and creatures are all true, or turning her into a complete and utter lunatic. JKR herself seriously disappointed me when she ridiculed her character for the sake of providing cheap humour in the Quidditch match in HBP.
Harry's new attitude is something to behold. It makes sense that he's no longer willing to be the one who takes everything on himself, and I feel that his antagonism with Snape will come to boiling point sooner rather than later. I sincerely hope you don't fall back on a repeat of the way you handled Dumbledore knowingly keeping a Death Eater in the castle in Spiritus Crystalis, with an innocent student being killed. While it was powerful that time, it would be nice to see something new, with it only coming back to bite Dumbledore himself on the backside, further damaging his trust with Harry or causing problems with the Ministry.
With regard to the difficulty you have with Voldemort in your A/N, might I suggest that you don't really deal with him in this if it bothers you so and affects your ability to write. Marginalise his actions, have the fear he's causing limited to a few hand-wringing statements from the press, Order and Ministry, and focus on the parts you enjoy — developing the relationships and the issues caused by the merging of the two universes. You've always taken a "close the bedroom door" approach to sex, so why not take a "close the Blackbird's hatch" approach to Voldemort. Have the end of one scene being the X-Men taking off to deal with him, Harry adjusting uncomfortably to his new X uniform, and the next him brooding in front of the fireplace the next day, or waking from a nightmare a week or two after the fact, the deed having been done. Then you can focus on his ongoing relationship with Charles, Logan, Jean and Scott, and how it's affected him. Screw anyone who wanted yet another big battle scene — if you don't like writing Voldemort, then don't; if Professor X can bring Dumbledore to his knees with a thought, then it should be no problem for him to locate Voldemort with Cerebro, form a strike team and job done!
Looking forward to seeing where you take this one from here. Despite the fact that I put a number of criticisms in my reviews, I hope I've managed to put them forward as genuinely constructive ones on what are essentially minor issues, and convey the fact that I really am loving the story you're telling here; I now have two HP/X-Men stories that I've enjoyed.
Muggleborn Prince posted a comment on Sunday 10th May 2009 1:26am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
You never fail to impress.
This instantly became a favorite.
ching965 posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 10:33pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Great story so far. I like the new Harry. I think being able to think for himself is very important. In addition, the new, more hardened version of Harry makes a lot of sense given how much he's been put through during his years at Hogwarts. Thank you.
The best to both of you.
slayersfan01 posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 7:52pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Another great chapter! I only read two HP/X-men crossover fics and it is this and HP and the World that Waits. The reason is they are the only ones worth reading, at least in my opinion. No offense to those who read others.
Anyway, I read your author's note and agree with you. There are so many fics revolving around the destruction of Voldemort. However, your fics are unique in that they concentrate on the lives, not the battles, of Harry and the others and I thoroughly enjoy them. I loved the Wizards Fall series, Dear Tom, Power of the Press, etc. No offense intended (praise instead), I find your non-Voldemort's destruction centered fics are better. They are more detailed, more engaging, more entertaining. I hope one day those missing plot bunnies find their way home.
Anyway, this chapter is excellent. I love the drama in this. Just one question though. Did Umbridge destroy the DADA curse since she came back for a second year?
Mihir posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 10:02am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I see what you mean
Here's an idea, make Harry evil cause he was disillusioned/betrayed by the light where he sides with Voldemort, helps him, stabs him in the back the moment V succeeds and takes over!
Or, you could have Harry realise that Dumbles is pulling his strings early on (perhaps fourth year?) due to which he turns dark. Then he could kill V in the graveyard, bend the will of V's inner circle, return to Hogwarts and then take over! You could also have him drain and absorb most of V's power and all of his experience and memories through the scar somewhere
There you go! new ways of killing Voldemort ... I hope they have given you some ideas ...
darkleaf posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 3:59am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
In the end, Voldemort's demise is rather unimportant to the story. Personally, I usually end up skimming over most final battle scenes with Voldemort as I find the tale up to that point as well as the aftermath much more interesting. In your fic especially, something as simple as Harry teleporting Voldie's heart out of his body in a very quick and easy battle would be far more interesting due to the realization from the wizarding community that the greatest dark lord in history could be taken out so easily by a mutant.
The wizarding worlds reaction as well as the sub-plot regarding Ginny's immersion into Harry's new world of movies, jumpjets, electronics, etc... interests me much more than reading a massive angsty battle scene with Voldemort.
With your lack of interest in coming up with an epic way of dealing with the Dark Lord, I suggest sticking to the K.I.S.S method of dealing with him.
Finally, I'd like to congratulate you on an excellent fic. I look forward to reading future chapters.
Alrissa posted a comment on Friday 8th May 2009 10:51pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
"Update soon! XD" he types and smiles pressing the submit review button. The story has been quite interesting so far and he liked the various implications and possibilities this particular story held. Perhaps he should write a story of his own like this. A harem story. With a storm/jubilee/rogue/harry backdrop.
A clicking sound draws his attention and he finds himself staring down the twin barrels of a sawed off shotgun. It was the last thing he ever saw as a deafening blast splattered his brains across the computer and most of the wall.
"Trash." Alrissa muttered while cracking open the compact weapon to reload before holstering it. Consulting the list she nodded to herself. Only three thousand five hundred and twelve left to erase. She smiled as she left out the front door absentmindedly patting her Dire Plot Bunny mount as it grazed on the front lawn. A Guardian Muse's work is always fun.
Draklorien posted a comment on Friday 8th May 2009 12:44pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Regardless of the direction I can't wait for the next turn. There are always complaints and suggestions that can be given by the readers, but ultimately it is our choice to read. Please take this as encouragment to continue regardless of where u end up! U have me so addicted this is being posted from my iPhone!
Harriverse posted a comment on Sunday 21st June 2009 4:43am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality