Mutant Storm
Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
By Bobmin
Vukk posted a comment on Tuesday 21st April 2009 2:11am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I demand a refund!!!
Just kidding, your stories are good, just wish you would update a little more.
Shamsheer Bali posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 10:03pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Hey u returned to the story!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this story a hell lot,,,
Hope u'll be continue on it.. Whichever direction u decide to take it...
By the way what about the other mutants?
rune1806 posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 5:18pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
After reading your note I thought about why I enjoy your writing so much. The reason for me is the way you craft your relationships. Voldie is a side light for me, kill him with a letter opener if you want. You make the reader care about Harry plus you show all the warts of J.K. world. After reading a few hundred stories I am down to a handful of authors I read and it is for the way the can write interesting interpersonal relationships. Thanks for the update I enjoyed it, write more faster. lol joke at the end there I know how much you hate it when someone tells you that.
h_p4eva posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 4:53pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Hi nicely written chapter again. I agree with you about the voldemort thing and I like this story as it has so much potential to move away from the rather tired kill voldy and live happily ever after. I have read a lot of hp fan fiction but Ive never seen a fic dealing with the wizarding world being discovered by the muggles and how they deal with it all, maybe that could be used in this fic or another as an interesting change of pace.
Erowich posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 3:26pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Hi - no review, just a note of appreciation - thanks so much for continuing the story; I was one of the folk worrying that you'd lost interested in HP fanfiction altogether :(
great to see you back! xoxo
memnoch541 posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 2:41pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Thanks Bob and Alyx for continuing writing. I decided to get into this uncompleted (from 2007) series just because I enjoy everything you guys give to us.
Even if you don't carry on with this story, I still love the wizards fall arc, and between my re-readings of your stories... It's only been between a select few... There's both of your main novels, Sunrise/Sunset mainly... I'm just glad I found your link on chemprof's profile on and was wise enough to follow the links.
You guys bring out alot of emotion in your stories, and I won't ever forget every little tidbit that brings out a bit of emotion within myself. I hope you guys keep writing... even your one - shots bring out a hope of a sequel.
- Rob
katrina posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 1:54pm for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Glad to see this updated. On the subject of killing Voldemort, how about him standing behind Harry's jet waving Harry off after Harry telling him he can have the wizarding world cos he was off and the jet stream or whatever(is that right you know that stuff that comes out the back of a jet) finishes him off. You have to love those people - save us Harry from the big bad Voldemort but by the way we don't recognise you as human.
jewels posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 11:26am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
If you're sick of Voldemort, have him trip over a lump in the carpet and break his neck. Then move the rest of the story on without him. I'm sure you could write just as good a plot with the antagonists you've got already. Harry vs the Ministry, Harry vs the bigotry and prejudice, Harry vs Dumbledore and Co., Harry's gradual makeup with his friends, the complications of the Mutants and their dificulties... See, lots of stuff to work with.
Anyways, great story.
Infin1x posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 11:01am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Tired of your Big Bad? Tired of struggling to find a new way to deal with the same evil old bastard? Well do I have a product for you. Villain-begone! One application and voila! Your Big Bad is no longer quite so big and is ready for disposal by any ignominious and un-climactic method of your choice so you can move on to new more interesting things. Romance,comedy or just a newer model of villain it's all waiting for you with Villain-begone!
And what's this? Villain-begone can be yours for the low low price of continued updates and first dibs on your used gum.
Brought to you by the people who invented the Doomsday Device that actually works as intended Evil Twin Unlimited.
Peter Clark posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 10:48am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I demand a refund. Or a donut. Either will do. ^_^
OK - on with the review: another superb chapter!
I also like the notion of taking the story in a non-Voldie direction. Just kill him in a random and pointless way that highlights that even basic Muggle technology can kick wizard arse. Maybe have Harry's jet malfunction and drop a turbine on him? :)
I am also UBER happy to see the two of you writing fics again, including the one-shots. You're my favourite fic writers. Actually, you may be my favourite writers!
So (and I know you hate this) please update! But I don't care what you post, so long as you post something.
Oh, and can I have the number for the Naked Donut Delivery Service?
adevilinthedark posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 10:04am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I can definitely understand your problem with Voldemort. Years and years of fan fiction have understandably drained potential creativity into "oh god, that again?"
I didn't really feel as though that would be much of problem in this story. It doesn't appear as though you plan to end it at Voldemort. Clearly, the wizarding world itself is a problem in your work. Taking just voldemort out seems a bit like cutting off a Hydra's head. We all know how well that works.
Either way, its good to see this updated. Now, does this site have an alert function? Or is it posted on a site that does have that function?
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 9:17am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
...Hey, I want a refund! Everyone else is getting bailouts, we should at least be entitled to a refund!
Ah well. I understand the Voldemort issue. It's a tough nut to crack. You could always do the whole "He went off to meet his fate... After it was all over, Harry bought a condo on Waikiki beach and spent the rest of his life surfing." thing.
It's a bit anti-climactic, but it solves the whole issue of how to kill Voldie.
Now that that's solved, can we get more of the story?
knightsbridge posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 8:49am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
While I'm one who tried to "suck-up" for another chapter of this story, simply because of the Mutant aspect I have to agree that Voldemort has had his time in the spotlight, and quite a few authors have just stopped writing fiction, or like Abraxan have published their own book.
Some fiction authors (am I allowed to to mention names?) such as hgfan1111 have written great work, and Voldemort is mentioned only in passing or in a short dream. There is nothing cheery about the works...Carry You Home is a bucket of tears work, and Away From The Sun, a wip, is a wonderful mystery.
I loved the Marriage law fic. Whatever and when ever you write, it's always good to see you...
CyrusMajin posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 8:48am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I don't have much to comment on about the chapter itself. It was well done but I'm not sure I can offer anything helpful in terms of advice for your writing.
I will, however, comment on your decision for where to go with this, other than to Voldemort. My thought is that crossovers offer a greater range of where you can set your end point, usually making your climax be either an original villain or one from the other source material.
Classically, for X-men the cliche is to use Magneto, though Apocolypse or Mr. Sinister would probably be better. However, with what you seem to be setting up here, I'm thinking any pro-human/anti-mutant villain group would be the best for your climax (Friends of Humanity, Church of Humanity, Genosha (w/ Cameron Hodge), etc.) Just a thought.
hatten_jc posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 7:14am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Why not write a twist. Let some bodyother person destroy Voldemore. ?
Voldepants perhaps found out about Harry being a Mutant and decied to investigate other mutants.
And perhaps made Arcopolips or some of the other big bad mutants notice him and his wizards.
mellow47 posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 5:08am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
For whatever it's worth, I agree with you: hoe many times, and ways, must Harry do away with V? As long as that remains a main constituent of a Fanfic, then that Fanfic is constrained. For this story, I would think the main 'villain' is wizarding society as a whole (such as in Wizards Fall--great story, btw). I think it would be amusing for Harry to do away with V rather quickly in this story, he really is nothing more than a sub-plot. The main story is the reaction to Harry being a mutant, how he deals with it, how he, and his family deal with his mind-rape (good angle--never cared much for the Snape character) and whether or not Harry can 'forgive' the wizarding world and his friends (personally, I think Ron is a lost cause: being me, I would have dumped at the beginning of 4th year).
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 4:45am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
A novel and well written story, but I'm finding it has a bit too much pressured forgiveness.
SarahSummers posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 4:01am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I love this story. I have read everything you have written here and on I agree with you about the Voldomort stories. I read several challange fics about harry dying and being sent back in time by his personal grim reaper and enjoyed them immensily. Maybe a plot bunny can errupt for you and alex and Felur can be his love intrest instead of ginny or hermione. just a thought. Thanks for all the great storys. Sarah.....
Mot70 posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 3:11am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Welcome back, it's good to see new stories/chapters from you! A carrot to consider for your "shy" plot bunnies: if you're needing a "large-scale" villain, does "Voles-in-his-shorts" really need to be the Black King (to use the chess comparison) all the time? Make him the Pawn that we know him to be, and "Build a Better Villain"! *grin*
That said, regardless as to which way you decide, may your keyboard always be home to worthwhile plot bunnies.... you keep writing 'em, we'll keep reading 'em!
00_Knight posted a comment on Tuesday 21st April 2009 2:28am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality