Mutant Storm
Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
By Bobmin
Lottii posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 10:51am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Awesome chapter. as for voldie what about if the twins discover a way to make cement set instantly and turn him into a statue like the old cartoons where they'd drop things on their head or fall into quicksand etc. They were the best. Probably not right for this story though ah well.
Don't think that helped much. That's why I only read, I can't write for the life of me.. :-)
Nancy Austin posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 10:49am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Thank you for the update and for your honesty about your difficulties with Voldemort. I certainly understand. That "critter" has died just about every way possible. I will continue to enjoy the story even if V evaporates during sun spots! posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 10:24am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
This is an interesting story, though I do understand when you say that Voldemort is becoming old. Perhaps you should take teh route of "Barry Trotter" and have Volde turn out to actualy be JKR.
csktech posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 10:17am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Dont worr about it Bob. I enjoy your stories no matter what.
I do have to confess to liking this disclaimer a lot more than tha LLamas. Ummm can I have the number to the naked Doughnut delivery service.. Please... I've lost 22 pounds in the last month.. I need sugar.. snicker
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 9:37am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
YES! Another chapter of "Mutant Storm"--I was hoping to see this soon. Rereading, I surprised myself all over again by being reminded it's going to be a Harry-Ginny. Oh well, you give us a well-written Ginny, and that's the most imporatant element in a Harry-Ginny ship. Looking forward to more of the upheavals Jean and Harry will bring to Hogwarts. And Luna training Ron up. [grins] Also wouldn't mind seeing some of the Creevey's little sister (cousin?). As for Voldemort--does there even exist an "original" way of killing the bugger? I mean, seriously? If there is, I'd love to know it so I could finally get around to writing my own dang fic!
Ooh! What if Harry phase-traps him? How's his Mage-sight gonna play? What ARE the limits to Harry's newly powered-up abilities? Why-oh-why is Umbitch back? Is it possible to kill her off quickly (and completely innocently)? Snape, too, for that matter. Sometimes it seriously annoys me when Voldemort is characterized foolishly. I almost wish there was a way... [thinks] Wasn't there something in one of the last X-men movies about being mind-trapped? What if he's... I don't know, deaged? Mind-wiped, powers-bound, and forced to live the rest of his life as an amnesiac muggle? I don't know! But I have faith in you guys! You'll deliver us a wonderful and enjoyable story! Cheers!
DaZZa posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 9:18am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Another good chapter, with much more depth in Harry's character, and his anger at the betrayal of Dumbledork. For mine, I don't care where you take the plot - kill Voldie as an aside in chapter 8 and keep going for another 10 chapters building the conflict between the wizards and muggles - just as long as the story keeps coming (at your convenience, of course, dear author(s)!), I'm a happy little vegemite!
David Shadel posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 8:36am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Love It cant Wait for more
joeBob posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 8:26am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Thanks for the update.
houdinicatus posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 7:51am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Then don't make it Voldemort. Make it about the rest of the wizarding world and how maybe Neville kills Voldie, with the help of Jean and Xavier.
taxzombie posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 7:46am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
An excellent chapter all round. Harry's comments to/at Dumbledore by the door were quite good as was his discussion with Hermione. There Harry isn't back which is as it should be, they never deserved him to start with.
I would love to see you expanding on Wizards Fall, that was a most interesting series of stories.
As for Voldemort, he strikes me as more of a speed bump then anything else in this story. It's what Harry is going to do after he's gone that will be the truly interesting stuff.
Will be be a kind of 'Noah' who saves some of the wizarding world from themselves? Will he even bother? Being a pariah/savior wouldn't sit well with anyone.
I'm trying to figure out why you brought back toad-woman. I can't see where she would be a trigger device, you've already got Snape for that. He's too much of a b*st**d to leave Harry alone. He might make a good Sea Dragon snack though. Hmmm cruchy, but a bad taste, pitoe!
Enough rambling. Thanks again for a delightful read, and for the recent posts besides. They have all been 'most execellent!'
Hamilton Wrye posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:54am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I really wouldn't worry too much about Voldemort in this story. I would have Harry leave Britain to old Snake Face. In fact, the destruction of wizarding Britain as well as possibly muggle Britain would not be a bad ending to this story.
Jezzie posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:33am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Another great chapter! I'm kind of surprised that I remembered mostly everything in the story even though I hadn't read it since the last update.
Losing some interest in the story and also in other plot bunnies is a bit of a downer I suppose. But it could also be a good thing. Like you said, you have less constraints and more freedom. A story certainly doesn't need Voldemort to be good.
I'll be looking forward to your updates as usual, be it this story or something else entirely.
Kelly Hilliard posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:28am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
I really enjoyed this new chapter. I had to re-read the story since it had been awhile, but it was worth the wait. I'm sorry that its getting harder to write it, but you always seem to manage it in the end. I look forward to your next installment when ever it happens. Thanks for the great read.
Michael Cornfoot posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:08am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
brilliant story so far
please dont abandon it!
anettemargarete posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:02am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Oh, another chapter in this cool story. It will be nice to read a story were the "Killing Of Voldemort" is merely a subplot and the whole mutant -wizard- muggle situation is much more importend.
MrINBN posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:01am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
So what if Voldemort is a tough issue? Use a cop-out like he choked on his breakfast and no one was around to help him because they were afraid of being Crucio'd.
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 5:58am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Another great chapter!
And I wouldn't mind seeing this go in another direction with little emphasis on Voldermort.
Can't wait to see what comes up next.
Keep up the good work and thank you for posting.
gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 4:51am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Thanks for what you do write and when you do it.
I did find Harrys reactions to Hermione a bit odd, especially concerning Ginny, but then again, he is a wizard, a mutant and a wreck. Expecting him to reason like a normal muggle would be odd.
To the special note. I agree that Voldie is tough to do something unusual to. The main plot in the story is Harry vs. everybody anyway, so why bother with Ol'Noseless at all? Have Logan cut his head off, make the horcruxes mechanistic and spend themselves healing Voldie, and just have Logan kill him a bunch of times. There, Ding dong and all, and go on with the story. It would be very funny if Voldie finds himself sprayed with the carbon insulation, cast in a concrete block and dumped into space or something without anyone knowing but Harry and the X-es. The main storyline doesn't need Voldie at all. Just a thought...
Thanks again.
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 4:00am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality
Very happy you have updated, but completely understand your point in your special author's note. I very much enjoy all your work, whether it deals with the war against Voldemort or the post-Voldemort universe. This is a great chapter and this story has so much going for it. Whatever direction you take it in I'm sure it will still be awesome. I'm am always happy to see an update from you, whatever story it happens to be - just keep writing!
Loved Harry's interaction with Hermione in this chapter, also Jean's lesson and the staff meeting - Jean vs Umbridge was a particular favourite. I do hope to see more of this story quite soon, wherever you happen to go with it...
a_wanderer posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 11:03am for Chapter 05 - Adjusting to the New Reality