Mutant Storm
Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
By Bobmin
Illusia posted a comment on Wednesday 14th October 2009 12:00am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
I have to say I was nearly placing Jean in the Dumbledore category. And she's not out yet. Why is she pushing to keep Harry there. Enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. They almost killed Harry and yet she's not taken him out of there, not even trying to. They could solve this Voldemort problem by working together with the US ministry.
minervakitty posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 11:22pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
It's about time Draco gets yelled at by Snape. When will Harry find out on which student is trying to kill him? It would be very amusing, if Harry accidentally manage to get Snape's horcrux, disarm the traps on said ring and laugh at Snape. Will Harry get to spend some time with Hagrid and K'nor. Looks like the British ministry has a whole lot of sucking up to do. It also looks like Dumbledore will need to be told at point blank range to leave Harry alone.
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 10:03pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Glad to see you both back to writing again.
Love the update, even though am not a Harry/Ginny fan.
ps. If I were you, I move inland away from the coastline, due to increase in dangerous weather over the next few years.
amulder posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 9:13pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Nope, don't answer reviews, just keep writing... ;-)
Still enjoying the story, and the mashup of genres. This one was a bit more downer/depressing, but it does flow from the characters as you've made them.
At this point I'm not at all sure what would salvage their relationship, other than summarily arresting Snape and all the other marked DE students at Hogwarts... But from a writers point of view I would think that would just kill a lot of the potential conflict... Hmm, not sure how to proceed.
thanks again, keep up the good work.
stephen kempey posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 3:56pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
frankly if voldemort made a binding oath to leave harry alone he might go for it.
Sinom Bre posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 2:29pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Great! Glad to see more of this. Has rapidly turned into one of my favorite HP crossovers of all time. Look forward to more.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 12:38pm for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Wonderful, loved it. I also love that you managed to vault over the OP pit that most powerful Harry authors fall into. I like to call it the "Steven Seagal Syndrome"(R) where an Over Powered character can never take a hit in a fiction. Good work and Thank you.
Mike (MoA)
LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 10:54am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Excellent Story..........
Update soon.........
stealacandy posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 10:24am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
An Uzi isn't a machine gun, but a submachine gun. When I wa siun the army, I started developing rheumatic problems near the end of basic training, and so I eventually requested to be qualified for a lighter weapon than an M16, and what I got was an Uzi. That was a long time ago, but IIRC, it didn't have that many bullets, either. Thing was, they were small bullets, and the cartriges were like those of a hand pistol, so you could carry more of cartriges for less space than the regular ammo for assault rifles.
SassyFrass posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 10:01am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Very interesting update. I love it when Ministry goons get smacked down.
Poor Harry, maybe he can reach out to Ginny a bit more?
I loved the prank on Malfoy.
Sardor posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 7:48am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
How about classifying all inbreeder deatheathers as dark creatures as their dethtoll should eclipse any other official dark creature!
Sardor posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 7:39am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Whohoo, his condemation reaches almost to the levels I would use ;)
Considering Malfoys words that I can gleam from fanfics as I have no intention to buy the books by what I have read the pureblood movement is like due to mispelling that is empraced by the inbreeders.
Try to contrast 'Inbreeding causes poore blood' to 'Inbreeding causes pure blood' I might have mispelled things here but I trust I get the Idea across.
I DKN the the involvment of the X-Factor gene but another point could be made off that:' I thanks to the inbred corrupt government had to register as a dark creature because 0.0X of my genes differs from other wizards while mass murderers, torturers and rapists get pardoned for their actions so long as they can pay the sufficient bribes'
Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 6:12am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Dear Bob and Alyx, I thank you very much for a great chapter. I will happily wait 2 months for 40 pages of your story. As usual you have done a masterful job. I'm glad that K'nor spoke to Harry. I know her words mean a lot to him. I hope he does get back together with his friends. He really needs them. I also hope he gives Ginny a chance to show how loyal she can be. I am a really big fan of the ship and I really like the Ginny you show in this story. I can't blame Harry for thinking the British wizarding world isn't worth saving either but I'm glad Jean was able to put things into perspective for him. I am also glad that Professor McGonagal is going to let him know that she will fight for him no matter what the rest of the school does. I'm really glad that Dumbledore stood up for Harry and the tongue lashing that Jean gave to Scrimgeour was long over due and extremely well done. The fact that the American representative showed up in such a timely manner was excellent. I don't care how AU you get with this story. Whatever you come up will I will be more than happy to read. Thank you for adding to the story of Harry Potter. I really like the Harry you are portraying in this story. Thanks again. pms
slickrcbd posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 6:05am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
I stated earlier that it seemed stupid for Harry to return, and now he's realizing his error. I also strongly disagree with Jean about the fact that Voldemort will come for him. So what? If Voldemort is going to come for Harry, it's better if Harry is someplace away from Voldemort's power base. Let Harry choose the battlefield where there someplace far away from England where he can call upon the resources of the United States government to help repell what would amount to an invasion by terroriests. He'd have allies and be fighting on place of Harry's choosing. Let Voldemort come to Harry. Heck, Harry should send a letter to Voldemort saying "I have no interest in fighting for anybody here in Britain. If you want this miserable place, you can have it. Leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone. I'm leaving. The one thing we can both agree upon is that the system as it is needs to be destroyed."
Kal posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 6:04am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Actually, I would be shocked if the authors did respond to reviewers in notes -- the notes would be as long story itself!
I respectully disagree with the accessment that Jean acted horribly in the final scene. I think that she still acted in a parental mannor, and I mean the kind of parent that cares and worries of her kid. (And I think I will leave my comments to that. I don't want to start something that is likely to get too unweildy, but I did want the authors to know that there are some of us who have a different take on the characters and their interactions, as most of the longer reviews appeared unhappy with the way this is headed... Just a different viewpoint). I think it will work long term. Short term -- lots of angst.
I enjoyed your story, and always am excited when the updates come. I enjoyed the dragon more than I can describe (largley due to poor spelling ability, as it would likely be unreading to most people) and hope to see more of her in the future. In the same vein, Logan as well!
I am eagerly awaiting Storm's introduction to Hogwarts. I am expecting 50% of the males to faint.
Hagrid is awsome.
It will be interesting to see Prof X and some of these other characters meet.
I was wondering what would have happend to HP if he had totally phased while bleeding out... would this have stopped it until returing corperal, or could he have died in that state, unable to be healed and unconsious from shock... Is this one of the reasons that Jean needed to tell Poppy of his abilities?
Whooo, and as for Jean telling Poppy and McG... While I can see many reasons to do so, not waiting until JP wolk up, or waking him up so they could get his imput, would have been a better idea. I expect this will require intervention of someone like Logan or Hagrid (who Harry respects and cares for and knows is less emotionally involved in the situation, but can see the whys and explain it too him, which would rule out Scott, McG, or Prof X, and I don't see Harry having enough of a bond with Storm or Remus to listen to them assuming Remus is out of the doghouse). Even if it comes down to learning to trust others dispite the fact that humans are flawed. Logan would be a good one for that.
As for the DEs named.... Oh, please come up with something good. I don't think even Harry wants them dead so much as removed from the equation. Dead works, that's for sure, but not the only option. I think that this is a test -- will they fight for themselves or will they be lead by those who they know will not give justice. Perhaps work with those outside magical brit. (ICW arrests perhaps?)
Nice chapter. Fanatic writting, good characterization (logical, linear, and flows through events), interesting ideas, and, as aways, looking forard to more!
Darreal posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 5:23am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
I've always enjoyed your stories and look forward to everything you guys write, including the plot bunnies. Your stories seem to have a larger scope of the world and details than most HP fan fiction out there i.e. Sunset/Sunrise of Britain.
I realize you are getting bored with stories in the HP universe, but have you considered writing some original material? Just curious.
Looking for to your next story.
Sarah5 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 4:45am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
I know the chapters are long but I really miss your writing and often wonder if you have lost intrest or have a block on the storyline.
Many people remember your fic as some of the best written and humorours and surprising story twists. You are one of my favorite authors.
I hope you continue writing!
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 4:41am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
Harry may have to fight Voldemort, but I could very easily see him destroying the Horcruxes, going back to New York, and forcing Voldemort to come to him to finish things. The British wizarding world we've see certainly doesn't seem to be worth saving. An outstanding chapter as usual, thank you.
David Shadel posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 4:30am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid
God i love that chapter, one of the best of any story iv read. can't wait for the next update this just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for the great story!!
mnmbaby1 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th October 2009 12:39am for Chapter 08 - Minister Stupid