Mutant Storm
Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
By Bobmin
Full_Pensieve posted a comment on Thursday 24th December 2009 1:35am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Very interesting and well-executed. You're doing a great job here of giving a spare description of various events but in a way that raises interest; the dragon and the goblins come to mind. The little insert about goblin portkeys is a good example. I noticed that you like to do really quick POV inserts in mid-stream, like giving us Dumbledore's perspective on events right after a bit of dialogue before going back to third-person omniscient. Seems to be more of that here than in Power of the Press, which I liked quite a lot. It's a fair technique for simplifying exposition, but does sometimes take the mystery out of things. A good balance of action and character development, and the growing H/G is deftly handled. Having Pomfrey offer to fix Xavier totally caught me off guard for some reason. Anyway, interesting and seductive; looking forward to more. Cheers, FP
webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 7:15pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Loved reading the latest chapter, but then I've always enjoyed reading your work.
My only complaint is with the new site software, it doesn't allow for auto login like it did before (yes I am lazy and having to keep typingmy username/pwd is a pain in the a$$)
Anyway keeo up the great work, I won't tell you to hurry up, I'd rather continue to read good stories like you've done so far than quick short crap stuff other writers are puting out.
darthloki posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 5:45pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Oh, poor Harry. :(
Professor McGonagall laughed. She manged to control it and look stern for a few seconds before she gave up and began to chortle.
*giggles at the above*
Finbar posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 5:23pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Great chapter! I do find Harry's descent and ascent into and out of madness to be kind of interesting. However, I'm thinking that it cant last much longer without becoming a bit ....laboured.
Any word on Harry's Duck billed Platypus animagus form?
Charles Slone posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 5:03pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
I am glad to see that once again a great story has life bleed into it....but given how Patch 3.3 recently came out and Icecrown is open to us all now, i have a feeling we won't see much for a while ;)
Death to Arthas.....oh and great chapter
Ken Norton posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 4:44pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Great chapter. I enjoy the way that Xavier is assisting Harry with his abilities and how the Wizards and Witches responded to it.
Shepherd posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 1:18pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Nice update. Good to see Harry and those around him trying to actively find ways to resolve the situation rather than waiting for circumstances to make the decisions forthem.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 1:16pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
I think I'll set back and be sated for the time being. However, I will eagerly await the next course of this fine meal.
I did like the sense of power Harry felt as he killed Lucius and Bella. The Normal way he felt after killing someone was good as was his regretful reaction of washing the blood of his hands in a mental breakdown.
Next up we, Will see Ginny's power to help him hell and come to terms with what he has done? As well and Dumble's loosing more control over the actions of others. Snape's own downfall is coming soon. That is always interesting... How to do it? Which one of his two masters will find out how he has been playing both of them for his own power games?
And make sure you next Llama is a Suri or I'll write a Fic AlPaca'ed with Puns and Jokes Just for you and Bob
Lordamnesia posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 12:57pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Holy crap, a Technicolor Troll?!?! Those are an endangered species! Quick, wheres my flamethrower! Great new chapter!
pug54321 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 12:56pm for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
i love your stories but do u think you could write one story where harry is not abused,
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 11:01am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Great chapter filled with tension, intrigue, violence and some fun. Well done.
PS Can I borrow your pit?
00_Knight posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 10:54am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
In response to "While I'm far from the Harry/Ginny shipper I used to be..." from Orion, I would ask that you consider a Harry/Daphne story in the future. That has become my favorite pairing so far, and might challenge you to come up with something completely different, than say Jeconis, Muggledad, or some of the other authors on Harry/Ginny, or Harry/Hermione is so cliche, its hard to find the outstanding stories in all the clutter. I admit to probing the "favorite stories" of some of the greater authors in to help find the interesting ones, such as you guys or muggledad and jbern!
It would be interesting to see your take on it, but I'll leave that one up to you.
00_Knight posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 10:40am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
"I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park!" ~ Mater from Cars.
That being said, thank you for your continuing effort in quality versus quantity! It still pisses me off just thinking about what Crys did to Chattel, but knowing that you guys will never do that makes your work that much more enjoyable.
Reading this chapter was enjoyable as almost anything you guys have ever written, the one slightly bad example being "Attack of the Fanfic authors" but that was done in a humorous way and still entertaining! Again kudos to you for not being pressured to provide updates every couple of weeks, or by any other means, that would endanger your story's integrity. Again I reference Chattel, as a prime example of what happens when good Authors decide to send their stories through a shit grinder, and to once again give my undying thanks to you!
I could probably have saved this review for after I'd read this update a couple of times to find my favorite parts and compliment you on them, but I prefer to compliment it as a whole. I would say that the only thing I could find wrong with it was the bolded headings that had lines through them, but that may have to do with the website in general, as opposed to you doing it intentionally. Great package on the whole and well worth the wait.
Thank you for the kudos in this AN, and know that, while I might not give you any good ideas, I would also not have you change your styles and imagination for anything!
PS= Merry Christmas and thank you for this gift!
Zooxle posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 8:53am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Well the Hermione pairing is now certainly a great possibillity, thanks for bringing that into the light. Can't wait to see what two "quite types" do to / with each other, that can be a great scene to make Harry walk into and completely forget who he killed and what not. Anyway i think i've read all your sories on and congratulate you on all of them you guys(and/or girls/hermaphrodites/llamas)(what you do at home alone is your business, i realy don't want to know, or hear or think about it ever(think I read about some power tools a while back *shudders*) are great. I'll see if i can UPS you a nice .303 hunting rifle, should help with the llama problem a bit. Zooxle - South Africa
Orion posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 8:03am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Great! Thank you for the update. I think this is a great story, and I'm glad to see Harry issues being worked through. While I'm far from the Harry/Ginny shipper I used to be, I still like the pairing and in this story she seems especially good for him.
Again, thanks for the update, and Merry Christmas! (Or the more P.C. Happy Holidays if you prefer.)
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 4:20am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Whoo! A very good chapter; certainly a major step up in the pace and feel of the story.
I do like how you write Ginny in this. Your Ginny is one of the better fanon interpretations of the character, being a believable fusion of Molly's protective nature and Arthur's fundamental generosity, kindness and honour.
Yes... Logan and the Goblins would get on well, wouldn't they?
I have to say that you've now got me eager for more. I can't wait to see how Harry handles what he had to do to those two DEs. I will also be very interested to see how you write Draco's reaction to his father and aunt's deaths. Indeed, the general fall-out should be interesting all around.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 3:33am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Thank you for the lovely Christmas present. Please find enclosed a portable self-cleaning indoor Llama barn, since I'll bet none of the people who keep sending you llamas care about what space you might have available to keep them. Sorry, but McGuffins'r'us were right out of penguin locators.
Good to see there's at least one British magical who will actually fight for Harry, and more than a few who will fight with him.
Congratulations on ridding the world of one more bloodsucking parasite (I don't care whether beetles actually suck blood or not; that's what she was). I've never liked her, even in fics where she ends up with Harry (don't ask; your sanity's strained badly enough already).
Everybody should have known Logan and the Goblins would get along. Somewhat tactless, eager for bloodshed, and liking sharp pointy things? Logan's practically a goblin already!
Good on Harry surviving another Killing Curse. Better on saving Griphook from it as well. As for the damage Albus has done to Harry (the injuries you don't see are often the hardest to heal), please check the manual for the llama barn on just where the self-cleaning function sends all the waste to. :)
Merry Christmas, and keep up the good work!
mjames42 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 12:59am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
Wow! Great chapter! It's been a great story so far. Keep up the great work. And to join the band wagon...please update soon. Sorry, no llamas, alpacas, penguins, or Allen Rickman to send your way, but I can have my 6 yo provide you with a full color poster...very lifelike, in an abstract sort of way.
Rage and Light posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 12:41am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood
excellent update, I was beginning to think you would not do one again glad I was wrong as I am enjoying this story I look forward to more
maddy143ded posted a comment on Thursday 24th December 2009 1:42am for Chapter 9 - A Pleasant Surprise and First Blood