Content Harry Potter


PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:23am

I was in doubt how I would take to an X-Men / Potter cross over. But I should know never to doubt the all knowing and powerful team of Alyx and Bob. I grovel before you for forgiveness for my heresy.

I was drawn in from the first scene and only paused in my reading to blink and breath. It was truly ingenious how you tied Jean to Lily through their likeness. Having Xavier already mistrustful of Dumbledore through past experience should make for very enjoyable reading when you have the two confront each other in future postings.

I will spend my time doing penance for my doubt until your next post. Though... is self flogging possible????


riegert8 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:21am

This is interesting story, I do think that Hermione has a good chance to be forgiven since she has always like to learn new things. But I don't know about the others that Harry is tick at, You listen to Dumbledore words sad that his action said something else

pfeil posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:21am

But is it a Ron/Hermione hookup? That's far more distasteful than H/G.

AB posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:17am

I love it already. :)

philh1985 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:14am

First off, this is a great start. Definitely left me wanting more right away. Having Jean be his aunt works. I suppose it makes more sense to have one child with major magic, one with minor magic and one squib.
(hmm, are all "non-magical" siblings of magical ones squibs?)

I take it since Dudders wasn't there he may end up making waves.

Someone else's review asked about Magneto. I don't know if you are planning on him being in this or having a big role, but I was thinking that he sees him and his fellow mutants as the down-trodden minority (or about to be) by normals. I wonder if His taking a long honest look at how the Wizarding world feels and acts like they are so superior to muggles and take that to heart. Wouldn't expect him to become a pacifist, but more interested in equal justice rather than "After we get ours, we might worry about others."

In any case, having read and loved your other stories I'm confident that it will be great no matter which way you take it. (inserting ubiquitous "more soon plese!" begging)

tangentsferret posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:03am

Liking this beginning (which is fairly unique for me, generally crossovers give me hives). Thanks for writing, and for writing well! (And can I have the number for Rent-a-Llama? I can't seem to find them in the Yellow Pages.)

Mrs.TiffanyPotter posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:58am

Excellent Begining. I can't wait to read more.
It's refreshing to see a Dumbledore that realizes the mistakes he's made. I only hope he doesn't hurt Harry again in an effort to help him.

I totally thought Jean was going to be Lilly suffering from Amnesia. Having her be a twin sister is something I've never seen before. It's great that Harry has Family who is willing to love him. It also helps that they are trained to deal with troubled youth, Harry certainly needs it.

vateruncer posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:52am

I like how you handled the this chapter. I have seen a lot of authors that really fail to blend their crossovers in a believable way. Beyond that all I can say is thanks for another good story and I look forward to updates.

GSKeltner posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:45am

I was extremely dubious about this story when I first started reading, but you've thrown in a nice loop and it's a good opening. I wish you luck in your continuation, as I'm more then willing to read what you've got.

Just don't kill Jean Grey off. It's getting redundant at this point, as everyone does it. But I shouldn't dictate.

Nice work. Hope to see more of this and Wizard's Fall (pretty please?).

hjdevnull posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:37am

Wow, what a great universe you've imagined. You always come up with the craziest, most original stuff. This is, by far, the best set-up to an HP/X-Men crossover I've ever read. Can't wait for the next bit, I'm really looking forward to it.

And, since I doubt it gets said often, thank you.

makieus posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:29am

over the last month, I've been re-reading your fics, and man, you had to come out with this one as I am half way through Sunrise over Britain. I'm extremely glad that you don't follow Canon. To be honest, books 6 and epically book 7 were far too rushed, and seem to take a step backwards. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for keeping life interesting

Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:29am

Nice start. I'm glad you decided to go AU for both 'verses; frankly I think Jean got the shaft in both comic and movie, and she deserves better.

Hmm... any chance we can see Magneto meet Voldy? :)

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:26am


Great story so far. I loooove HP/X-Men crossovers and you sure don't disappoint.

I'm so ready for the next chapter now! :D

Roya jaferi posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:19am

nice begining. love it so far

CootiePatootie posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:15am

I'm hooked already. I won't say "update soon" because I know you will update when it's ready and not before. ;-)

I like the way you've started out here. I am a bit perplexed by Harry's Mutation, as it seems to have elements of Kitty Pryde's phasing, Jean's empathy (if not her outright telepathy), his teleportation (a la Kurt), and then the invisibility. Will he develop further talents, because of his magic? Also, what limits exist on the insubstantiality of his body? For instance, could he go the other way and make his body really hard (instead of insubstantial)? Just something to think about.

I look forward to seeing the next installment of this excellent work.



Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:11am

OK. Notwithstanding your disclaimers, a Ginny fic? Ye gods, what were you thinking? That said, I like this very much. Some nice twists already. If Dumbles gets what he deserves, I'll probably even forgive the 'ship. Looking forward to the next bit.

Beowulf posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:07am

we not worthy.
we have humble waiting for this story ,when you mention it.
big 3 dozen krispy kreme donuts

jdcox61 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:06am

This is pretty cool. I haven't ever read a story like this and can't wait to see where you take it and what kind of kick ass power Harry gets. Good Job guys!

a_wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:04am

Although I have publicly stated my growing dislike for Harry-centric stories. This one is surprisingly interesting.

The Dark Harry seemed a little off. I do not disagree with his anger or sense of betrayal. However the personality change felt artificial. Perhaps less exposition? Simply let the story tell it's self.

Wishing I could write as well as you.

Lyz posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 6:02am

Hmm not exactly a very 'new' thing. I've seen HP/X-men crossovers before. I've seen jean as lily or relative of lily. I've seen Scott as james and logan as sirius etc.
The big difference between those stories and this story is... that this one looks good. Which is winsome. Cus I like the concept with mutants + magic.
Oh oh and i read the Ginny/Harry warning. I don't mind :d as long as you write it well. Else i'll go into a rand about it.

Good introduction, loads of things happened, with loads of things looking to happen. Interesting mutant ability in Harry. Interesting how mutant and magic genes don't usually mix. Looking forward to the explanations and theories. *thumbup*