By Bobmin
tintin posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:04am
i pretty much adore your stories especially H/G. Can`t wait for the next chapter and you just put me in the mood to read "Dumbledores Army and Spritus Crstalus" again. I love the disclaimer the best lol.
DrT posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:56pm
Very interesting chapter. Shame that Harry has to be matched up with a witch, esp. Ginny, but as set up Hermione is right out. (Luna would be interesting to see). And, of course, I like how you got rid of Kreacher.
sandstar08 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:55pm
AH! I always thought Jean and Lily looked so alike.. but it was more of a "oh that's funny" sort of thing. I never thought to make an actual bond between Harry and Jean. Yay! I'm looking forward to this fic!
Oldwolf posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:52pm
This is not going to end well.
Xavier is going to have to tread carefully lest he become too closely associated with another "Professor" in Harry's mind. He could see Charles as throwing him some small tidbits to keep him meek and docile.
I really hope Harry is inclined to stay at the school. If he get gets caught up in a FoH rally or some other form of anti-Mutant idiocy that gets violent.... *shudder*.
All in all, I eagerly look forward to what happens next.
Daniel Hensley posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:47pm
Out of all the Harry Potter/X-Men crossovers that I have read this one so far is in the makings of being the best. I can see how you can go literally dozens of ways with this story. Actually it would be very easy to have the story split off into several dozen other directions by what choices are made by which person. I wish I had the talent that you do in being able to write things like this but at the same time I pity you on this story because it is going to drive you frigging insane unless you drew up a rough outline and plan on sticking to it.
May the gods smile upon you and curse your enemies.
May your muse be a caffeine addicted, junk food junky, insomniac.
bratling posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:45pm
*claps* Wonderful start here! Once again, my anticipation has been greatly rewarded. *puppydog look* Please, more soon?
sblackfan posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:44pm
Fantastic new story!! I can't wait to see how Harry handles his new powers and how he interacts with Logan and Scott.
Seth Blade posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:43pm
Great story, I'm wondering though, what made you do this story where so many others failed?
Anyway, love the story, and hope you do a lot better where many others have failed, and hope you update quickly.
Seth Blade.
ninnur posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:43pm
Extremely well thought out and planned story. I can see possibilities of your direction and I can honestly see Logan filling a role that Sirius's death left empty in Harry. Both Jean and Harry's reactions lend credence to their familial bond and then seeing rightious indignation on his behalf from Jean will help Harry see that someone can come to his defense not to smother him but to support him.
I have read all of your stories and I love them all but this has the ability to be your magnum opus. It can be the Largest as well as the one with the best reader response.
Sarahb posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:42pm
Looks like the beginning of a great story, I can't wait to read more...
I suppose there is a lot I could say, but I think I'll wait....after only one chapter one can't really start to comprehend what will come, so I'll just be looking forward to the next chapters
Amamama posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:39pm
Woot! Cool story. If it's something our dear Harry deserves (just like the rest of us), it's having someone loving him unconditionally. I really look forward to finding out how you'll flesh this out - and I dearly hope Hermione and the rest of them will be able to mend their relationship and heal the wounds. Jean is an intersting woman, and I'm sure it'll be fun to read about Harry helping her harness her magical abilities. As it will be to see them all helping him come to grips with his life and his destiny. I guess his mutant abilities are 'the power he knows not' in this story? Poor Voldemort won't know what hit him. *sniggers*
Dervish posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:38pm
we have asked and bob and alyx have delivered. How often will you be posting new chapters. just a ball park figure would be cool.
draalder posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:38pm
Good stuff, I liked the twisting you did to make it fit together. I hope you will flesh out the x-men characters a bit and it will be interesting to see how you keep them in the picture when Harry goes back to Hogwarts.
Bit of critisism: Some character reactions seemed a bit too cliche' (i.e. Hermoine's 'Oh no, Harry wont be my friend anymore after my betrayal', Ron being jealous, and so on) maybe go into a little detail instead of giving them one dimensional characteristics.
Also, any chance Harry could get a Lockjaw-like familiar like Kitty Pride has? He rocks.
gohanel posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:32pm
In one word, amazing. While some of the plot points might have been used before, this is the first HP/X-men crossover done by a decent writer. Hope to read more soon...
Jearom posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:28pm
Alright it's finally here! And what a chapter! How much of the Marvel Universe is in the background? Will we see or hear about non-mutant superheroes? Any idea what your update rate will be? ;P
Most of all I like your portrayal of Fumbledore. He's not some mad Lord of Light, he's just an arrogant genius that doesn't like admitting he might be wrong.
The only thing I'm confused about is the letter campaign. At first it seemed it was Remus' idea and Fumbledore didn't want any contact, but then the Twins accused Hermione and Ron of lying to Harry on Fumble's orders. So who is at fault for lying to Harry this time?
Ghostdraconi posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:16pm
I'll admit that I'm not a big fan of this ship but the quality of writing is good enough to overcome my distase. I only hope that this isn't a Hermione/Ron fic because I've yet to read anything that will convince me that could work.
zac posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:15pm
Woohoo...that was brilliant. Dumbledore and his order of the flaming peacock are in for a world of hurt if they try and go against the Mutants, not to mention Voldemort. I am glad that the Twins have left the order, Harry needs someone in the wizarding world to be on his side. I am also very disappointed (but not surprised) that Hermione outright lied to Harry. Ron didn't suprise me at all. Hmmm...did Ginny ever write Harry and lie to him? Harry's anger with the wizarding world was really well done. I loved the hints that he was still Harry underneath despite the threats to his relatives. I really think that Logan will be a big help in coming to grips with the anger and rage, maybe moreso than Xavier. Harry will already have ingrained issues with old men in charge and Xavier's roll in what happened may not help that. The redeming factor that Xavier has is that his is mostly unwilling to manipulate, this will help. It's great to see you two back. You did a fantastic job on this chapter and Kinsfire and Ishtar are to be commended on their fast turnaround and spectcular betaing.
redjacobson posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:13pm
very interesting beginning; and, yes, although I wasn't one of the gripers, I'm not a fan of the H/G ship; but, your writing is good enough to make it work if anyone's can.
I'll be following with great interest
Shadowglen posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 11:11pm
I must say I began your story with a little bit of trepidation. Crossovers bring that out in me. About the only thing I have NOT seen Harry Potter crossed with is World of Warcraft, and almost all of them are terrible. Although, as long as Harry rolled Horde maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. But I digress.
The truth of the matter is I truly liked your story. I thought the way you brought the mutant and magical backgrounds together through Jean ‘Evans’ to be fantastic. I’m surprised that more people haven’t made the connection through Jean Grey and Lily Evans sooner.
I generally liked how you handled the characters of the Order of the Phoenix. I like the standard Post-OOTP plot just as much as the next guy, with Dumbledore and the Weasely’s being bad and betraying Harry along with various doses of other characters, depending on the author’s fangirl(boy) tendencies, but its been getting a tad old as of late. You almost went there with Molly Weasley but seemed to back off. I haven’t made up my mind if this Dumbledore of yours is truly a good being who has made mistakes that he now regrets or if it’s just an act and he will return to his old ways. Your little monologue of Prof. X’s at the end leads me to believe it’s the latter. A bit disappointing as I’d love to see a good Post-OOTP fic with a decent Dumbledore, but I’m sure it will work out in the end. I’m glad you graced Harry with the good will of the majority of the wizarding characters.
Although you did not spend much time on the mutants in this chapter other than Prof. X and Aunty Jeany, I’m optimistic where you are going with them. I would have liked to hear some bitching from Logan, but I guess I can accept the argument that it would have detracted from the overall plot establishment you were going for. Guy can wish though, right? The best X-Men/Potter crosses I’ve read draw on the parallel of both Scott and Harry being orphans with "gifts". Don’t know what you have planned, but it’s not a bad plot line if you need something.
As for Harry himself, I found his character to be a little off in the beginning. His moods changed a little quickly for me during the first part. Going from confused and mourning to homicidal and suicidal I guess isn’t a really big leap, but it played out rather awkwardly. It evened out toward the end though and seemed to make more sense looking back than it did while reading through it. I can tell you plan on spending quite a bit of time focusing on Harry’s mental state. That shall be interesting.
All in all, I found it to be a good introductory chapter. Not too much has happened in the way of plot progression, as its just the first chapter, so I can’t leave you with any thoughts there, but I will be checking back.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write and share this story with us!
Best Regards,
Kevin Hendricks posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:06am