By Bobmin
Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:26pm
I don't care about the ship.
I don't care about the angst. You haven't made this too over the top.
I like the way things came together. Harry's reaction to all the things are coming out well.
Ron's a git. Check.
Hermione gets it. Check.
The twins are cool, and not Dumblepuppets. Check.
Harry has cool powers? Check. I hope we'll get a good inventory of what he can really do. Magic, teleporting, phasing. And telepathy as well? Nice.
I hope we'll get some great Logan scenes. Wolverine is one of my faves, so I hope to see some of him.
A great start. Here's to hoping for more!
Charles Slone posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:24pm
Very Nicely done, this is a rare story to find a decently put together crossover. can't wait to see more :D
Crazy posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:24pm
This sounds good, and it's not horribly cliched like i've seen some other XMen/HP fics.
Plus, I like H/G.
All up, looking forward to reading the next chapter.
rmcclain124 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:13pm
Love the story so far. I'm not thrilled about the pairing, but being forewarned is forearmed. Plus, the fact that you generally keep the level of intimacy below my nauseau threshold is appreciated, so I will deal with it in return for getting a good read.
You've already revealed that twins will be on Harry's side. Given the pairing warning, ickle Gin-Gin will be as well. I am curious about Hermione though. She's neither stupid nor emotionally shallow, so her taking a side will reveal a lot about her character. You've shown some doubt in her, but she is still up in the air at the moment.
As far as Ron goes, whatever.... Really don't care.
Best regards and post again soon,
_Moony_ posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:06pm
I applaud you for not falling into the cliche of Lily=Jean. I knew you two were to smart for that, but I nearly had an stroke while reading about the "familiarity" of Harry to Jean. Thank you for not falling into the cliche.
Entilzah posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:05pm
Oh well done! This lived up to my already heightened expectations about your new project. Keep up the already excellent work in true Bob & Alyx fashion!
joseph3103 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:03pm
that was great cant wait to read more.
Kris posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:59pm
Totally loved the first chapter! I laughed, I cried, and I wanted to beat the hell out of Harry's horrid family. I'm glad he was able to get in a little retaliation before their memories were whipped.
Little request... could you please have Dumbledork get pooped on by the llama, or have harry remove his marbles with his totally new power? It would be fun to see him loose his marbles!
Great chapter and I eagerly await your next extraordinary literary masterpiece!
es posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:58pm
badassery is howi describe it.
Splunge posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:56pm
Actually, since the first I heard of this fic was an email notification with a link to the first chapter, not the Special Notice, then I could be considered 'tricked'....however, since I base fiction quality on the writing and story, not the pairing (and H/G is my preference anyway) then I'll let it slide this once. :P
Should be an interesting ride. Lead on, good authors!
goddessa39 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:55pm
Hmm... unlike a lot of people, I am fond of H/G, though how u r gonna work it, im not sure. Yep, Ron is a real prat. Pay him back! And Dumbledore... what can I say about that old man... KILL HIM TORTURE HIM PAY HIM BACK 3 by 3!!!
But I love this.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:43pm
Jeez, now the only thing I can carp about in this review is the fact that something about your special notice broke Jeconais's system as it always appears there is a hidden "next" chapter!
Great start so far.
smog2187 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:42pm
An interesting crossover you have coming along here. Even though I think that the whole careless!Dumbledore bit was pretty OOC, I think I can get over it and enjoy the story if he doesn't continue to make an ass of himself.
Great first chapter!
james27 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:32pm
As strange as it sounds, I find myself looking forward to your disclaimers as much as I do the actual chapter! They always leave me laughing.
Since I've now actually read the chapter I can only beg you to post another soon.
Good luck!
Dave McCombs posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:28pm
I'm glad to see a new story from the pair of you; it was something nice to read while waiting for the AC repair tech (as I type, it's 91 in my office).
I've been reading you since your early days in, watching your writing style evolve, and I must say this looks like this is going to be your best story yet. It's too early to tell, but the setup in Chapter One has a lot of promise. I'm looking forward to more.
clt_71 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:16pm
I haven't been disappointed in the past with your stories...and I don't feel disappointed now. I have tried to read HP/X-Men crossover stories before, but have thought them to be...undesirable at best, hideous at worse. This looks like the best shot to date. Can't wait to see more.
Erik GL posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:11pm
A good start and I am looking forward to reading more =) I was just rereading Sunset again when this came out, thanks for brightening my morning.
Aaron2 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:49pm
Another story from Bullet Bob and the 5 time Llama Riding/Racing champion Alyx. I've been a fan since the Dumbledore's Army series. and I like the other stories you have the Sunshine/Sunset series.(I still think the Draco/Luna was the most unusual Pairing in fic history, but it works) the POTP, which was good too.
Now you put yourself into the HP/X-Men crossover this will be interesting. Love to see how Xavier and the X-men help heal Harry. Is he going to visit to new mutants, and the other members. I think Harry will get along the best besides Jean and Scott are Logan, Rogue, and Kurt. I love to see what you get next. keep it up
azrael3 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:48pm
Nice one looking forward to the next chapter
Masterjedi1979 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:36pm