Content Harry Potter


Dragon1 posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 7:07pm

Oh Man that is so good...I really enjoyed the multipart revenge vs Dumbledore and especially those scummmy Death Eaters... Poetic Justice...

I love reading your stories and wait impatiently for and update of Sunrise...


Alorkin posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 3:53pm

This is brilliant! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your 'Sunset/Sunrise' series for so long and really loved your 'Parallels', and now, I find what must have started out as a drama but warped it's way into comedy. (I love slapstick!) You must have been saving up the pranks and let them all go at once. It's great to see the high an' mighty Albus Dumblefutz taken down a peg or three(hundred) I wonder why he feels he has the right to treat everyone in the wizarding world as a pawn.
Harry's escape was unique, at the very least, and his ballet in Diagon Alley had me rolling!
It does surprise me that Remus is so under Dumblebutt's thumb. I really see him as more independent. Of course, since he is dependent, so to speak, on Snape, who does exactly what Albie says and can withold the wolfsbane potion, I can actually understand it.
Having been both a soldier and a police officer, I especially liked the Norman knight. 'Honor the fallen and raise a cup to their memory."
Harry is really eexplring his slytherin side. You have managed tto sw shutt so many plot holes in Rowlings work. It's refreshing to see a Harry like yours. He's not going to shy away from doing a litle 'wet-work',, noor is hee going tto allow his enemiees oto escape ttheir crimes. Taking their money, is the most humiliating way to bring doown the pridefull.
Ron is being an ass. I noiced that in most of your stories you write Ron as a selfish and mean-spirited person, who is more than willing to betray Harry's trust. Usually, he get's kicked out of school, or in the case of 'Sunset', eaten. Harry's retaliation was nicely done. It didn't hurt anything but Ron's pride, and may have taught him a lesson.
Serving Dumbles witth a restraining oorder was fabulous! 'Sir, you are being sued, and in the meantime, you have to stay the hell away from him!'
Snapey strikes...Snapey go bye bye!
It's nice you've gotten Harry and Hermione together. I cannot understand what Rowling was(or wasn't) thinking by trying to toss Barbi into the mix. Their magic complements each other and together, they become a orce to be reckoned with.
Anoher wonderful sttory, well told. Alorkin
BTW, I'm gonna pimp myself. If you can find the time, would you check out any of my fics on FicWad, and tell me what you think? I'll send you chocolate!

Chia posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 2:42pm

I really lked this, very unique and It was especially refreshing the fact that very complete and detailed but short, my only criticism or more like an observation is that those mosquito infested banana republics aren't as remote, or backward, nor even truly mosquito infested, since we do have cities where if we do have mosquitoes we buy bug repellants (Its the latest invention over here). Please don't take this the wrong way my only purpose is to illustrate the fact that we don't live in huts in the middle of the jungle. If the phrase was used purely literary purposes and u don't truly believe it then ignore this. Again gr8 story.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 5:28am

Well considering I believe that Harry should be with Ginny and that the friendship that Harry and Ron have to be well past anyone being able to interfere with their bond, you would think that I would not like your story. I must say that BOBMIN is a great story teller and I would recommend them to anyone. I consider you two to be among my "Elite" authors. Well Done. I can't wait to get back to "Sunset". - Erik

Trebond posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 11:59pm

This is the greatest one-shot fanfic i ever have readen!
Is total great!
Love the way Harry take control of nearly every situation, and the way Dumbledore, Ron and the other "bad ass guys" is bassing around. :D

Have already readen this story 3 times, on 2 days. :)

Keep up the good work! ;)

Kind Regards
Trebond ..

Merle posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 10:49pm

Very nice little story. The thought of nude Tonks being banished all over England was hilarious! And, canaries... If they ever did get together, Ron would be Hermione's little b!tch.

BlackPhoenix posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 10:11pm

SEQUEL!!! :)))) Lol
Seriously, very Nice Story, although I liked Parallels more it is very interesting. A little short I think but good. Thx guys



scott2 posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 3:41pm

excellent! and a house elf in slytherin?! Slytherin isn't rolling in his grave, he's spinning like a figgin cyclone!!! :)

lelila posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 1:59pm

ya know, plot bunnies are not things that should be stepped and destroyed. they’re mysterious creatures that should be cultivated. after all, u never know what a plot bunny might grow into. hee hee. in this case, it grew to a really nifty story. i’ve always enjoyed the powerful/independent harry stories. there’s just way too much to be had when u’ve got the power to do it all.

this isn’t the first i’ve read of such a thing but i love hedwig as a phoenix. it’s too bad moony stuck with dumbledore but i suppose u wanted to do something different with him. i did enjoy the show that harry gave with all those different pranks. harry turning into a lil kid and yelling for help was great. framing dumbledore to steal the crown jewels was gave me a huge kick. u guys had way too much thinking of different things to do, but u know, harry never did get to visit the wax museum. hee hee.

that one scene where harry silences snape when he insulted hermione, dumbledore telling him to release it so that harry responds with a ‘as u wish’ seemed oddly reminiscent of that scene in episode IV in which vader was force-choking the one imperial leader (i can't remember his name at the moment) and tarkin ordered him to release it. would that have been intentional or a very odd coincidence?

of course, harry and hermione together made me very happy. the bear was just way too cute. hee hee.

all in all, quite lovely. hee hee.

Jamie46 posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 12:36pm

:) awwwwwwww. *happy sigh* what a good story. :) Even as a one-shot, it was pretty darn nifty. :-D Thanks for writing, and for sharing. Keep up the great work!

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 11:55am

A real good story. I like Harry/Hermione works over all. This I would rate as the cream of the best. Thank you.

ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 11:29am

Thanks for this fic! It just got rec-ced on Portkey.

Amarathine posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 8:58am

So amazing! And this is why the Plot Bunny should be protected.

greenansatsu posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 8:28am

I Like it very much so, but I feel like you puttered out at the end like a car out of gas. It wasn't the shortness it was that it just seemed to end abruptly there was no real closure i guess. I liked the idea and understand why you didn't want this to go crazy and become its own epic since you still have SSOB going but maybe once you have everything done and finished you can come back and give this story the proper ending it deserves? I know i won't get my hopes up.

Thank you.

klinke posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 5:55am

Well, what can one say? =)
I'm tremendously happy that you couldn't kill the plot bunny, as the result of letting its spirit posess you for a while is one of the nicest one shots I've read in a long time. The vengeful Harry you've created is most believable, not overly pissed at everyone and everything and just growling at anyone, but very, well, human and not too much OOC.

In fact, one thing that really impressed me is that you didn't let him slip all the way to childish, instead letting him be merciful with the Weasleys and not openly hostile towards Ron until he was provoked by said redhead... Nice job, and a pleasure to read!

Just a tad unfortunate that you cut the story short so much, it would have been nice to see a little more detail concerning D's trial etc, but that's just my opinion since I always love seing the old man taken apart =) - But, since the ending doesn't seem overly short in total, I sure as won't complain.

Soooo... nice work, loved reading it, and now CHASE AWAY ALL REMAINING BUNNIES AND GET BACK TO SSOB!!! =D

keep it up...


TheRealBarni posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 5:48am

Hey you two,

Quite the impressive story. The two things I found most funny were the banishing of Mad-Eyes leg and Gates being the richest man in the world xD.

I liked your plans for the wizarding world and making it a better place, especially the equality between wizards (purebloods, halfbloods and muggleborns), goblins, house elves and other magical beings with a high intellect. Quite the utopy, but in this case I think it is well realised.

Some things, that stroke me as odd:
- The Potters and Black being that rich. Surely someone would have dropped a comment before..?
- Remus behaving the way he was...but he is your character to dictate ;-)
- The whole thing with the Ancient Magic (was it called that way?). It wasn't the Magic itself, but that the mystery around it was never really solved. And how does this connect with the spell Harry was hit with?
- Why did Seamus help with the CPR. Wasn't Dean the one raised in muggle ways and Seamus the pureblood?
- Did McGonagall accept Harry as a relative, after the "sacking" of Dumbledore? Or how did she react afterwards?

As you see, it's not that much of bad points, it's mostly questions :) and everything else was very harmonic and of course it was well written, but that is nothing new with you ;-).

Keep up the good work,

Julian Barnett

Freiheit 13,
01662 Meißen,

Robin Westerly posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 4:58am

SHort and therefore slightly dissapointing for those of us who love a saga; but brilliant none the less. Thankyou for yet another great story

Prince Charon posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 3:32am


You're very good at this.

Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 3:12am

Bravo!! Encore!!! ... Oh, wait, you guys said you weren't doing a sequeal. Well, that's just fine with me. Just glad to know you guys are still at it, considering all that I've read that's going on on your side of the computer screen. I loved the humor in this ficlet...but you always have something humorous up your sleeve for your stories. Well, looking forward to your next chapter on SOB the second...;) So until then...

Dustin a.k.a Dudeous1492

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 2:51am

I guess I'm a softy. But I really liked this story. The HP fanfic readers seem to have discovered quite a few little tidbits from JKRowling's story that make us ponder the abuse, the manipulations of Dumbledore, the hint of an intention that Dumbledore wanted to "try again" with his methods of controlling Harry as he seems to have done with Riddle, etc. Your story really fits all of these clues, and is very believable. Great work. One of your humble fans.