By Bobmin
alicat1010 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 1:48pm
That was so freakin' funny!
Damn, now I have to thank my hubby for introducing me to your work. Not that he'll mind.
Slytherin66 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 1:45pm
This was brilliant one of the funniest things I have ever read or ever encountered. Where to start everything was just so fun I loved memos they were a really nice idea. I loved what happened with Luna and Hermione and Harry's luck, what Happened with Albus and Tom and their associated minions was just amazing. I loved the consequences of the modified love potion, Tonks and what happened to Remus causued me to fall off my chair laughing the high number of memory charms and creative code names were a bonus. Epic read from start to finish glad Harry will have a good life, I hope Ron gets his brain stolen and with luck Ginny will be pregnant by one of the Order and Minerva enjoyes being a mother. I hope Luna finds the Snorkack's I look forward to you next story thanks for this one.
By the way did Tonks ever explode and who was she with?
Houseki_Megami posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 1:06pm
dam guys this story was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orion posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:48pm
Great! Love it. I especially liked the references to various things, "Bad Things" in particular. Of course some of them were a bit disturbing . . . but oh well.
Thanks for writing!
liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:37pm
That was scary, but very good. Unusual story although I will be sending the wifey-poo a spare frying pan of infinite attacks. Do you know how much bleach it takes to rid ones mind of the idea of albie and nurseypie gettin nekkid and nasty out of yer head?
RedPat posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:34pm
You so crazy.
And you share the crazy. That's sweet of you. I have to go take a nap now....
TheNekoWithWings posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:22pm
This crackfic is made of awesome. *gives it her stamp of approval* I'd love to see more, but it's a one-shot.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:06pm
This is a good story, I admit I am surprised that this story so much. Normal I don't read or like story's that Harry is not in, so this is a first for me.
silvergoddess posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:56am
O_o .... that was amazing and totally unexpected. It was also a lot like your author notes and disclaimers, which kinda scares me. Haha I would almost feel sorry for "Bombastic" but the thought of him giving birth at his age amuses me so.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:48am
Bob, Alyx, another master work! Well done!
I've been a fan of the 'memo' story style since 'Naked Quidditch Match' and I think you've done a great job with it here. The ideas proposed, such as the sphere of influence and oscilating luck field were all hillarious yet utterly plausible. It would certainly explain a lot if Harry were prone to throwing out vibes when threatened with unpredictble consequences.
The two final cameos made this story that much funnier. Something tells me that The Boss has decided that a holiday would be nice at this time of year. I wonder if Snape will ever be released by the CDC (if not USAMRIID)?
Thanks for bringing a smile to a cold-afflicted guy's day.
tw posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:46am
Amazing! This was one of the funniest collections I have read in a long time. Thank you for continuing to turn out masterpiece after masterpiece.
I do have a question though: "Which work do you two consider your Apoltheosis of Potter?"
metrobluejay posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:30am
Hilarious just absolutely hilarious, that is all.
dic posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:28am
well I gotta be honest... in the beginning I liked it very much, but for me it was too long, too much of the same. don't get me wrong, I read sunset/sunrise a couple of times, and teh length was ok with those. but here it seems stretched to me. maybe it's just me - I hope so! - but anyway, some nice ideas, and a couple of good laughs. THX!
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:26am
OMFG! This is just too much! Bravo, sir! Bravo!
Masterjedi1979 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:10am
OH MY GOD! WOW! and in closing WTF!
Kaerion posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:04am
Haha, I think this might be the crackiest fic I've ever read, and I can only bow down to your greatness for managing to make me laugh out loud as often as I did (though I'm not sure my cat will ever be the same again...).
I've been looking forward to the next chapter of Mutant Storm, but if this is how you've been spending your writing time lately, I have absolutely no complaints!
Thanks for sharing your wonderfully funny writings, and keep up the great work!
Crys posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 11:00am
*rapid blinking* *snicker*
Great fun. On the "Now for something completely different" category.
Alyx, did you forget to limit Bob's "medicinal" intake again?
As a side-note, what are you going to do with the state of Washington now that they surrendered?
Jessie1 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 10:42am
Fantastic! The part about Snape and the ballet was inspired. Thanks.
Amin posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 10:39am
Excellent, havent had such a laugh in days. hope you continue the chain, maybe from the viewpoint of the others in the fic.
krisrat1979 posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 1:55pm