Content Harry Potter


EricThorsen posted a comment on Thursday 29th June 2006 1:50pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Okay... I agree that Hermione was stupid to bring the letter to Miles' attention, but Miles should have waited until Harry told him what to do, and Caleb should have refused the order since he knew it would be a trap. Rule #1 of springing traps... Don't. Other than that little rant, good chapter.

Manatheron posted a comment on Thursday 29th June 2006 1:01pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning


Awesome chapter! can't wait for the next one!

dave su posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 6:54pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

hi, ive been reading this fan fic ever since the first one was posted on, in other words, im obsessed, but im just wondering why dudley, who was training to kill harry for so long, didnt shoot a head shot? that way, if the worst had happened, like him getting shot by 4 killing curses, harry would end up dead.

-dave :D

stellameissa posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 9:41am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Good job on this last chapter!!! One thing I noticed though is that Little Whining is spelt Little Whinging. Keep Writing.


Ricky posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 8:18am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Once again Bob and Alyx; A damn good chapter; looking forward to the Next one and i suggest you tie snape to a missle Osama Bin Laden with it

HermioneGreen posted a comment on Monday 26th June 2006 9:49am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

A most wonderful series of stories. Thank you EverSoMuch for sharing your time and talent. I'm surprised at Hermione, just because she couldn't find Harry, she could have asked any one of the elves, surely they would have been able to find him, or know where he wasn't.

I think Miles needs to take some of the blame for ordering the mission without scouting out first.

I look forward to more as you have time to write it.

Thanks again,


reimanr06 posted a comment on Sunday 25th June 2006 12:46pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Well, aside from all the sissy business with Harry, Draco and Luna at the beginning, the chapter was excellent, as usual. All that talk about talking about your emotions was a little bit too girly for me, or at least wasn't as plausible coming from Harry as it might have been from, say, Mr. Weasley or McGonagall, or even Remus. It sounded more like it came from Oprah than the "Maglios", or even just Harry.

Knight_Hax0r posted a comment on Sunday 25th June 2006 10:30am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Nice Chapter, and furthermore an Excellent story. Stupid Hermione, She went through his memories when she bonded with him, She really should have known... Or you guys are just making her so naive that She'll end up being his actual cause of death rather than Voldieshorts. Harry should punish her now, no matter what he feels for her, she is directly responsible for 12 KIAs and any permanent damage you dicide to inflict on Harry!

Please keep up the Phenomenal work, you guys turn out. And a "Cruico" to those who would flame your awesomeness. They should not flame you for taking your story out of Cannon, Its your Fan FICTION after all. But all the same I like reading your counter flames =D

Sterling posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 3:04pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

"A personal note to Sterling who proceeded to explain in great detail how much he disliked our characterization of Ron and Dumbledore in Sunset, and now, despite hating the series is back complaining about Sunrise. Sterling, there are other fan fictions you can read. I hear the Itchy and Scratchy fics are quite amusing and usually to canon.

Touchy aren't we? You also tended to forget in your comments that I thought that in spite of the things I didn't like, I still thought your story was a good read. I have no idea where you got the idea that I hated your story. No one is going to agree 100% with someone else's vision. I hardly flamed you and having you flaming me in your A/N's is really uncalled for. But now that I know that you two are only looking towards reviews for ego gratification I'll keep silent from now on. I was merely voicing an opinion, to which I am entitled. Your response was both petulant and childish. So, I think I will finish reading your little story here. It does have its entertaining moments scattered throughout. This is in spite of the fact that you totally altered the basis for three characters. Those being Dumbledore, Ron and Molly. Oh and by the way, little errors still keep cropping up with syntax and grammar. Though I have to admit that compared to many fanfics you do a passable job at editing. FYI, missing or misued words seem to be a favorite for you guys.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here.   We got the point that you didn't like the way we characterized Dumbledore, Molly and Ron the first time you said it.   And the second and... Well, you get the point.   And we did warn you that it would get worse, but you continued to point it out.   It's not that you didn't like our portrayal of those characters that annoyed us, it was the fact that you had to keep saying so.   We got it...the first time.   Yes, we took beloved characters who were well developed in JKR's works and twisted them into something to fit our mold for the story. But we did the same with Harry.   In JKR's work, Harry's scrawny, an average student at best, and in no way super powered, yet you didn't make such a big deal about that, which was both puzzling and annoying.

As for the response being both petulant and childish, well, so is the fact that you kept repeating yourself. It was almost like riding cross-country in a car full children who keep asking "Are we there yet?" with one major exception... the children know the answer will eventually be "YES!"

As for errors in the story, yep, we're aware of them.   But we've yet to find a single fan fic without errors, even those who've gone through several beta's.   Mistakes happen...welcome to life.

One last thing.   If we were looking to reviews for ego gratification, we wouldn't be writing fan fic.   We write for ourselves, first and foremost.   And if you've written your own stories, you know that reviews are the WORST place to look for an ego boost.   Not a chapter goes by without us fielding complaints, rants and insults from people reading. Is it any wonder we get annoyed when people begin to repeat themselves? If the reviews were truly an ego boost for us, we'd delete yours and all the others who don't like the story or some aspect of it.

There's a ton of fan fic out there.   We're sure you'll find one to better suit your tastes.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 6:14am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning



Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 2:34am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

damn i thought it would have been updated. WAAAA=(

Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 10:43pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

so basically what you're really trying to say is that hermione is still and not yet a woman......hehehehe I crack myself up.

I was looking through my old emails and deleting most of the crap when I came across the one about you using the summary I wrote for Sunset. I just wanted to say that I don't mind that you used, and I admit that it made me blush a little getting such a high compliment from a wirter that I really enjoy reading and respect which goes for both of you Bob and Alyx. I was really honored that you used it. In fact it gave me a little bit more confidence at this whole writing fanfiction thing. I know that this may seem a little late in coming but I never got a reply so I don't know if you got my response, and I just wanted to make sure you got what I sent.

p.s. for the disclaimer have you ever had movie snivellus and book snivellus go at it in a deathmatch? that's be entertaining.

MagyarEagle posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 3:00am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Arthur is in position to be lecturing Fred and George on sexuality, especially considering the fact that he stole from Harry, and that the Twins are of age. That little lecture on sexual morality just annoyed me, especially coming from Arthur. The chapter would have been better if you had left it out. Good work overall, but not among your best, if only because you've set the standard so high with your previous chapters.
Can't wait for more.

Bobmin356 replied:

Ah, but morality, whether you're dealing with sexual issues or issues of theft is a slippery slope.   If you can slide down one (sexual promiscuity) it makes it easier to slide down others.   Arthur is a parent, first and foremost.   Finding out that his sons are sleeping with their girlfriends would kick the parental responsibility instinct into high gear.   Also remember, while the twins are adults, they are living under Arthur's roof.   They could get their own cottage and do as they wished, but they haven't. And while most kids hate it, it still comes down to one thing: "If you live under my roof, you abide by my rules".

Merle Corey posted a comment on Thursday 22nd June 2006 11:55pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

This is another good chapter. It is not clear to me why Hermione suddenly cannot control her impulses, and seemingly not recognize the possible dangers of these actions. Is this an effect of the bond somehow? Or is it the subject matter that somehow by-passes her usual restraint?



Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. This was a rather unique set of circumstances for Hermione, and she'll learn from both. Let me see if I can explain them a little better for you.

After reading the letter Harry received, Hermione panicked and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Her husband, the man she loves more than anyone or anything, was in danger.   She assumed, with Harry's whole "saving people" thing, and her own moral code, that he would have went to save his cousin. Obviously, from the contents of the letter, it was a trap. But when he left, Harry was so angry (visibly angry, mind you) and had shut down the bond, she was afraid his anger wouldn't let him see that trap and that he'd be killed.   Her vaunted intelligence was reduced down to one thing: Protect The Mate!

As for the possibility of killing both of them when the bond was created, it never crossed her mind. She wasn't trying to create a bond at all. Luna had told her that communing with ones mate while he or she was asleep allowed you to see a different side of him/her.   So Hermione tried it, thinking to better understand Harry by maybe watching his dreams.   Unfortunately, she got pulled in deeper than she'd wanted and was unable to get out again. When Harry, realizing the danger, moved to protect her, he inadvertently created the bond they now have. It's true she shouldn't have done it without his permission, but he forgave her for it and that's all that matters to them.

haroon hameed posted a comment on Thursday 22nd June 2006 5:11am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

thanks guys,
this fi is excellent just like sunset over britain i think byy making dumbledore and ron evil makes this fic even more great so please kep posting an we know how much chapters will be here on this fic and please try to post as many as you an please
thank you
member of your website
haroon hameed

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Thursday 22nd June 2006 1:38am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

I'm whining over whinging. And lovely for lovingly and your versus you're and jeopardized.

But don't mind me, I get that way sometimes. :)

Aside from 200% more spelling gaffs than ever before, this was as great a chapter as ever. You manage to make each chapter interesting in and of itself, rather than each chapter being nothing more than the words that lead to the next chapter. Major kudos for that.

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Thursday 22nd June 2006 1:17am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

I was super surprised to see another chapter so soon. Congrates. I hope harry doesn't explode on hermione to much.

Lyon Pride posted a comment on Wednesday 21st June 2006 1:06pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Whops, sorry forgot this. I understand that Hermonie was just responding, and Harry as powerful as he is could go almost anywhere, but why not send an owl? They're such a part of the wizarding world it would only make sense. And between Hermonie, Miles, and Caleb you'd think someone would have come up with establishing Harry's whereabouts. Heck even leave out the tracking spell you'd know as soon as it went west instead of east.

And why doesn't any fan fic use 'bombarda' as an attack spell?

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. They didn't use an owl because sometimes the most obvious solutions are overlooked, especially when fear is the overriding emotion. Both Hermione and Miles were afraid.   Caleb was angry, but had been given a direct order and told to carry it out or be relieved.

In a crisis situation, the obvious solutions can seem as far away as the moon.

As for the bombarda spell not being used in fanfic, I think it's mostly due to the fact that it's not canon. Bombarda was used in the POA movie, but not in the book. Bob and I are in no way canon nazis, but the use of the bombarda spell would almost guarantee that we'd be visited by a few who felt the need to inform us that the spell isn't "canon". Trust me, we get this a lot, even though we've clearly stated this is AU and doesn't follow canon. Besides, we enjoy making up our own spells.

Lyon Pride posted a comment on Wednesday 21st June 2006 12:53pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

Great work again guys. On the coast thing, perhaps you just have a natural east coast bias? I can't fathom why though. Two ideas that I'm pretty sure are far fetched. First, Wales was home to many druids and druidic clans (similar to Erie) will Eocho meet his long lost sister? Also, I believe the Harry/Hermonie bond is permanant? What if they get devorced? Hermonie is always nagging him across the bond, "You're going out with that tramp? Shut up you hag! Can't you leave me alone for even one night?" Oh the hilarity.

Finally, on a more serious note, the fortress at Azkaban originally held the worst criminals of the day, and it is very possible that those who were not realeased when Voldemort took power would have stayed in the fortress proper, and they would not have been a group Harry would have wanted in Haven. (just another reason for his lack of attack there) Keep up the great work!

David Thacker posted a comment on Wednesday 21st June 2006 12:49pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning

They are blaming(spelling?) Hermione when Harry is also at faulte(spelling?)for Hermione had no way of knowing what he was going to do when he shut off the link.