Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
By Bobmin
Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 12:32pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
That was a great chapter...Remus was sooo right. Miles and Hermione ought to be flogged. Caleb was the only one with his head on straight. I liked Dudley shooting Harry -- seemed like something he would do. Glad Harry survived it, of course...
And, VERY surprised and VERY happy to have a chapter so soon! Yay!!!! Thank you very much!!!
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:57am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Excellent chapter. (I seem to say that every time.) I loved the way that you had the rest of the Brotherhood participate in basic training. It should make it interesting and give them perspective. I was missing Terry and Susan in this chapter. Although they were probably mentioned just as much as they were in previous chapters, it was surprising that they were out of the picture for that whole time.
I believe that the Little Winging thing should not wholely be blamed on Hermione. The fault lies greatly with Harry shutting his connection with her down. When he does that, he removes information from her decision making ability. Until it was revealed that Harry had not gone, I assumed as well that he had. It was not that bad of an assumption. While he hates Dudly, his character could be interpreted to not let him condemn his cousin through inaction.
Thank you for writing and sharing, Bob and Alyx.
Mike (MoA)
radar posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:48am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
interesting, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Horrible cliff hanger though, and I can't wait to see them, Harry included chew Hermione out. Yet, part of me, doesn't really know how Harry will react. sTill its going to be something to look forward to.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:28am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Poor Harry you guys are beating him up now he is going to have trouble breathing. And Hermione she is going to be an emotional reck after this. Thanks for the quick update, keep it up I like it.
Sean Li posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 10:46am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
"I'm taking him to the hospital. Meet us there," Dan said calmly before she vanished, taking Harry with her.
Should either be 'Danni' or 'he vanished'.
Otherwise, brilliant.
Keep up the schedule, Bob and Alyx.
Lang posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 10:32am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Leave us a cliffy on Harry's health why dontcha?
Anyways, glad to see the chapter earlier than expected. Hope that you two can keep it up :D
I've recommened so many people to read Sunset and some are just starting Sunrise now. So with that in mind, needless to say I LOVE Sunset, and Sunrise and so do the people i've sent your way.
PhishBulb posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:56am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
I have to ask, if he had an insiders view, would Voldemort try to recruit Hermione to kill Harry seeing how she's proven more adept at that than anyone else or will he leave things as they are considering Hermione seems to be having no problem getting things done on their own?
On the other hand, after Harry survives, will he try to set Voldemort up with some female know-it-all Death Eater in an attempt to end the war? Normally I'd recommend Draco for this task, but you seem intent on trying to redeem the ferret. I think you passed over a great opportunity here.
Ltank687 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:49am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
love it... i really liked it when Remus bitched at Hermione, cuz she's irresponsible... can't wait to see if Harry fires miles and what his reaction to hermione is...
thanks for the update!!!
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:35am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Outstanding chapter, Harry kind of screwed up by closing off the link, but Hermione mamothly screwed up, along with Miles and Caleb, mounting a rescue mission without knowing if it was needed. Some other form of communication is obviously needed. A great chapter, I can't wait to see what's next.
black_kitten34 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:06am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
This may sound like you are repeating yourself, but dudley is dead??? am I right about that? if i am then thats good, if not please explain.
Bobmin356 replied:
Yes Dudders will no longer be playing in this movie. He is quite dead.
ridmania posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:05am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
love it, man hermione is the wrong latelky alot isnt she? keep the friggin awesome work!!!1
WNabors posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:49am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Whoot,another great chapter.this story only gets better!!
Wolff posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:36am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Great chapter, folks. Still enjoying the story, keep up the fine work.
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:36am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Oh, and I'd still like to know about the banner! :P
Bobmin356 replied:
We're too busy writing to worry about it at the moment. We may get to it in the future, though I wouldn't count on it :D
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:32am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Shaving charms... feh. Why not use something that makes fall out all facial hair? (Unless Harry wants to keep the possibility of having a beard later, but I bet even then there's a possibility for that.)
The Hammer of God a 'regular explosion spell'. You just had to make me eat my words, eh? ;)
Whoa, Harry got hurt again. By Hermione overreacting no less. But Harry and Miles are part of the fuck-up just as much. Miles is pretty self-explanatory, but Harry did put up his occlumency and left without a word. Hermione is far from innocent though and the reaming Remus gave her is more than deserved.
Well, I'll be looking forward to see this resolved. Thanks for the quick update! I really didn't expect another one so soon! :)
Ishtar posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:18am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Excellent chapter, as always. And Hermione still thinking she knows best, I see. If she doesn't stop that, Harry's going to have to tell everybody not to act on anything she says until they've checked with him first. This wouldn't do their marriage any good at all, but it might keep him alive.
BTW, you guys could use another proofreader to give it a look after Alyx's eyes go bleary. It's "Little Whinging", not "Little Whining", and the "Imperius" curse, not the "Imperious" curse. (Spell checkers keep trying to change it, so you have to be firm with them.) And lots of other little things that could stand to be fixed. With a story as excellent as this, the little things are glaring.
bluemac posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:14am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
It's always great to see the notice for an update, and the early chapter was a welcome surprise. Once again, a thoroughly enjoyable read.
However, weren't you a little rough on Hermione at the end? She's at fault for jumping to the conclusion that precipitated the whole mess, but she isn't actually in the chain of command. There's a lot more blame to go around, from Harry shutting her out to Caleb not pushing his objections more forcefully, and Miles insisting on going through with the mission despite Hermione telling him point blank that she didn't know if Harry actually had gone to Little Whinging.
Of course, the fallout should make for an interesting next chapter. Can't wait to see where you guys go with this!
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:06am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
So I see you are going to give us a grand cliffhanger to stew on for a while now.
While I appreciate how quickly you have updated the last couple of times, it will be excruciating waiting for the next update.
I really look forward to see how they will all deal with the inevitable conflict of faith that is going to happen, and to see how Harry and Hermione come to grips with Hermione's rashness in combination with Harry not be open with her. Both could have prevented what happened and neither did.
Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:02am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Great chapter, I really hope that Hermione has learnt the lesson this time. Just goes to show how well Harry know Hermione though, as the moment he heard the location he knew she was involved. I can see those two needing a talk. Remus though I think said what needed to be said, but Tonks might be someone else who can advise as she has made a similar mistake, and got Remus hurt because of it. Well done on getting this out so fast.
rippergirl posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 12:34pm for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning