Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
By Bobmin
Taegeous posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:36am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
A little harsh on Hermione, aren't you? Why so quick to make the ambush her fault? Harry shut down his link and stormed out without saying a word to her. Miles, knowing it was a trap, ordered the mission with no intel or backup. And Remus must have a pretty good view from the cheap seats. They're all at fault, and it's the poor Auror shmucks who pay the price. I think Harry got off light in comparison.
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx Here. Harry's in a coma, Miles is sick, and Remus hasn't had a chance to talk to either of them. All he knows is what Hermione did. He knows nothing about the actions Miles took (or didn't take), or Caleb's objections. Don't worry, it will come out in the end.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:32am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
great chapter - particularly enjoyed the maturity with which Harry helped Hermione and the rest of the Brotherhood grieve the lost of an innocence. You all did a marvelous job with that as with every thing else regarding this story.
thanks so much
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:47am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Ah, more fascinating developments of several plot threads and the tying off of one. I'd hesitate a guess that the next time Harry goes into battle, he's going to be wearing both wizard and muggle body armor.
It's going to be very interesting to see how Hermione handles her share of the responsibility for what happened as she really jumped far to a conclusion this time.
Erin posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:42am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
great update looking forward to the next!!
Lurk posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:17am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Uh.....oh. Not not not not NOT good.
Poor Hermione, she really was doing what she thought was best, but so many people were hurt and or died!
I have no clue how that's going to turn out, and at the moment, I don't like ANY of the solutions that are presenting themselves.
Miles? Dying? Oh, Merlin, I hope not! Send him home ill, but don't have him die, please!
I...I don't know what else to say. The whole end bit of the chapter's really messed with my mind.
Keep it up!
Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:04am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Good chpater, and surprising that it came out so quick. more drama it seemed like in this chapter then in previous ones, but good overall. Hope u update soon. Scott
Kristina posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 5:11am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
First a massive break out at Azkaban, then Harry gets SHOT? by his COUSIN? who Harry HATES? WHAT WAS HERMIONE THINKING ????
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Hermione wasn't thinking, she was reacting. That's the problem. :D
Mickey posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 5:07am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Very nice chapter. Will we be seeing more of Dilly and how the House Elvs were adapting?
Onl;y problem I had with this chapter was that I think the DE trying to throw blame was being too fair to the surviving guards. I have expected his report to contain phrases such as "After allowing Potter..." "...they then failed to report ..." and so on.
Matt T posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 4:17am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Hey guys, loving the stories.... but damn. What did Harry ever do to you? So far he's been maimed, beaten, drowned, tortured, shot, and probably a few more that I've forgotten.... we get it, he's mortal. Give him a break! (NOT literally... I shudder to think what you two would break....) I like the charaterization of Remus here. Understanding, but ruthless. Does that make sense? I dunno, too little sleep, too much coffee an incoherent reviewer makes.
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter (pulls out whip) MUSH! MUSH!
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. I'll give you most of that, but I don't remember drowning Harry. Hmmm...interesting. Hey, Bob! A review by Matt just gave me a GREAT idea...
neely61 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:40am for Chapter 13 - Aftermath and a Reckoning
Bobmin356 replied: