Content Harry Potter


Lang posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd August 2006 3:51am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

So, I hear you guys are going to have words, sentences and paragraphs in your next chapter. I don't think it can be done!

There's absolutely no way you can put all three in one chapter.

And, if you are able to, i'll allow you to use me in your disclaimers.

(yes that was me trying to be sneaky using reverse psychology to get in a disclaimer)

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd August 2006 2:09am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

I rather like the effect of the Wizengamot on proceedings as it makes sure the war is being fought on more fronts than one. Moody helping out the British army is also extremely fun. More please. Excellent chapter. And finally, ouch! Poor Neville!

Mel Evans posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 10:21am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Firstly, I think I should thank my lucky stars that I have never met anyone like Amhar. What an absolutely horrible human being!

I'm loving the story so far, although I would definitely like to see more of the pranks that are going on at hogwarts.

How good would an enounter between Peeves and Lucius be? and surely the hogwarts ghosts could do something particularly humiliating to Snape as well while they're at it? I'm not nearly creative enough to come up with a good suggestion, but I'm sure between the two of you he could be sufficiently punished! Perhaps in the leadup to the missions to the two prisoner of war camps, the ghosts could steal all of the DEs clothes or something.. have them all turn up in the nude to defend the camps. Would give the aurors and harry's friends some interesting targets if nothing else..

vl100butch posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 3:02am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Amhar needs to die, painfully. I personally think it would be a hoot to have a Royal Navy Sea King land outside of Haven with two individuals on board...King Charles III and the Duke of York (aka Prince Andrew) who would then visit and dissolve the Wizgemont (or however the heck it's spelled)

I hope you have a scene where Harry & co are taken to see the massed armada at sea --- proud names, Ark Royal, Invincible, Enterprise, Wasp, Hornet, et al...and a scene where the pure bloods get the total crap scared out of them by the opening of the air bridge into Ireland.

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 11:33pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

*groan* Ahmer's line of hating to be ignored. So all of his shit is EGO driven? Not ideological, but greed and ego. Short of stringing him up, I can't see any other way of stopping an utter fool like that. Damn he's an annoying prick.

Nice to see there is some kind of resistance still ongoing at Hogwarts. Penelope and the unnamed (?) slave of Snape.

Watching the ruminations of the DE is seriously creepy. Which is the point, of course. Very well done.

Liked the little scene in the classroom. Someone is spreading ugly lies, and the only counter is information and making the kids think.

Feeder? *snicker*

On Dobby's behalf, I thank you.

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 11:04am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark



Michael3 posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 8:42am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Bob, my dear, old, and good friend. How ya doin? That's fantastic. The ol' lady treatin' ya well enough? Even better.
I come on behalf of my sanity, or at least of what is left of it, not to mention my hate. They've asked me to ask you if you would for the love all things scary and dangerous that you kill off Coeur de Lion. Heart of Lion my ass, he's the slimiest (yes, that is now a word if it wasn't before) git I've ever read of in FF. So for everyone's good, including the Lion's own, kill him. Or I will. Or I could just bribe -- I mean offer you doughnuts.
Any way, other than the little mishap that is Coeur de Lion, this is an excellent story and I can't wait for more. Especially Lion's painful death. And no, I will not just settle for his humiliation within a Disclaimer.
Adios, Ciao and all that other good goodbye stuff -- Michael.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 8:28am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Well, an interesting chapter. Though it seem Amhar is making himself a much more than minor annoyance. If he keeps going, I would think he'd be due to get squased. Great work, thank you.

aengus posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 6:44am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

You two should put in a list of songs in your next "Dreaded Author Notes" that could be your offical soundtrack!

That would be so cool.

I love your stories and can't wait for the next chapter.

Q: Are you going to tell us who this mystery killer is?


rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 6:19am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Now let's see how man people get the line at the end of your author's notes. Older people might but I don't think the younger ones will. Great show though BIFF! BAM! POW!. Anyways your chapter is great as always. So cute that Dobby and Winky are in lo-ove. Nice to see some more love going on during the war. Would like to see some more about the going's on at Hogwart's with Peeves and the Death Eaters. See what new tricks Harry gave him to use in that task. Can't wait till the next chapter as always.

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 5:07am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Great chapter! I have to say, I actually enjoyed the bits with the Wizengamot.

Though Snape is an utter bitch. GODDAMN, I hate him in this fic. Growl.

Erk. Anti-muggle sentiments. That's not too good. Why can't they just say you know, something like "We are taking into consideration separating Muggles and Squibs from wizards. All wizards who wish to be removed from such filth, please raise your hands."

Then send those who do out on the front line, and if any survive, kill 'em. Assholes.

Couldn't they just, you know, ASK an Angel or two (who aren't mating, if there are any) to come with them?

Yay Charlie! He's recovering!

Growl. I HATE whoever is telling the older kids to pass those messages, those LIES, to the younger ones. Grr, grr, grr, grr, grr!

Keep it up!

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 3:32am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Excellent chapter. The Wizengamot is not only a monkey wrench dropped in the Geers of Harry's plans, but with Amhar's bribe, it becomes deliberate sabotage.

But he'd never let voldie's friends know about Arthur's slip of the tongue, would he? (Boy, I hope he gets executed as a traitor!)

Liked the lesson in class. Hope they get the murderer.

Good story! Complex, complex!

Question, though; what have you got against Amy? She's trying to do her job and is being tortured by the twins. Doesn't seem fair.
Is Amy a "friend" that you have put into your fiction for private reasons?

Looking forward to more.

Tom A.

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 3:14am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

As I was reading, the commitee meetings I couldn't help but by reminded of Sen. McCarthy.

Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 3:04am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Coeur de Lion is getting out of hand. Iffn' y'all want, there's an ancient law still on the books concerning treason (or sedition) against the monarchy, (and seeing as how the ministry is *supposed to be* under the auspices of the prime minister who answers to the King) it could be used in some variant. The law was passed, I believe by James III. John Goodman used it in 'King Ralph!' Perhaps it could be worded as 'against the good of the commonwealth', or somesuch. Common law had many similiar, vaguely worded laws that literally could be used to mean anything. I'm certain Amilia, Remus and Hermione could come up with something. Padma Patil was in Ravenclaw, with her family's narrow escape from the Death Eaters, I'm certain she would help.
If his acceptance of the maoneys from Marne Murphy is discovered, and I'm certain the Goblins would be mnost accomodating...
(Bust him down to second assistant sub-foreman in a factory making shoes for a muggle company! Or, bvetter yet, let his secretary's husband beat the snot out of him. Show him that his 'purity' does nothing to protect him.)
As punsihment, after suitable mamory 'tweaking', he could be hit with a charm that makes his skin and hair glow in offensive day-glow colors, and one that makes him dance wildly, then portkeyed straight to the Great Hall during a Death Eater initiation.
Harry and Hermione giving permission for Dobby to court Winky made my heart swell. (I take meds for that, doncha know!)
As always, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise'. Alorkin

noylj posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:36pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

It is getting really hard to read this story. I still do not see why Harry would ever permit the Wizenheimers to be reinstalled. I also do not see why Harry did not kill the heartless lion when he had a perfectly valid reason to--he should at least have challenged the pig to a duel. God, how much can you pile on Harry.

Daven posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:20pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

It is true, this fic and TMW are the upper echelon of Fanfiction. They would be equal, if not for that fact that TMW has not been updated since May 6th 2005. Not that im bitter or anyting.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

ps. Thank you for restating how old Harry is in this chapter. I had plum forgot.

AK posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:15pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Hello there! I happen to have a few comments (oh no!).

First: the Wizingamot is getting really annoying. And to read about em too, can we have Coeur de Lion in the next disclaimer? PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE?

Second: Snape is nasty! I didn't know he could get nastier but he did. Are you guys going to kill him soon? Actually if the ghosts can kill people woulnd't Snape be a logical target? (You know because of the potions)

Third: Hey we really don't see good ol' Voldie that much anymore, isn't he complaining because of the lack of air time?

Fourth: Um... what was it? Oh yeah! Hey are we going to get Goahoulds coming to invade earth through Harry's Star Gate? Or maybe the Vaulkans, dodgy folk these are, never trust the repressors!

Fith: "We have a request to include akmusique32 in our author's notes. So here she is. She has a little brother named Eli who is for sale on Ebay and she has interesting career goals. AK, if you reach those goals, we want pictures... or video." --> No idea what you are talking about but anyhow...

scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:02pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

Enjoyable :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 1:22pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

And things start to get "really interesting", in the sense of that old Chinese curse. The way the plot threads are intertwining is most illuminating.

Ernst Blofield? Didn't he have a relative named Eric who had a certain Bond with England?

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 12:12pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark

what a wonderful long chapter - loved having Charlie fully accepted again - and the revenge of Penelope was delightful - I hope we see a few more along those lines - maybe spreading to the ghosts outside of Hogwarts.
Thanks for some exceptionally fine reading.
In your AN you mention being compared to Jeconais - your stories are great in different ways, and I love them for different reasons - but you update a lot more regularly - which gives you three extra stars.

Warmest regards