Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
By Bobmin
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 9:42am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Awesome chapter.
As to driving me insane...I prefer to be the one behind the wheel, thank you very much. But as far as you doing some of the driving, you would have to argue with my boss for wheel time on my insanity bus. She is bound and determined to complete the task on her own without additional input, but if you are sadistic and evil enough, she may see you as near her equal and allow you something.
As far as the story, I cannot wait for the point in the story where the blessed chairman's treason comes to light. But, knowing you two, this is just a seedling of a plot and will continue to germinate for many a chapter before offering any payoff to your readers. You are evil in that way, insisting on building an actual plot rather than just giving us what we want, instant gratification. When we see Dumbles being evil, we want him dead NOW! When we see Charlie being led astray, we want him educated NOW! When we see a corrupt Wizengamot member, we want them stripped bare, covered in real Vermont Maple Syrup, whipped with a dragonhide whip and staked to an African Fire Ant hill right NOW!
Hmm...can Chairman Amhar Coeur de Lion be the new subject of the Disclaimer? And can Amy stop being the brunt of the pain and start to dish it. She seemes like an S&M Mistress that has had too much 'M' and not enough 'S' lately. I'm not into it, but I hear it's good to give as well as receive.
Well, that is all the viewing of my perverse mind that I will allow today.
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA)
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 9:40am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
please write more. Haven is becoming a good this or at least it will be once the wizengamot is gone. personally. even tho harry would hate it, t think he shhould just take over
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 9:24am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
good chapter update soon
Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 9:08am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Excellent chapter, as usual. I found penelope's first possession to be interesting, as well as the attitude of snape's assistant. I do wonder however if Voldimort could supercharge several of his assisants (Giving them the powers of several muiltply enhanced wizards) and then taking their magic. it just goes out to the third power. use the ritual to Bring someone up to slightly lower than him in power and then take that wizards magic. if he just continues that trend, he will basically double his magic every time he preforms the ritual as he can have increasingly powerful people performing it. and as you have already shown that it is possible to exceed the limit by using Boosted Peoples power cores, it's not out of reason.
Also, considering the types of people he is recruiting, is it likely that any of them would steal doses in an attempt to become more powerful than their lord?
Alex00 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 8:31am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Great work.
sailrpopeye posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 7:55am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Are you certain that there is no way to convince Harry that a ... ummm... series of "unfortunate mishaps" that happen to affect the more prattish (sp?) of th re-constituted Wizengamot might be in the best interests of Haven and wizardkind as a whole? That Amhar clown is the best candidate for the old Acme(tm) anvil that I have seen in years - if you can get Korwin at the same time, so much the better.
Happy thought, send them along with a strike team into England on a "fact-finding tour" and accidentally lose them during a firefight, that should be fairly easy to stage and still look convincing. You might have to put up a memorial to the "brave Ministry members lost in the struggle to free England", but what the heck - marble and a little brass are cheap and you can always recycle it after a few years.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 6:02am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
By what logic does Amhar think that being allegedly descended from the illegitamate offspring (Richard I didn't HAVE any legitimate offspring) of a king who wasn't competent in anything outside of military matters (The reason why John Lackland had all those taxes that Robin Hood so objected to in the legends is because John had to find a way to fund Richard's wars) and whose family hasn't ruled for more than seven centuries entitle him to royal perogatives? If he is, then by rights he should be treating the reigning monarch as if Charles was GOD.
I get this feeling that sooner or later Amhar is going to cross the aura wards and set them off. He might not be dark now, but he's slipping.
I have the feeling that after the war ends, it will take a year just to make Hogwarts usable again.
How could Amhar tied Hermione up in legal proceedings? It would have been considered a crime on Irish soil, to be tried in an Irish court, and Amhar doesn't have any influence there.
Was Ernst's middle name Stavro? If so, he was supposed to have been garroted and then dumped into an active geyser by James Bond back in the fifties (or killed several times in a variety of ways if you believe the movies instead).
I don't think using drug dealers in Ireland is a good move for Voldemort. He may end up losing a lot of contacts. The IRA and its Protestant counterpart had this habit of killing any drug dealers they came across as a sign of good faith to the general population.
kkf posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 5:45am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Brilliant as usual! Thanks for keeping me entertained!
Kathleen posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:57am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Wow, dark evil Death Eaters took the show this time...nice to end on a happy note with Charlie and the elfs. :)
Mickey posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:44am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
GREAT CHAPTER. Councilor De Lion is starting to really annoy me, good job.
One thing you really have your work cut out for you justifying why nobody used a time turner to catch the murderers, or at least discover who they are.
I don't suppose there's any chance of Snape getting his throat torn out by the slave girl? Doesn't have to be fatal as he can be rescued by one of the DEs coming in to get a progress report or something.
The Unicorn
participium posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:32am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Hmm, nice chapter although it came a bit as a surprise to me. This chapter is much more brutal then others.
I also don't understand why they give Amhar so much leeway. I mean, why not have him followed by someone like skeeter. They can then take pictures of him accepting the money, him saying mudblood, him going to those prostitutes... If it would not be enough for a trial, it would be more then enough to blackmail him.
neely61 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:20am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Great chapter! Things are starting to move along nicely now. Can't wait for more! One note though...
"Inside the camp there are four rows of five blockhouses each. If our scouts are right, we could be seeing at least eighty people per blockhouse. That's a total of two thousand prisoners in this camp.
By my math 4 x 5 x 80 = 1600... not 2000.
Asad posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 3:08am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
An enjoyable chapter... I await your solution to the crime situation in Haven...
Will the manor be filled with Dobby Jr.s in the timeline of this fic? :D
beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:59am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:11am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Nice chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 1:55am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
So which Blofeld was it? The one from Diamonds are Forever or the one from You Only Live Twice?
With Q Branch, that's the second Bond reference I've picked up. Am I going to have to start over from chapter 1 to see if I missed any others?
Damn I hate that Amhar guy. Are we going to see him make another pass at his secretary and get his assed kick by her husband?
UdderPD posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 12:29am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
As usual another excellent chapter.
However I would like to hope that this story does not go the way of so mant others where the baddies get all of the breaks and the goodies go blind and get a IQ of -3.
TTFN UdderPD (Who's name is also Robert.)
AzureSky posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 11:49pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Nice chapter. But for me this fic is getting boring, I'm not sure why though...
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 11:22pm for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark
Another great chapter, as always keep up the brilliant work.
That said I do have some concerns as to your mental health at being able to think up some of you more grusome torture/killings. Alyx please check out the meds cabinet again, as I don't believe Bob is taking his proper dosages.
Finally, please note that the flag for the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland is officially called the Union Flag not the Union Jack, though as a Brit I am willing to give you this point on the grounds it saves on confusion by you colonials!
seishi posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 10:45am for Chapter 18 - Whispers in the dark