Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
By Bobmin
Deborahsu posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 6:00am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Hurray!!!! A new chapter!!!! It really makes my day when I see that you've updated. You're doing a great job!
Ravenfur posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 5:41am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Awww! You guys had me crying at the funeral of one of my favorite characters! Alyx, Bob, you guys are great authors and work the emotions of a story so convincingly, you can't help but be pulled into whatever your characters are expirencing, be it despair or hope. Wonderful work on this chapter!
dic posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 4:07am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
i had a really nice review all written down here and then accidentally refreshed the site..
so i'll just write down some points now:
-really nice, long story - longest ff i ever read without being boring-
-dumbledores stupidity seems overdriven to me
-i like harry having super powers without being a triple animagus with elemental abilities and an ability to perfom the magic of the (high)elves
--> it's much power, but doesn't seem to exaggerated, as in some other storys i read
so that's it, i think... next time you mention the germans, please do kindly point out that we're not all evil, would ya? ^^ because, unlike the french, we aren't!
(while i'm at it, there was one point where one of the germans said "mien gott".. it should be "mein gott" to properly mean my god ^^)
so now that's it for real.. lookin forward to the next chapter... make it just as nice and long as the others, will ya?
greets from berlin
chris13 posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 3:48am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
i cant belive you killed moody, and in such an understated way, i would have thaght that that old basterd would have gone down taking 6 with him. Grate chapter, but you all ready know that, i cant wait for the next. i wonder how harry is going to handel all those pollitions?
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 12:39am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
good chapter update soon
john2 posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 11:14pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
My favorite part:
Minerva looked at Millicent carefully, then turned to Deneb. "Miss Bulstrode has many unusual talents, Mr Thorntree. Among them is the fact that she is an animagus. Unregistered, for now, so I ask that you keep this information to yourself. Her form, a gyrfalcon, hunts other birds, including owls. When Mr Palmer's owl refused to drop his delivery, she was forced to kill it."
"So, what's the problem?" he asked.
"I had told Miss Bulstrode previously not to sample the local domesticated species. In this case, however, it was unavoidable."
"Sample the local..." He looked at Millicent in dawning horror. "You didn't!"
She looked at him with wide, innocent looking eyes. "I was only doing what a gyrfalcon does naturally."
He shuddered. "Oh, Merlin. I kissed you just before we got here!"
Millicent rolled her eyes. "It's not like I didn't brush my teeth," she muttered.
"I think that's about enough," Minerva told them, trying to suppress her own shudder. "You're beginning to drift into an area I'd rather not know about, and we still have work to do."
Go Millicent!
lelila posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 10:24pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
if only the twins had seen harry as an honorary poltergeist. hee hee. i do wonder what peeves and his brothers want shovels for. *snickers more*
i'm sad to see moody go but at least he went out fighting.
i'm a bit disappointed in amelia. she had been partners at one point with moody after all. moody would have given her an earful of 'constant viligence!' if he'd been there to see her lax in security.
i do love luna. she's a really good balance to draco.
i love how u guys actually deal with the emotions that the character go thru when they hit some serious stuff. i'm very glad that arthur was there for melinda.
can't wait for the next!
paranoidofgov posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 3:00pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
I have been reading this story for about 8 months now and i have got to say it is magnificently done. This has got to be one of the most original peices of fanfic that i have ever seen. If i could i would send you tons and tons of doughnuts, cookies, or whatever the hell makes you happy. Its a good thing i'm a paitent person or i would go crazy waiting for the next chapter. Again magnificently done.
P.S. I think you should just turn the French into frogs :)
rippergirl posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 2:10pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Excellent chapter. Can't wait to see what happens with the shadow government and there plans to get hurt the Council with thier hired goons. Sad to see Moody go but that was probably the best way for him to go. Out fighting like the crazy old coot I mean auror that he is. Glad to see that the "spies" are out of the school and are going to be punished for what they were doing. Imagine plotting against poor little Dennis. What did he ever do to them? Write fast as I, and your other readers, want to see what is going to happen next in your story which by the way is a cornucopia of awesomeness.
Kari Becker posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 1:41pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
i just wanted to let ya know that i really love your story. I've been following it since sunset was on i love reading a well written story and i'm pleased that, unlike some great stories, you have not abandoned yours. i love the plot twists and i think your doing an amazing job setting up all the pieces and i have to admit that part of me doesn't want it to end b/c i enjoy reading too much. :) well that's enough from me right now. can't wait until the next chapter!!!
Pwn Master Paladin posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 1:19pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Well that's an interesting chapter. Sorry i haven't reviewed in a while, but I don't generally like to review until a story is completed, unless asking to borrow something like I did with the Brotherhood concept a LONG time ago. This chapter however, deserves a review!
And I thought Amelia was going to try to avoid bloodshed, instead she invokes a Council that could cause more deaths than any of Harry's plans...well, maybe anyway.
Not a bad chapter, a shame Moody died, but you did a great job with his character, and it was a fitting ceremony.
I LOVED the bit with Harry being inducted as an honorary poltergist. The best part is, just imagin if the Weasley Twins ever got a hold of the image. I can just see the Wheeze now..."Potter-the-Poltergist Party Pastry! Turn into the human poltergist that Peeves himself works for! 5 out of 5 poltergists approve!"
Now that prophecy, rather interesting. I think I shall end my review with what I think it could mean, and would ask that you NOT tell me if I am right, merely if I am in the ballpark, if that.
The first line, no idea, although I am assuming that the "Time of Prophesy" deals with Hermione's earlier prediction.
Blood of the Brotherhood could be anything from one of them being injured/dieing, to complications with Susan's birth.
Blood will meet blood and blood will fight blood I am guessing refers to Draco and Lucius, as they are the only ones I can think of that are related and on opposite sides, though I could be forgetting something.
Ancient voices line could refer to Voldemort's fall and the death of the blood supremacy issue, but the second part about a single cry could mean something about Susan's baby, when it cries upon entering the world.
Lots of possibilities, looking forward to more!
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:36pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Nooo... You can't end the chapter there. Grrr :-)
Great Chapter. I can't wait for the next one. Keep up the great work!
Lurk posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 10:23am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Wonderful chapter!
Sorry you don't get more, but I'm exhausted.
Keep it up!
Lang posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 8:50am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
"...but we can't have that in every chapter, folks, or the plot won't move forward and we'll still be writing this story a year from now!"
Heh, I don't mind!
Here's my nomination for your story lasting another year!
Badger-dude posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 8:39am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
woop woop woooga wooooo!
erin_colien posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 8:34am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
great update looking forward to the next.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 6:42am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
If the assassination by proxy is exposed, and the employers of the assassins revealed, that would be grounds for immediate Ministry disenfranchisement.
The problem with disenfranchisement is that it only gets rid of the French Ministry, not the shadow government, as some members of that are likely to be outside official government employ.
If the poltergeists can get a photo of the French Necromancer with Voldie, that would destroy the French case right there.
Will any of the resistance groups have problems now that their original outside contact is dead, or have they all been assigned newer wizard contacts?
Haeton posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 6:10am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
I doubt many are worried; we all know Bob loves blood, guts, gore and other various chunks of flesh as much as any of us. Keep up the good work on your highly entertaining fic.
agent fisher posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 5:19am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss
Good end to Moody. Nice touches with the funeral.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 10:41am for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss