Content Harry Potter


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 6:49pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Now that's an interesting chapter, full of the usual mix of emotions that makes human life.

I will admit to being quite saddened by Alastor Moody's passing and I do hope all will be constantly vigilant in his memory.

Finally, I suspect the French may find they've gotten rather more than they've bargained for; I rather hope they quite messily, for them, find this out and that the repercussions further afflict them. Bloodthirsty? Not really, but those who initiate force have no cause for complaint if it's returned several fold. "I am a man of peace, I don't go looking for trouble, but there ain't nothing more peaceful than the deceased forms of those who attacked me."

satishramsatya posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 5:37pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

really gud work on this one mate. I liked the disclamer. Lots of blood

beauty0102 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 4:49pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

gil ligad posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 3:46pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

I must admit that this is one of the most enjoyable stories I've read, after several years in the HP fandom.

I came across "Sunset" when poking around the FFA website (where I've been engrossed reading Kinsfire and Full Pensieve's stories) over the Christmas break... and found myself still reading it after Christmas.

:thumbsup: to both of you.

What I found most enjoyable is the "mix" you've made of the muggle and magical worlds, especially in the way muggle influences have worked their way into the magical side, especially on the broad stroke canvas of the war. (Although, I must admit that the very idea of house-elves being 'influenced' by old war movies - British, I would assume - had me rolling around imagining it!)

I noticed from the Author's Notes that some of your reviewers seem to be concerned about a seeming anti-French 'bias' in this tale. And yet, it is this element which (to my mind) adds a bit of 'realism' (for lack of a better word) to the tale, granting it a flavor that turns it from a well-written tale of Super-Harry and his band of merry people to an engrossing, intriguing and totally enjoyable tale.

Take it from an "unbiased" observer (since I am Asian, and not European or American ;) ), the machinations of a French 'shadow government' sound plausible and realistic and I, for one, can very well understand the seeming empathy that the French wizards in this story have with Voldemort and his 'pure blood' doctrine.

France, after all, was not a solid, united front against Hitler in World War II - as I recall, they had the Free French under de Gaulle and the "Vichy" government which collaborated with Hitler. And, while most would think that such actuations stem from opportunism than strongly-held racist beliefs, I cannot help but wonder...

And, just to throw in a crazy idea into the mix here... I cannot help but wonder if the seeming 'predisposition' of the shadow government to side with Voldemort is, as I said, due to a racist, pureblood superiority state of mind more than anything else.

France is, after all, where Mary Magdalene settled, bringing with her the "Holy Grail" which, as the Da Vinci Code and its source book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' claims, is a descendant of Jesus.

I wonder if you'll be introducing such a twist into the tale - and thus providing a reason or rationale for why the French magical community has allied itself with Voldemort? Pureblood and Pureblood... what a mix! :D

And one last thought... could it be that the Middle Eastern wizarding community's (Sheikh Alim and his government) support to Harry and the Brits is not only because of Harry's 'rescue' of the Alexander library and his 'unmasking' of the dark side over there... but also because they have their own 'history' with France?

Just wondering.


Keep up the good work... and I hope you guys can update soon!

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 2:57pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Excellent Chapter. Once again I sound like a one note wonder on reviews. But what can I say, each and every chapter has been excellent. Your going to give me a complex, trying to compare my somple works to your massively complex epics.

I love the idea of the anti-portkey-ward-breaking-portkeys, but then you seem to have abandoned them in favor of something unexplained that Luna came up with while returning from a funeral? This tells me that they will be both used and used in a dramatic way. After all that, it would be funny if the method were almost anticlamatic, leaving Harry on his feet and no strange feelings from their use. The real kicker is if Harry loved them, but was somehow incapable of enchanting them, much to his frustraton. An unexplainable block.

It would be interesting to have a conversation between Harry and Madame Maxine. So far the French have been painted with a wide brush and an inside perspective would be good. However you portray her believing, it could be an interesting twist.

Minerva, in your unsaid history of her, must not have ever been any type of a fighter, because she really does seem to lack that feel, which is not a bad thing for someone that many parents are trusting their children to. Her style makes a good contrast to the Dumbledore methods of administration. Even before his evil side came out, I am sure that he would have tried to give the two another chance. Everyone deserves another chance.

I look forward to seeing the Council's reaction to Harry and the Brotherhood. Harry's reputation could have grown in many ways throughout the world, unbeknownst to us all of this time, and the preconceptions of the Council will be a good portion of how this will turn out.

I suspect that, if the French Magical government is disenfranchised, they will try for a quick victory against the British contingent before their seventy two hours is up. The Minister himself, being a puppet, will probably resign immediately following the verdict, should it come to that, but the shadow government will wait until the last moment.

That's a good question...did any in the shadow government take oaths or will they get away scott free, save for a few that are department heads in the Ministry? What could end up happening is the real government is still in control, the faces have just changed on the Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch puppets. Of course, what you wrote doesn't take into account anything, so far, as a punishment for the country besides the top officials having to resign. Will new ones be appointed and elected and everything go on? The term disenfranchised seems to point to something more dramatic...but what?

Thank you for writing. You are a highly skilled writing team. I believe that if you ever tried you hand at an original novel as a team, it would be a great read.

Mike (MoA)

Meg posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 2:03pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

So......two more months before the prophecy conflict is over?

Inneresting chapter. Unfortunatly, that's all I can come up with right now. :P Other than the whole Ram/Bull thing. And that took Googling.

Still loving Luna's dottyness, and the Arthur/Melinda scene was well played.

Can't wait for more!


anonymous5 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 1:49pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Can I just say that I think you've attained an EXCELLENT balance of plot, gore, and intrigue? Especially in this chapter - you've knocked off yet another batch of characters, but at the same time moved things right along with this Council business. I'm quite happy. Thanks for the update!!

CRose posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 1:46pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

This is one of the better chapters I've read on this story. Everyone is good, but this one stands out more than the others due to quality and lots of plot advancements. Good Job.

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 1:01pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Another good chapter. Liked the Luna / Hermione interaction with the runes.

Twas a shame about Moody but I don't understand why he didn't detect the warehouse full of wizards before they attacked him. CONSTANT VIGILANCE and all that, his eye should have seen either the people in the warehouse or a great deal of magic where he was being blocked out.

Bobmin356 replied:

The warehouse was empty, until they started attacking the three wizards. If you recall the one wizard sending a spell straight up. He called in the reinforcements.

Ltank687 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 12:58pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

love it! keep on updating, and congrats on another fabulous chapter

seishi posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 12:24pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Brill chap as usual, a shame about mr peg leg. but i guess you have to kill someone, eh?

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 12:13pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

Well what a pleasant and welcome sight here on Thursday night. Hmm, that any rate good chapter.

This France sideplot is much more interesting than the Amhar one you had simmering there for awhile.

The syndicate...hmm I have a feeling we might start having some actual losses on the side of the light here soon.

Poor Moody, but the holding back the dark bit was priceless and one of the better lines I've read in any story.

Thanks for writing,

DaZZa posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 12:09pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

It's a real shame JKR got to Harry Potter first - you guys spin a much better yarn than she does, especially after the latest piece of....wasted publishing space.

Bravo, folks. Long may you write!

Kinsfire posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 12:03pm for Chapter 26 - The pain of loss

*shakes begin*

But ... but ... need more ...

As usual, an excellent job. I rather like the bit of seeing Amelia being naive for once. "But, this is the Council! We're safe here!" *BUZZ* Wrong answer!

I look forward to the next installment eagerly.