Content Harry Potter


mysuv1 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th January 2018 8:49pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I am so enjoying the story and cho chang getting to kill snape was awesome

Rico Perrien posted a comment on Saturday 13th April 2013 12:02pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

If the law said that any magical creature harming a witch or wizard should be killed, why was there no reercusions when Fuzz killed Dumbledore (other than a fear over Luna's reaction to the attempt)?

amsev posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 11:29pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Dayum! Go, Cho! Go, good magicals in France! Go rockin' authors!

Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th January 2011 3:43am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Yay! Dilly got off! Phew now I don't have to send you any hate mail! ;) Amelia seems harsher in the last few chapters. Maybe the war is getting to her. Or she needs to get laid XD

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 10:36am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Loved this chapter. It was very very fitting that Pet AKA Cho got to kill Snape and destroy everything he had worked on!!! Poor Moldy Voldy!!! He'll have to have someone start from scratch!!!

Kainashi posted a comment on Friday 26th June 2009 8:19pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Poor Cho... Though, the way she treated Harry, maybe she deserved some of it. Goodness, I love these stories. Thank you!

dennisud posted a comment on Tuesday 18th December 2007 12:33pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I actually was rooting for ... say Rith Davis or Daphne Snodgrass as the girl. I think Cho's been si used and abused in amny harry Potter Fan fics, I guess she desrves a break somewhere.

Still I'll reserve a long review when I'm done with this Epic!


derangedfangirl posted a comment on Wednesday 5th December 2007 8:01am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

AHH!!!! The Girl was Cho!!!

I absolutely loved that plot line.... Until her identity was revealed, she absolutely smacked of Mrs. Lovett in my opinion.

Ahh, Sweeney Todd references... :]

Your stories are incredible, and I can't wait to read the rest!

slayersfan01 posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 7:44pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water


That I did not see coming at all! Oh man, if I didn't feel so bad for Cho I would say good job. Yes, great job in giving her the pleasure of killing Snape, but I sincerely hoped that she would live. That was real sad. Great twist, but so sad at the same time.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Saturday 7th July 2007 11:53am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I only have ONE question for this chapter.

'Why didn't Umtuba ever meet Eocho while he was in Padfoot?' You mentioned in the previous chapter that Umtuba was also a 'Maglios'? Wouldn't Eocho sense his presence and chat with him? I guess it wasn't relevent to this storyline at the moment.

Oh...btw, you had me laughing soo hard till I had hiccups with the effects that you all gave to the 'Portkey' group! That was the funniest yet. Gred and Feorge would have been proud of Hermione and Luna.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:21am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Just what exactly caused Mr. Lovegood to need a metal plate in his head? I’m curious.

Voldemort should have studied history more…rulers have been taken down for such cavalier attitudes about the lowest level people.

"Her husband taking a mistress wouldn't be all the unusual in her mind. After all, Lucius had his other women, as did most of the pure-blood men in her social circle." Yes, but I’m sure in Narcissa’s case it was a welcome relief. After all, Lucius is definitely not a caring lover like Harry.

utkari02 posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 12:28am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I know I haven't commented on any chapters yet. But I couldn't help the feral grin that came over me at the end of this chapter. As clever as I claim to be, I never once thought that Cho was the slave girl. I absolutely loved it.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 8th March 2007 5:12am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Very good.


Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 1:25pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Fantastic chapter, guys!
Sadly, I'm finally all caught up and will now have to WAIT for updates. Oh, well. Such is life.
And your chapters are always worth the wait.

Mel Evans posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 7:14am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I loved the chapter, can't wait to read the next one.

Darkwind posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 5:58am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

hi i started reading sunset a few days ago and just couldnt stop, amazing job,kudos and all, please update as soon as you can

Mystkyten posted a comment on Monday 26th February 2007 12:56am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

WOW WOW WOW WOW...This is an amazing story!! I have been reading both this one and Sunset for the last few days straight!! We moved in the middle of me reading Sunrise, and I was driving everyone nuts, trying to get the computer set up and back on the net, so I could get back to reading. I can not wait to read the next update. I am torn. I want it to be long, but I want to see how it ends as well. Thank you for writing duch a wonderful tale.

o.T posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 8:25pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

The next opponent of Harry's will be... (pulls paper out of top-hat).. A Weasley-haired Ahmar with insane cheek twitches of Dumbledore! And this one has an extra phallus. See what happens when people open up dimensional rifts, crazy demons from fan fic hell come up and cause plot bunnies to randomly explode!

And on that note, I've forgotten the other question. And the first one. Goodbye!

Sarah B. posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 6:18pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Whoo-hoo!!!! Snape's finally dead! I could kiss Cho, if she weren't such a mess!

Otherwise, I have nothing of any import to say, but to wish that you please carry on with this fine and entertaining story.

gummihu posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 3:16pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Why does Hermione always fall asleep later than Harry but always awakes earlier?