Content Harry Potter


Shea' Motsko posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 12:28pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Wow! (is stunned by the greatness) I just recently stumbled across Sunset & Sunrise and have taken the past several days to read through both stories. (tips hat & bows low) There are so many things about both stories that are so wonderful that it's hard to list them all. Intricate plot, fascinating new magic, international political manuvering, delightful original characters, house elves, Harry/Hermione romance, a truly evil Voldemort & snoracks!

And this last scene... OMG, Cho!

(waits breathlessly for more)

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 11:50pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Dilly the super-powered elf was fantastic. What was even better was Cho finally being allowed to off Snape and then herself. I liked the irony of her beating him to death with his own cauldron. Excellent chapter. I can't wait for more. Hoorary for Harry getting Dilly off though I doubt she would have minded a holiday in America if she could have taken Melinda and Arthur with her.

Bferbear posted a comment on Tuesday 20th February 2007 3:16am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Great story, excellent chapter. To continue the SOB theme into future chapters perhaps you could write a sickly sweet piece called "Sunshine over Britain" or even a dark and twisted piece about Harry losing the plot and going on a killing spree called "Supernova over Britain"

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 3:59am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water


After having all of my own issues with computers and connectivity ... I have finally caught up in the story.

I realize that Hermione is Lady Potter but doesn't Luna have a title as well? I sort of remember Draco making comment about somebody I thought was Luna had somesort of title like Viscountess or something...

Next ... The way you can get around the Disclaimers on every chapter ... place ONE on the first of the story and then that would cover the entire story. If you are truly anal about it you can reference it as Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

and with that you have covered your arse!

I love this story ... It's been extrememly entertaining and I'm enjoying it (much more than HBP)

Keep up the great work ... Have some \_/ \_/ whisky on me
It's a great 18 year old single malt !

Take care - As Always,

Jester posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 2:10am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

First off, fabulous story. I've followed your work from the middle of Sunset, and the depth you put into your plots and characters is absolutely amazing.

By any chance have either of you considered writing a published work? I know that I would certainly buy it!

As for the true reason I commented... the short film you referred to as inspiring Fuzz is called "Boundin" and is on the Incredibles 2disk DVD!

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 3:28am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

good chapter update soon

Mell posted a comment on Friday 16th February 2007 11:29am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

That was so amazingly incredible. Did I expect Cho? Of course not. Because you have the ability to put the person in, seemingly as an extra, and then spring it upon us that we know the person in such a seemingly obvious, convincing way.

That, my friends? Is genius.

Amazing job -- and just an FYI -- the HHr, DL, GN, and all of the other ships continue to be absolutely gorgeous and perfect and fluffy and adorable. I absolutely love them...

Oh, right. :D And I love this story. Fantastic job!

Alorkin posted a comment on Friday 16th February 2007 2:44am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Yet another fabulous chapter. I thougt I'd missed one, when you introduced the page, and had to return to chapte 27, just to make sure.
Harry's actions at the council, and his speaking for his enemy, as it were, most excllently done. I'd listen to his words, (and I hate politicians with a passion!)

Dilly's actions were in every legal sense I can find, completely justified. She reacted to a distinct and imminent life threat to save her familly. (I think Harry should take that Auror aside and 'explain' the facts of life to him! Preferably in a boxing ring!)
I am very glad you chose to have Mme. Bones decide in her favor. (I'd have to pickett, otherwise!) Honestly, she really had no choice. Mme. Bones is, in every fic I've ever read, as incorruptable a person as there is. Even in canon, she's portrayed as such. With King Charlie ordering the revamping of laws, to treat every sentient as equals, it was either treat Dilly as human, or treat all humans as house elves. Harry didn't help her much, by bringing in people who could make life very difficult for the wizards, to witness her decision.

Snape *more than* desrves to die. 'Nuff sed there!

Cho, as insane as she appeared, was particularly Gryffindor-ish, in her execution of Snape...erm I mean her poorly thought out, spur-of-the-moment plan. She taught him a lesson he should have learned from Harry's father. 'Never turn your back on your enemy!'
Her suicide was nicely done. She KNEW she was going to die, and chose to do it on her own terms. I both like and respect that attitude! As importantly, she denied Voldemort's forces irreplacable potions ingredients and even more irreplacable texts. Voldemort is going to have to do soee serious dancing, in order to recover anything from this. I wonder, since he's using that black cauldron, will he have to sacrifice anything of his in order to prevent it from destroying him? I understand from my limited knowledge of magic, that, especially in the dark arts, there must be a balance. One gives when one takes. It would make a nice twist, if the caldron used to make the potions, was to begin to sap away some of what was gained... Just a thought.
As always, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise'. Alorkin

pnthrgrl343 posted a comment on Thursday 15th February 2007 8:21am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Once again great chapter.

But what ever happened to Nutters?

morriganscrow posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 10:35pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Excellent as always.
What an appropriate death for Snape - beaten to death with a potions cauldron!
Poor Cho, but she came through in the end.
Love the Acme Disclaimer Machine.
Please update again soon.

beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 4:46pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

yeach great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

lordblack posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 9:15am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

another great chapter. but I'm confused as to why the ministry isn't in northern ireland, they wouldn't have to deal with the irish at all, and they wouldn't be a ministry in exile-same with the muggle government.

Sophophobia posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 6:37am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

That person in the adiance who screamed, awhile back? Yeah, that was me. Tell Bob to be more careful when opening packages, because that hurt. As it is, i might have to sue.

Wonderful story, by the way. Will Cho be a ghost?

- Lyyn

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 6:35am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Another great chapter, I love Cho kicking the crap out Snape. I think the Dork Lord is at his Magical growth limit now. I wonder if Harry will find out what happened or will Cho come back as a ghost. Add another job to Harry resume Lawyer! What will you two come up with next. The other day I was checking out when you started writing Sunset, I can't believe that it has be going on for almost a year and a half. Keep up the great writing.


john2 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 6:01am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

A lovely chapter - the part that I most enjoyed was the Cho scene. Good on you, Cho.


Blacksheep posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 5:28am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

"We'd finished the movie and Bob was checking the extras on the disk when he came across an animated short in the menu. The short was about a dancing, singing sheep that eventually got shorn, but realized he was still quite good looking, even without his woolly coat."

That would be 'Bounding' on the Incredables DVD

vegabundo1 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 3:54am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

Another great chapter as always. This one left me with a question though. Since Cho is one year ahead of Harry, wouldn't she of been evacuated with the rest of the school? If thats the case, how did she end up in Snape's service? Did I miss something? posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 2:56am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

You guys really are bloody brilliant. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm glad Snape died. next time you kill him maybe ya could leave him in the burning room alive without his wand. Anyways DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

TNaSeein' posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 2:08am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water

I've never been a fan of Cho's but your version of her rocks!

Rayven posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 11:39pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water


Now that you mentioned it, Amelia really did seem to be quite arrogant when Harry & Co. brought up the prospect of the Council being attacked. Oh the blind eyes and good faith of people sometimes! Well, we all saw that the arrogance lead them all to the front lawn of Padfoot.

Between being a bit amazed that Amelia also seemed to be not so keen with the King's orders to enforce new laws of equal status between sentient magical beings, I'm eagerly waiting for the next update to see what, exactly, the goblins have in store for our Lord Potter. Not to mention how much France still has to offer this story ;)

Keep those quills busy!

PS. Cheers to Cho for getting rid of the overgrown bat we all know as Snivellus Snape, good riddance! Shame she killed herself in the process :P But ... now you're one more character short for future disclaimers ;)