Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
By Bobmin
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:00pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Wow, an intense and awesome chapter here, with Cho Chang being the bed slave of Snape, and getting her bit of revenge for everyone in the end, I sorry she died, but at least she went out like a Ravenclaw, using her mind, even if it was a bit shattered. Should be something to see in the next chapter, as well as what this means for Magical France now anfd for the future, and who'll be taking care of Magical Britain as well.
lelila posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 9:03pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
quite an interesting side affect of the mass apparition. i can only imagine how much u guys enjoyed writing such a scene. need i use that pointless pun? and say 'that's sick i tell you! sick!' hee hee.
and it does goes to show u that no matter how many wings u can add to a house, that when u're harry potter, it can't be too many! it's always interesting to find out the latest thing that harry potter does. he doesn't even knows what he's doing half the time. doing what's right is a lot more difficult than doing what's easy but it's also more entertaining! and announcing to the minister that he was planning something illegal in case of not liking the outcome of the trial wasn't his most brillant moment. hee hee.
good for dilly for protecting her family! i'm glad that it all was wrapped up pretty quickly. i do like house elves and i think we should all be happy that s.p.e.w lives on! after all, how many times can u say spew in conversation like that? hee hee.
the council of avalon was really well done. i'm sorry to see umtumba gone tho. so what did they decide to do with laroche? his testimony was kind of interuptted and he wasn't mentioned again. did they leave him tied up to the chair or something when they were all done?
i suddenly realized how ironic it is that malfoy having been the ultimate pureblood advocate and he's the one whe takes care of the duties over the muggles.
and the girl was cho chang? wow, i hadn't expected that. was i just not paying attention to not have known that or something? she got a lil crazy there tho i don't blame her at all. who wouldn't be crazy after being forced to give a blow job to the ultimate of greasy gits? the talking to the apple was nice touch to that too. also nice death for snape, being bludgeoned to death by a cauldron, it was very fitting. and that voldy with his temper tantrums. using a reducto curse on the bodies was a bit messy there.
the dvd that u were watching that had the short film with the sheep dancing around and all that was probably the incredibles. my hubby watches it all the time. as do i.
great chapter as always. it always makes my day when i see u guys have updated!
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 8:33pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Joy to the world! That Snape is dead, Joy to the world, the Snape is Dead. Bloody keyboard went haywire and posted the review early, before I could finish it!!!
Did you leave hints that Snape's pet was Cho Chang coz that was sheer genius that you had her kill him! We bow down to your godlike author powers!
The acne disclaimer machine was a bit of an anti-climax but it was nice to see Snape die twice so quickly!
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 8:29pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Wow! Great chapter, absolutely amazing. Its brilliant how you whisk side plots in out of no where i.e. the Dilly saving Melinda's life!!
Joy to the World, that Sn
Vidar posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 5:54pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Damn you people.... Now I wasted to good hours at work reading this chapter and doing some other lazy stuff.... I got to work at super speed the rest of the day so my boss won't find out what I've done:/
Great chapter by the way, this story is, as I have told you before, simply amazing:)
What is your plan of action against old voldy now? I would love to see some more of the friendly inhabitans of Hogwarts again next chapter, maybe a little bloody baron possesing of old voldy, wouln't that be hillarious?
I'm also fairly dissapointed in the continuing ignoring of my reviews, a little notice in the story where you thank the great Baron Vidar or something would make my day, maybe even my week... As it is now, I got to work... a lot... thaks to you, hmmm, maybe it's my own fault.... reading should be done at your own risks, prefarably in your own spare time, not at work! Damn, I just wanted someone to blame!
Anyways, thanks for the great work you have done, I love your story:)
Happy valentines:)
And of course, please excuse me for my poor english, but if I wrote this crap in norwegian you wouln't understand a Fu***** sheit of it:)
Best regards, vidar...
hyperswain posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:41pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
the short with the sheep that got shorn was 'boundin' and it is on the dvd "the incredibles" i do like that short! and as for u 2, another excellent chappie! what can i say u 2 should try writting your own series and get your own published works for us poor fanfic authors to use as fanfiction fodder
BT posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:13pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
About a title for a sequel. Not that I'm TRYING to force you to do a sequel, just encouraging forcefully. You could always go with a Western-sounding thing like "High Noon over Britain," and give the HP crew some spurs.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 2:01pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
I loved this chapter... that shouldn't surprise you though, since I have loved everything about your stories since I first found you on
The end of the elf hearing was hilarious... Harry really needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. To announce to your Minister that you had planned an illegal action that would make her ruling worthless is not exactly a very politic thing to do.
I loved the way Cho finally killed off her tormenter and destroyed his research. She truly deserved it and the fact that she severely hurt Voldies plans is a major bonus. Loved how she proclaimed herself the savior and then took her life protecting the secrets she had gleaned despite her madness.
As to the virtual cookies, I am very happy you liked them... though I had no idea that you preferred chocolate cake. But hey, Bob! You got a real desert out of it, so its all good. Below you will find a virtual chocolate cake, I hope that you enjoy.... sorry about the missing piece... I couldn't help myself.
whyshouldicare posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 12:05pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
WOW! I did not see that coming! That was a great chapter. But I do feel bad for Cho.
Fishburne posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 12:04pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Review, Part Deux.
Insouciant, with just a hint of whimsy.
Listening to my daughters ipod is like aural sodomy...
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 11:49am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Another excellent chapter. And the points to Ravenclaw were a nice touch.
Rolaytaum posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 11:33am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Great Story, and about Noon over Britian, you could always go with DayLight or DayBreak Over Britian :)
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:58am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
An excellent chapter, though I would think that Amelia would have a few choice words for Harry. She's on his side, and was apparently inclined to rule the way he wanted on the Dilly matter. His idea was a good one, but it wouldn't have hurt ot give her a heads up. The bit with Cho at the end was great, it was nice to see her stand up for herself and try to make things right, or as right as she could. The whole sequence from last chapter and this one with the counsel of Avalon was very well done, thank you.
rippergirl posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:49am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Yay.It's good to see that you listen to us readers. Now if you behave and get the next chapter out in a good amount of time I might be convinced to properly dispose of the voodoo dolls.(though I'm sure there are a few people out there who would like a bit of Bob and Alyx. Ebay here I come) Oops did I say that out loud? That was supposed to be a private thought. Anyways about the chappie. Awesome. Luv the blood and guts then it came to Snapie biting the big one. Good to see that the council survived and I hope that their plan for the french gov't will work. Hope old moldyshorts is permanently scarred. The painful burns will match his red eyes lovely. Anyways I will leave you alone, for now, and godspeed with the next chapter.
P.S.I'll send you something good to eat if you get it out soon.
CRose posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:47am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
You know, I was kind of hoping that Snape would eventually reveal himself as a true spy for the light side. Someone willing to go that extra step to prove himself worth to the dark lord, only to betray him at the final second and injure the dark lord's forces almost fataly even as he died.
snaps fingers. so much for that. Heh
Cho Chang was a surprise though. Great Job with that.
I'm interested in seeing a bit of aftermath with the French though. Seeing if they really can take control of their government back. I have my doubts as they would probably have a plan in place in case something like this ever did happen. It has always been a possiblity. They were save so long as no one knew of them, but now, the game has changed and they'll have move fast to save themselves.
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:44am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
More Amy! It's too bad, but if you kill Drake, he will die as a hero instead of the inbred idiot he really is.
Great couple of chaps.
Lurk posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:18am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
Great chapter guys!
Hmmm....methinks Harry's getting a little too big for his britches here. I mean, okay, him planning to kidnap Dilly if something went wrong, fine, okay, that's Harry. Him loudly announcing it? Seems like something the old Draco Malfoy would have done. Too arrogant. ::shrugs:: But then again, everyone's entitled to be a little arrogant sometimes.
Nice to see Harry standing up for the French though! Yayness!
Keep it up!
John8 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:17am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
"Is it bad, isn't it?"
I beleive that should read "It is bad, isn't it?"
He getting dressed when Dobby reappeared
That one is just missing the 'was.'
Aside from those two points, I noticed no other Grammar issues.
I rather enjoyed this chapter, I am simultaneously happy and sad to see that the story is beginning to draw to a close. I look forward to seeing how it will all turn out, but I will miss reading new chapters of this every so often.
Fishburne posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:11am for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water
fishnuts. booooooo.
FNORD is an excellent word, full of meaning.
One one hand it can mean "Boffo! Excellent use of imagery in uttering the phrase "Explosivio Castrado", whilst on the other it could simply be a ring made of porcelain with the words "Sherman made a mistake and passed through Atlanta on the way to Savanah, just to get a better quality of Mint Julep."
Also, I really dug the whole Elf kills Frenchy bit. It was really yummy.
Now figure out which half holds the brains and which half is just ass. :)
Listening to my daughters ipod is like aural sodomy...
Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:40pm for Chapter 28 - An Elf in hot water