Content Harry Potter


Alex00 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2007 12:26pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Good work.

DizzyG posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2007 12:12pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Sweet! Coming up to the big fight.

One scene we are still missing though - when and why exactly did Fawkes leave Dumbledore?

Apart from that, carry on!

knightsbridge posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 12:14pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

"God Is." In the troubling times our world is going through, I really hope those that should read that explanation did so. I realise that's not WHY your wrote it as you did. I'm a Brit and born and raised CofE (or Roman Catholic Lite, if you prefer)and watch as sects pervert their own religion to suit their own needs, not realising that "God Is."
I have no idea what JKR has in mind for #7, but I agree Snape is all for what will keep him breathing. He was due a dirt nap...thanks. I never cared for Cho either, but doubt she was the villian other authors make her out to be.

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 11:32am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

As usual - fantastic!

I commend thee, dear writers, on a well-crafted and well-paced chapter.

Oh - the scene with Peeves and his 'brothers?' - I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. I blame you if my asthma acts up. And then I blame my computer - but I refuse to blame myself. That would just not be proper... (heh heh)

(more tears in eyes as she recalls the Peeves scene)

I'm so ready for this battle to happen! You're building up the suspense nicely (damnit, lol!).

So, what are the chances my asthma is going to act up again the next chapter? <GGG>

--Lady I - going to hunt for her inhaler...

Joyce Caldwell posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 4:58am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Crose: I'm sorry, but I'm one of those people that truly dislikes Snape. In my mind, even in canon, Snape works for Snape.

I am so glad somebidy besides me recognises this.

Love the story, but I usually don't read the disclamer. Just a little too bloodthirsty for me.


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 2:01am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

I like the outhouses. An almost interresting fact, outhouses used to have the moon symbol if they were for women and a star for men, but the men't outhouses were usually in such bad disrepair that everyone wanted to use the ones with the moon on the door. Eventually they just stopped designating men's and women's in that way.

Small correction:

"Normally, I would agree. But your hand is trembling a bit too much for my peace of mine. I'd like to drink my wine, not wear it," she teased.

This should be mind.

Thank you for writing. This was an excellent chapter.

Mike (MoA)

uthamm posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 1:36am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

*Laughs* You know, you would think that I would learn to read the reviews before I review, but hey, I *am* a slow learner - just laughing at the review talking about the *SOB* series. That is just . . priceless.

uthamm posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 1:34am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Good Chapter - Here it comes! I am glad that you have still been able to share this with us. I was sorry to hear about the health issues - Hope that it all works out for the best. The Susan/Terry interaction was good and I assume that there was a point to the double interaction but I haven't figured out what it is . . . or did you do that to throw us off? Is this an Easter thing? You both plan too well for this to be random, right? RIGHT? AARRGH! Well, here's hoping that my brain doesn't short out waiting for the update!

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 12:08am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Very excellently done, and looks like things are building to a climax soon. Harry's feelings at the final fate of Cho was rending, though it's nice that Hermione has grown as well, and she understands what Harry needs to keep going and do what he has to, while also helping him along as well. She's really changed a lot from Hogwarts, and has grown into the woman that she could become in canon, if JKR would let her. Looking forward to what happens next, and how this might go when things turn out right or wrong, and the final battle.

BJH posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 12:05am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Go ahead, kick the puppy! Kick its little nose in! Use steel-toed combat boots!
Kick it! KICK IT I SAY!


kainboa posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 11:36pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

great chapter as always, can't wait to see the next one.
and here's some low everything, great tasting choc chip cookies just for you, you aren't allowed to share with yer wife :P

keep up the great work :)

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 1:34pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Excellent Chapter.

I've read this 2x in the last 2 days, and what keeps sticking for me is not the parts that I usually enjoy, but Harry's talk with Hermione about G-d.

I know y'all aren't trying to be preachy, but it struck home for me, being a "former" Catholic who still has beliefs and going though the death of my atheist fiance's mother, and having to comfort him.

He's not a fanfic reader, but if y'all don't mind, I might just C&P that whole section and email it to him. :)

So, thanks. A new one shot and a great chapter of SoB all in one week. Feeling spoiled here! I know, though, that we shouldn't look forward to any more of those non-SoB bunnies until SoB is over. But oh! The wait! :D I'm sad that the end of SoB seems so close now. Yeah, in spite of wanting another chapter NOW! ;)

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 10:06am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! I can't wait to see what happens next. As for the low carb, low cal, low everything but taste chocolate chip cookies I'm not sure on that one, I've never heard of anything like that. I hope that when Harry kills Voldemort that he dies via a very painfull method. Maybe you could kill him by a reductor curse to the shrivled up things he used to call testicles!!!! DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 8:56am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Good lets start the bang bang shoot em'up. Oh the blood and guts. Anyway I like you planning lay out for the big battle. Thank you for this fantastic story.

beauty0102 posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 6:15am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 5:40am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Thanks for this great chapter you guys put out. I had been looking for it for a couple days, during which I found and read your ficlet you put up a couple days ago. In the meantime, I've been re-reading the entire SOB series, just to refresh my memory.

You guys are killing me. I really got a bang out of that 'Weasley Wizarding Wheezes Flaming Flatulence' potion. Had me flying high there with laughter.

Also to be noted is the passage of time in this chapter...nearly a full month. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter and the nearing end of the story. So until then...

Dustin a.k.a. Dudeous1492

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 4:18am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Good conversation on religion. Kind of an outsider's look, so to speak.

Probably repeating other reviewers, but: When Alim says, "You may not believe in him, but I think he believes in you," the "Him" and "He" should've been capitalized if you're following the standard capitalization rules.

> Peeves turned and rooted around in the box, finding two more potion bottles containing the same label.

> Dustin, still pinned to the ceiling by the exhaust from his own personal rocket engine.
*deeper wince*

> The red headed weasel twins would be so proud! Peeves thought.
Now that's a laudable goal . . .

Gathering allies, it seems.

Now we know what happened to the Angels. And they're having kids, even.

[Crys rubs his hands gleefully] Okay, the next chapter look like it'll be the big one . . .

fountaam posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 3:11am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Typos: a Catholic would be capitalized. catholic uncapped is an adjective like puritan beliefs.

He wanted to breath! breathe

Enjoying seeing it coming together.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 2:42am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

Nice chapter, it's interesting to see things spooling up for the final battle. Great job, thank you.

shadowtrey posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 2:13am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn

*chuckles* I'd been wondering when we'd come to Invasion: Hogwarts. I've been a silent reader of Sunset and Sunrise since y'all began, and I've spread the word to several people who enjoy your story too. All I've gotta say is that I can't wait to see Voldie's reaction to the recaptured Hogwarts.

Voldemort: WTF?!
Harry: j00 pwnd, f00.

Hee! Just... please, please, please, please, please don't kill Luna or Hermione at the end! Those two are my favorite characters, mainly due to how they handle thheir two men.

Anyway, loving the story as always!
