Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
By Bobmin
es posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 12:53am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Sends A Giant Chocolate Cake... and some granola ;)
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 12:33am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Good chapter. Liked Peeves. Would write more, but as you suggested, increaded meds. . . .
Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 10:46pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
haey great chapter as always. this is one of the best harry poter stories i've read. looks to me like you are about done with the story so keep up the great work and post away. thanks for the wonderful story to pass away the boring time.
bratling posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:36pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Bravo, bravo, more, more! I've just spent the last three days staying up far past my bedtime reading Sunrise and Sunset. I can't wait for the next chapter and hopefully soon, the downfall of MouldyFarts.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:33pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Thank you so much for giving us, your faithful readers, another wonderful chapter in this incredible story. I love the way the battle plans are coming together and look forward to seeing just how well Harry's plans will work out now that Voldie is calling so many troops to Hogwarts for the 'Final Battle'.
I am sorry that you were unable to enjoy the virtual cookies that I sent you. I am even more sorry to hear about your stay in the hospital. Having just spent 8 days in the hospital with my brother, who was undergoing some rather important tests, I can honestly say that you never truly appreciate your home until you spend time in hospital. Please accept these flowers as a belated get well.
And for your snacking pleasure, I found these low carb, low fat, chocolate cookies. Hopefully you can enjoy them.
The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 2:51pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Anther great chapter. Arthur's asking Melinda's to marry him had me in stitches!
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 1:13pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Cool, the attack begins on my
B-day. :-)
Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
noylj posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 1:01pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Well, if we end up with Lucy and Moldie dead, you will have a near perfect story. Of course, to be perfect, you have to have Dray dye a particularly horrible way--but you have redeemed him and his death in your story would be sad.
Glad to see another chap out and glad to here you are on the mend. The thing is, I have yet to find anythink that is sugar free and tastes good that doesn't have a high fat content. Likewise, if it is low fat and tastes at all good, it has sugar in it. Splenda, as good as it is, just doesn't seem to be a winner except in iced tea.
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 12:47pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Another brilliant chapter! Things are really starting to heat up...makes it hard to wait for the next update!
Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 12:36pm for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Wow- this was an amazing chapter. The scene with the DE's in the dining hall was so funny I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I never expected THAT! Peeves and his brothers are a little, off aren't they? Even for poltergeists.
I am also really amazed at the amount of detail you're putting into the support forces for the Botherhood. It really gives the story some girth and staying power, all that attention to detail. Good job on getting Arthur to finally step up to the plate, as well as tackling the "spiritual issue" that had been hanging over Harry and Hermione's head. Very nice assessment of it all, actually. Now that
that topic has been addressed, and Voldemort's time looks to be coming to a sticky end, will everyone's favorite little bookworm start thinking about a family? I've liked how you've held off on that particularly well-used plot device, but I could see Hermione wanting to start a family rather soon after Voldie is dust. But maybe that's just me. Anyways, loved the chapter (as always, even if I don't review that often) and keep up all of the great work.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 11:35am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
I am certain all virtual cookies have no transfats, cholesterol and all other such dangerous compounds. So you can eat virutally all you wish.
lbfan posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 9:57am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Wow, super-author. You outdone yourself again. Posting a new lengthy story and the wonderful chapter with-in days is worth merit.
Treat yourself a pizza and send the bill to me. :'
scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 9:09am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
enjoyable :)
Merle Corey posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:56am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Another excellent chapter. Here's a scary thought: The Weasley twins as instruments of God, flaming flatulence and all...
minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:43am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Out of curiosity, did anyone rescue Queen Elizabeth and Phillip's bodies? How many of the allies will Harry use in the take back operations? Hands Bob, a bakers dozen of chocolate covered doughnuts. "There's fat free, but have the same taste, just like the originals and no nasty after taste. It would be very amusing to see Lucius get into a whole lot of trouble and things getting worse for Voldie. Is Snape a ghost now? Has there been any break through in either finding a ritual or creating one that would cleanse Hogwarts for all the evil that was done during the occupation? Just how quickly will the take back go and things get almost back to normal. I do hope that someone comes up with either a new department or system that would make sure that a repeat of Voldie or Dumbledore will happen. Just how many kids are you planning on having every have?
Jed posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:33am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Actually, I do know of a low cal, low everything except taste chocolate chip cookie. (And please allow me to extend my sympathies for your hospital stay! Are you alright?) And actually, I don't know much about what constitutes low carbs, so you'll have to be the judge of that.
Trader Joe's Chocolate Cat Cookies (For People). That's what they're called, including the for people part. They are chocolate animal crackers that are really good, and not unhealthy! And the best part is that 15 of these crackers = one serving. It feels like I'm overeating when I have a serving. But I'm not! :D
Here's the nutritional info.... Calories: 110. Total fat: 1.5g. Sodium: 70mg. Total Carbohydrate: 24g. Dietary Fiber: 1g. Protein: 2g.
freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:21am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
As may as this may offend people, I just want to point out that, concerning the relgious views in the beginning of the chapter, true Hinduism says exactly that. No matter who it is, and who we call it, there is just one entity known as 'God'.
On another note, I loved the mobilizing!
Alex Tremaine posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:03am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
Be still My Heart! This may actually end....
That's a bad thing. Then what will I read?
That's a good thing. I want to see how it turns out.
Never mind the fact that I think this is one of the best fanfics I've read in the last four years, or that I am highly peturbed at the lack of another sequel, I'm just going to go sit in a corner and goes quietly insane trying to figure out if this story ending is a good or bad thing.
(They're coming to take me, haha hehe hoho.)
mike6 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:03am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn
there is something wrong with the 2 of you...
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 2:10am for Chapter 29 - The coming dawn