Content Harry Potter


Lientjuhh posted a comment on Wednesday 24th June 2009 10:49pm

I liked the story.. Well done.. :) It was fun to read.. sad to read.. sometimes it was hard to read and sometimes easy.. The story was well written.. Well done.. :)

malfoie posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 10:42am

I know this does not belong on the no update list but their is Lorrdwar's The Summer of Change which he should make a sequel for. That story along started the hole Honks craze that everyone is trying to mimic but are falling short. Just thought i would pop that one up their. Now on to your story I like it. Its starting to drag on a little bit with nothing new happening, but i want to keep reading it to find out what happens next.

Hawklan posted a comment on Wednesday 17th June 2009 1:02pm

just finished this big story and just wanted to say thank you for a few nice hours and a some good laughs. Reading something like this I can just shake my head again over the scrap JKR put us through with B6 & 7. Keep up your awesome work.

malfoie posted a comment on Tuesday 16th June 2009 11:33pm

I just have to say that charlie is a dumb ass. First he was told to go to Ireland not England. Next why would he not have heard from the rest of his family about the devorce or the dissownment I would have told the hole family about it. and finally NO NOT DUMBASSDORE.

Sond posted a comment on Monday 1st June 2009 9:47pm

Well I'm not the man for reviews but this story kept me entertained long enough to give you guys one :)

I stumbled upon this series while browsing the FFA site and I must say that this is one of the best AU-fics I've ever read. Since I don't like the whole horcruxes storyline I'm always searching for other post-Ootp stories that are a bit more original. I enjoyed the relationships as they are all very believable and not only centered on Harry and his girl. Most of the time I'm not a H/Hr fan as most of those fics bash Ginny and I kind of like her as a character (+ the whole ginslut thing is highly unbelievable as lame as you can get)

Anyway since I'm ranting I'll wrap this up with one more thumbs up and I'll be looking forward to reading more of your work.


Jimmy posted a comment on Friday 29th May 2009 2:11pm

actually i think they're more upset at the fact that you didn't explain or show how he died...

Tar-Miriel posted a comment on Tuesday 26th May 2009 10:37pm

simply awesome.
A very complex story- but that's what makes the whole thing seem alive.
reading in english is a bit hard for me- but for storys of that kind i'm doing it.

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 22nd May 2009 1:30am

Small goof.

Reaching out, he caressed her check lightly, his eyes bright. "Important? To who?"

Check should be cheek.

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Thursday 21st May 2009 7:41pm

What's a boffin?

darksidhe posted a comment on Wednesday 20th May 2009 12:06am

The end of SoB. In the last year I've read so much HPFF that when I read anything else, I keep expecting HP charactors and cleches... but this series stands out. Thank you so much.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Sunday 17th May 2009 12:35pm

Well, I understand why Harry must have a weakness, but given the fact that key members of the Brotherhood regularly injury themselves far worse and still get full use of their extremities after a few days, Harry and Terry (That rhymes) stand out as odd anomalies. Draco and Nev both injured their arms multiple times and had them repaired, if Harry's leg injury is that severe, then perhaps you can flesh out the underlying cause (IE venom or some such) Realistically (it's fiction i know) If Ginny can use a switching spell to rearrange genitalia from two separate people, The army of healers at Haven should be able to clone a new leg and switch it. But, that goes back to the age old question. Why is Vader more machine than man if Republic medical science had perfected cloning? Answer: the plot called for it, and it was so.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Sunday 17th May 2009 12:23pm


kinkade0001 posted a comment on Saturday 16th May 2009 12:05pm

OK, I'm only to the part before the raid, but even I can see the flaw in the planing. If the camp is warded against portkeys and apparation,fighting an entrenched enemy on their own ground is the last thing they should do. If it were me, I'd send in elves with flash-bangs and satchel charges for the guard barracks and the towers. I'd Flood the camp with wand interdictors and use breaching charges to make entry in the walls. I'd come hard, and unlike the last time (inset Draco getting grabbed by a prisoner) I'd stun EVERYONE to keep the prisoners under control. I'd attack at night when 3/4 of the enemy are asleep in their beds, and I'd outfit my people with night-vision, muggle 1911's and 20mil grenade launchers for entrenched positions. When it was all over, I'd rig the place to blow once enough death eater reinforcements arrived.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Saturday 16th May 2009 8:48am

Even if you aren't modeling them after Stargates, it's not a bad idea. Besides, a large scale evacuation portal is a good idea. If the Death Eaters swarm Haven, the town residents could flee to Fiji, or any other normally too distant place.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Thursday 14th May 2009 6:09am


Denny OHara posted a comment on Friday 8th May 2009 1:09pm

This is the Harry Potter story I always wanted to read. Thanks.

superseastallion posted a comment on Sunday 26th April 2009 12:07pm

Harry's t-shirts are so bloody funny lol!!

Michael Grattan posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 12:41am

Wow! Wow! and another WOW! for good measure. I just finished readin the Sunset/Sunrise stories and they are just pheonominal. I just can't find the words to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated all your hard work and very fine craftmanship in creating these two stories. Thank you.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 3:54am

A great story, thank you.

Timeless posted a comment on Monday 6th April 2009 6:28am

What can I say? I've read this story time and time again and each time I'm left as speechless as the time before. It was an epic story and truly one of the best Harry Potter fanfictions I have ever read, even surpassing the real Harry Potter ending, in my opinion.

I loved the narrating of it and I respect the messages you have conveyed. One of your most impressive and oustanding feats with this story is how you've managed to make everyone seem so human in your tale. You've written about characters experiencing war, death, love, friendship, betrayal and everything else that people have to face in varying degrees in the real world while coming out stronger because of it. I love the depth you've managed to portray as well. The characters and a portion of their personalities were already there but you managed to expound, amplify and make them into believable characters. People you might expect to meet walking down the street. Alright, maybe not while walking down the street, but you get my point:p

Fabulous work! You've given me a complete new perspective of Harry Potter and his friends and I can only thank you for the hours of enjoyment you've given me. It is, after all, not everyday one stumbles upon something that captures one's attention completely and utterly like this piece of work has done! Thank you!