Content Harry Potter


Jenny.S89 posted a comment on Sunday 5th April 2009 3:48am

"Vända den här dimma till rök!"
should be:
"Förvandla denna dimma till rök!"

squiddy posted a comment on Wednesday 18th March 2009 9:29am

I'm not sure if I just missed it or was too sleepy and mixed up details but I saw here in the Epi that HP/HG named their girl "Water Lily". Didn't they discuss in a previous chapter that they'd name a daughter after that Creevey girl who died saving harry during the final battle?

Great story though. 2nd time reading through it and it still rivets me to my screen. And yes, riveting one's self to an LCD is as painful as stapling it to your head Bob....

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 3:24am

Go gett'm Fuzz!!!! I just love that Snorkack!

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 1:44am

Poor Bob....I really feel bad for you. Are you still on that "nothing but water and air" diet?

HarnGin posted a comment on Saturday 14th February 2009 6:03pm


I found your story on another author's favorites list. I enjoyed "Sunset" and "Sunrise" so much. Thank you for writing!

I realize you stopped doing pet peeves a while back, but I wish to beg your indulgence. "It's" is a contraction meaning "it is"; "its" (no apostrophe) is the possessive form of "it."

Daily Prophet Reporting posted a comment on Thursday 5th February 2009 6:00pm

I spent probably the last six months plodding off and on through this epic saga, and while it's hardly doing the two of you justice, I at least wanted to send along a quick thank you for all the hard work you put in. As a one-time (failed) fanfic author, I am in deep awe of anyone who can turn out a million-word arc and still keep it cohesive and entertaining, and you accomplished both quite well.

There are so many things I could comment on (my apologies for not doing so months again; I've become a rather lax reviewer in my old age), but I think I most enjoyed watching you build a society all your own in the latter part of Sunset and the early part of this story. That whole process felt very dynamic and alive.

I commend you for your understanding of military affairs and tactics and the deft way you translated them to fit your setting. I also was intrigued by the very central theme ethics and morality played in the story, and of course, I couldn't help breaking down laughing numerous times -- especially when Luna or Amy showed up in the text.

Anyway, again my apologies for not being better about review. And, of course, you have my thanks for all your efforts.


Gen Jordan posted a comment on Wednesday 4th February 2009 6:26pm

I have finally finished Sunset/Sunrise over Britain; It was a good Super!Harry, which is a sub-genre I'm very wary of.

I have no faults with how you ran the plotlines, but only one MightHaveBeen/WhatIf: What If Harry could have used the similarity magic to kill everyone wearing a death mark? Might be something to consider in a future story or pass to someone else's plot bunny.

Thank you for all the effort you put into this storyline.

bengweasley posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 11:44am

I have gone through DA, SC, and both of these stories, and all i have to say is that i have really enjoyed all of your stories. I think you two are very good authors, and i hope if i ever write a story it will be good too!

P.S.--I also enjoy your disclaimers...but some of them made me just shiver in my chair! lol

Martyjvv posted a comment on Saturday 3rd January 2009 8:06pm

Not sure if it was a typo or words are missing so I'm just letting you know.


He walked over to Amelia. "We need to talk about responses to this," he said tensely.

She looked at him sharply, but. "I know. I've been wondering about it myself. What do you have in mind?"

She looked at him sharply, but.

inthefire2002 posted a comment on Friday 2nd January 2009 12:42pm

I just finished reading both of your Sunrise stories and wanted to tell you guys that I absolutely loved them! I enjoyed your versions much more than HBP and DH! Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your talent with the other HP fanatics in the world. I look forward to reading more of work in the future :)

Hobbs1985 posted a comment on Thursday 1st January 2009 2:26pm

Great Story!

cyndi247 posted a comment on Wednesday 24th December 2008 1:50am

I only discovered fanfiction about a year ago and have read something like 200 novel length fics. The Sun series is somewhere in the top 5 of those 200. You really should think about getting published... I know I'd buy it ;)

vhemacha posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:38pm

This was a fantastic and rewarding story. I am truly in awe of your creativity and writing skills. I'm currently in the middle of reading your other stories in the Harry Potter universe and I'm sure they'll be equally great. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an amazing story and sharing it with the rest of us!

nth_x posted a comment on Friday 21st November 2008 5:58am

This was a seriously brilliant story. I enjoyed every word of it, and while this review is long after the completion, on not really constructive, I just wanted to say thank you for your work. I was starting to despair of finding another good story, and seems likely to hold my attention for quite a while to come.

kiana291630 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th November 2008 4:14pm

This story is amazing, with great characters and a well though out plot, something you can be very proud of.

Tom C posted a comment on Tuesday 11th November 2008 4:30am

Now that I have finished reading this story I feel like my friends and family have moved away and I don't know when or if I will be seeing them again. To say that I just enjoyed it is like saying that Voldamort was just not a nice guy. Thank you TOM C

bellachaos posted a comment on Saturday 8th November 2008 8:13am

Wow. Fantastic, epic story. I am impressed and astounded by the effort you have poured into this fic. I usually end up abandoning fics of this length because as the word count increases my attention span decreases. Sunset and Sunrise proved to be outstanding exceptions. You cast a perfect balance between focusing on the big picture of the war and the characters who fought it. Even the seemingly throwaway scenes added depth and rounded out the overarching themes of the story. I went to class on several occasions sleep deprived from staying up late to read and I regret it not at all. In fact I live and study about 15 minutes away from the Fort Ord refugee camp in California. I will take that as a personal shout out and thank you for the consideration. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and all the twists and turns you took us on through the chapters. Great job and thank you.

Matt Smith posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 9:36am

Please forgive me for nitpicking. One blooper in this chapter...

The Sovereign would NEVER refer to anyone as my Lord or my Lady. The honorific is used by those of lesser status not by those of superior status. He would refer to Harry as Lord Potter and Hermione as Lady Potter at all times if he wished to honour the spurious title at all.

I would however, like to congratulate you on being the first non-british writers that I have come across that have correctly addressed the Sovereign as Majesty and not Highness. Thank goodness someone does their research!

I hope you are not offended by my comments, but as someone that holds a title by virtue of birth, such things have been drilled in from a very early age.

drjaxon posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 6:49am

I enjoy your stories, but your sarcasm about other authors is a it hypocritical. I don't know if anyone has pointed out to you the difference between "your" and "you're". "You're" is a contraction for "you are", but this still does not give "your" the same meaning. And, this mistake happens quite frequently - not just an occasional error.

Fidelia posted a comment on Wednesday 29th October 2008 11:51am

have not left a review in a bit. I would squee about how much I enjoyed (in a twisted, adrenaline junkie sort of way) the Battle scene at Hogwarts. I was very interested and approved (like you care, i know) that you managed to not bang up Harry too much and walloped the other brotherhood members. I suppose my only weird moment was Luna staying when she portkeyed back. A battle of good and evil was raging and she stayed in Haven. Why? You told us Draco would be fine...why stay since she is so powerful. I know that there is the love thing, but it just rankled a little. a tiny wee bit. I do like the choice of hurt ginny - she tends to get off scot free to trot about like a red-headed veela in lots of fics. Nice to see her dealing with a bit of hurt (well written hurt as well).

I enjoyed the story. The plotting and action are superb. Your creativity with your OCs was wonderful. Melinda is lovely and so are your elves. I will recommend this to others readers that enjoy the AU possiblities. Thank you for the entertainment.