By Bobmin
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 3:09pm
So very true about book six...there were just too many good stories out there that HBP just read like some wonky fanfiction. Glad someone else thought so too.
There were clues about the dagger dammit! Ah well, I got caught up in the drama and the horror of a dead/dismembered/distraughtintoinsanity Minerva. the both of you are still evil authors in the best of senses.
I do like what you've done with Neville. Neville is one of my favourites so, any good treatment, especially when it could sort of be that way makes it all the better. That was a lovely confusing sentence. neville - pureblood- stern grandmother - last of his line = probably did learn quite a bit about wizarding tradition and politics. Nice touch. Sends cyber krispy kremes for the Neville love.
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 11:33am
This comes from all the authors' the end of chapter 22 were people really still rabbitting on about Harry's leg? It hurts him...moving on.
Minerva? You cold, cold people you...*sniffles* Couldn't you have offed Flitwick? Or Sprout? Sigh...Minerva it is...evil authors.
Fidelia posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 7:37am
The plot thickens. The Wizengamot is a pain the rear, but a very interesting twist. People in power like to have their power back, sod the fact that they were rescued from a very nasty situation. Amhar is extremely irritating(that's a good thing for the drama). I guess your point is that when they rescued all the peeps from Azkaban, they really couldn't check on everyone's bloodstatus politics. I find it quite interesting as Haven has turned the British Wizarding Society on its head by allowing all bloodstatus' to be equal along with the other magical creatures - it does follow logic that those that were used to being the privileged few would be very rankled by this turn of events. My only moment of wonder was at the hallowe'en pageant - why on earth would Mr. Amos suddenly attack like that? It seemed a bit sudden and sort of out of place. Surely he would realize that the constables and aurors would come investigating if he randomly starts attacking muggles and muggle-borns in front of a room full of people? Lots of witnesses. Though Yay! Hermione for snapping that twits wrist.
Love the building tension though. Realistic that Haven would not remain all luved up. Some people will insist on ruining a good thing.
Fidelia posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 3:23am
I know that they are not part of the story, but the authors' notes are often hilarious and I sort of look forward to them at the bottom of the chapter. Pointless review, but your notes do make me chuckle.
Fidelia posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 8:10am
Very action-packed. I love the way the two of you write the action scenes. They really are excellent. Your version of Luna is a gem. I like the canon Luna anyways,but the Sunrise Luna is a hoot.
As much as I am a fan of your battle/action scenes, one of the best moments to date in Sunrise has to be Hermione's commeupance at the end of the chapter. Remus' comments were angry and to the point. Everyone makes mistakes, but for such a smart character - the running to the rescue of Dudley was tactically idiotic...and yet, somehow very much in context with your Hermione. Wizards would place very little value on doing "the christian thing". Look at all the killing in the name of God (any variety of him/her will do). Go Remus for spelling the problem of Christianity and Wizarding world. They can live in combination but they are not natural bedfellows if you want to call witches/wizards evil and satanic without considering the persons actions first. It also sort of shows the elder Grangers' concept of being magical as different from how the other magical people see it - I just get the feeling that Dan and Emma look at the magic as a new sort of technology. They can do new, cool things, but it does not change what they believe on the inside.
I will stop now. This had the potential of turning into an even more longwinded review/beginnings of religion vs wizard
Fidelia posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 4:59am
The silly, silly, useless willy curse - truly a laugh out loud moment...complete withthe puff of green smoke from the said willy. just genius.
Fidelia posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 4:02am
I am having a stupid moment...Eight couples were married? You have eight newly married couples dancing...I thought that there were 5 couples...if this is not a typoe...who else got married? The J&W twins? That still leaves one set of newlyweds unaccounted for.
As I said, just a bit dense from lack of coffee.
Very nice handfasting ritual - had a feeling of authenticity without taking that awful step into the overly dramatic, gothy, bad b-movie cliche.
Still enjoying it. Very happy that Charlie is slowly removing head from arse. Bald Dumbledore was a treat. Now I am feeling sad for Terry/Susan - the seemingly expendable set of Outcasts.
sayena posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 6:45am
Bloody marvelous, a true work of art. I have read all of your stuff and as I read each work I thought that you couldn't get any better,,,, until I read the next one. Thank you for all your work.
Fidelia posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 5:24am
The Authors' notes - I actually find them rather funny and oddly enlightening. About the blood and gore and raping and pillaging - seems about right. If they are at war, they are not going to hex eachother with the jelly-legs or rictumsepra, now are they? I admit that I did stop for a moment at the mention of rape, for some reason it did not occure to me that Moldimort et al would be on that power trip as well. However, it does follow the burn and pillage rout to conquering the nation.
Still a thoroughly enjoyable story.
I actually find myself far more interesting in the learning process that your brotherhood redux is going through, the fluffy bits leave me impatient though I do see how helping Harry to be more complete would be helpful in the long run.
Ohhhdear posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2008 7:38am
NOW I can finally post my review. (now that I'm assured I won't get cited in the Author's Notes!) I am awed, entranced, and sad the ride's over, but oh, what a ride. The realism of what war is like, both muggle and magical gave me nightmares on occasion.
I do wish there was a way to print the entire story in one file, as you can do at SIYE.
A few minor spelling gaffes noted, sorry.
In short, a very believable, wonderfully crafted tale. Thanks.
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2008 4:41am
I realize that this fic is finished. I have read Sunset (interesting take on the humumgously powerful!Harry btw.) The Matura Magicus (or the other way around) is a very creative idea to cover the birth of the magical side of new wizards/witches and why some are more powerful than others and why children only get their letters for Hogwarts at that time in their lives.
My next point is utterly silly - it just hurt to have Charlie slap Ginny. SlightlyShady Charlie just hurts and seems so wrong though I fully understand why he would be reacting this way given your take on the Potterverse. None of the other characters twists and turns hae given me quite the emotional jolt than distrustful charlie - though evilRon was very sad.
Enjoyable story.
Kantesch posted a comment on Friday 17th October 2008 5:50am
ok well firsst...
I'm sorry i have not previously written comments but i have been to busy reading the story and wanting to get onto the next chapter
Baisiccaly this story is great it's funny serious and sweet (and immensly long)you to make a great team and your both clearly great at writting
Also your disclamers and author comments are hilarious often cruel or sick but great
keep up the good work and i'm ready to start reading your others :D
Thanks for the story
kenderlyn posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2008 6:54am
This chapter really illustrated a catchphrase used often in the DragonLance saga:
"Evil turns upon itself; Good redeems its own"
Nice work.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:02pm
It's a falcon, sitting on a thrown with a crown in its beak
It's a falcon, sitting on a throne, with a crown in it's beak.
Spot the differences....<G>
Megra posted a comment on Saturday 20th September 2008 11:35am
I just wanted to let you know something...
For school, we have to log our reading time, and I'm pretty sure that they have to be published books. Well, I for one disagree with this, and have decided to "screw the rules" as one of my friends put it and log the time it takes for me to read about 2-3 chapters of Sunset/Sunrise a night. So far, I've gotten about 500 minutes a week, and we only need 150. But basically, my other reason for logging this is that I didn't feel like finishing Breaking Dawn for a second time. *eyeroll*
Declan posted a comment on Saturday 6th September 2008 5:25am
I read the whole story over four days. Its great having nothing to do in the summer. Anyway, this series is one of the best fanfics I have ever read! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your work.The creative disclamers and authors notes are something I've never seen before. So funny!
jonathan snider posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 11:12am
how could you kill minnie now who is mickie going to sleep with lol
Wolfric posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 3:56am
I am revisiting Sunset/Sunrise and I am enjoying it greatly. I don't usually review individual chapters in completed stories but I thought the scene where Hermione is teaching her mother contraceptive charms was particullarly inspired and deserving of kudos. Thanks for writing I find your stories especially appealing and I am fairly well read in the HP fanfiction world. W.
kate19 posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 1:00pm
It took me many hours and many days, but finally i am done reading it!!
I’m slightly tired, i’ve just read the night through. It’s almost seven in the morning. But i had to read it through and couldn’t stop!
This is one of the more amazing stories! I have read another story of yours which was also a harry/hermione story, and i loved that as much as i love this story.
But right now i need sleep!! So i am standing down and giving you two a mighty salute for the amazing story you have made!!
p.s. forgot something, those disclaimers is something else, and comments at the end were alsways entertaining. Just wanted you to know!
p.p.s. OH, if i seem just slightly loopy, maybe you should put me out of my miswery. Sleep deprevation can be very fatal if one doesn’t get enough sleep!(HIHI)
That was really the last one!! REALLY!!
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 4:26pm