Content Harry Potter


RockBiter posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 2:55am

Ah, the end. And, a fine ending it is. You have summed up beautifully, reminding the reader of all that went before.

All told, I suppose I have to say that I enjoyed your first two tales more than these, but that's probably because they stayed closer to Hogwarts. Not to say, though, that these weren't good. Not at all. They're excellent, and, as an author myself, I appreciate the time and effort it took for you to turn out a work of this magnitude.


RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 2:26pm

I'm very impressed with this chapter. Yes, you've tweaked history to suit your story, but you've done it in a very seamless and believable way.

RockBiter posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 10:37am

Your forte, as a writer, seems to be battle scenes, and you do a bang-up job of it. Great job on this one.

RockBiter posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 4:11am

Since you probably aren't seeing my reviews, I haven't been doing much of it. Still reading, though. Still enjoying.

RockBiter posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 9:13am

Better and better. wow! Who knew Hermione could screw things up so badly?

RockBiter posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 6:32am

Great battle. A whole new perspective on Neville. I like.

RockBiter posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 12:31pm

Something just occurred to me that I hadn't thought of before. There are muggles in Haven, right? Where are their children going to school?

RockBiter posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 7:24am

I love your voice and style, but someone did make a valid point in the last reviews I read. When a reader encounters a flaw in grammar or, sometimes, punctuation, it does stop the story cold. You're cruising along at top speed, enjoying the story, then someone slams on the brakes. It often takes a minute to straighten it out in your head, and, by then, you've lost your mojo. Betas do seem to be kind and gentle creatures. Helpful, too.

RockBiter posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 5:34am

Still going along very well. I do appreciate the fact that you hold out tantalizing little bits of info from the reader, giving us a reason to continue. Many authors don't have the will-power to do that.

RockBiter posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 3:50pm

Sorry I haven't reviewed as yet. Too busy reading. I like what you're doing here. Many fan fics are so near what JK has written, it's hard to keep the two separated as you read. Yours, however, puts plenty of distance between the two and creates no confusion. I've read one other AU story, and like them very much.

Oh, there is one thing. There are dirty dishes in my sink; my floor wants sweeping; the dog needs a bath, and there is ironing to do. Will you be sending someone round to take care of those things so I can read? I knew you would. I'll leave a key under the mat.

bjon66 posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 11:24am

The only Great Pumpkin i ever heard of was in the 60s, with Charley Brown and the gang in the newspaper... Anyway, its pretty good story.. Its a little fluffier than i like, but i just skim over that... I hope you have a good ending for Dumbledork, and since they story is finished, i guess i'll find out.. lol..

Gandalfgris posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 5:18am

Hi there,

Somehow I manage to find this site and your story is just marvelous, you did a wonderful job providing a very convincing HHr AU, normally I like the HG ship, but yours is extraordinary.

Took me a couple of weeks to go through the million + words but really enjoyed them. Normally a don't read fiction in English, (I'm Mexican) 'cos usually I've a lot of trouble with slang terms, and just hate looking up for meaning of words, but all I've read in this site is really well written and did not have to look up too often.

I must agree with you, although somehow I enjoyed both HBP and DH, I wasn't too convinced on how dear JKR came out. Frankly after OotP, Headmaster Dumbly is just a hideous nasty humanoid, so your version in this marvelous Sun series is more of my liking. Now I would have liked better if Harry turned both Dumbly and Voldy into paraplegic squibs and then condemn both to share cell in Azkaban for eternity.

Your lighten Draco was excellent and coupling him with Luna just odd (and great). So the Remus Tonks ship, Neville Ginny is not of my liking, but worked as well. Amy is just from another planet she's fantastic, even she is just a side character.

There is much that can be said from this fine work of yours, I enjoyed the Standard Disclaimers and the dreadful AN, and mostly everything, perhaps the HHR relationship was too soft, but then is perfectly explained and understandable.

Finally, not to make this a long rr CONGRATULATIONS


runnerman87 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th August 2008 8:38am

Of all the Halloween stories out there, you had to pick Charlie Brown? I'll grant that most of the others would be guaranteed to give the kids nightmares, but still.

BookWyrm2.0 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 11:43am

Normally i woldnt review in a story already completed but when you announced that "the Father" is back being updated i was wondering, do you have the link of where its being updated? im always looking for some good fanfiction, and a story being recommended by Bob and Alyx is definately worth reading in my opinion! i love your guys work!(especially the rather...intersting? A/Ns and such[the insaner the better!]) anyway if you have the new site please let me know the link. thanks for ur time -BookWyrm2.0

participium posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 11:10pm

Nice chapter. I'm surprised though that Hermione is seen at fault. What did she do wrong?
She saw Harry in emotional turmoil, rage, apparate away and close of the link completely. She found a letter that was clearly a trap and brought that letter to the authorities. She literally told Miles that she did not know where Harry is. He could be at Surrey, he could be somewhere else.
If indeed Harry went to Surrey alone there is a great chance that he would have been injured, as he was now, but captured by the enemy which would have meant Voldemort had won.
So what did she do wrong? Nothing. There are only two people at fault here and that is Miles and to a lesser extent Harry.

Yanagi posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 7:39am

I finally finished reading this, I know you finished it sometime ago, but I still love getting reviews for finished storys so here goes. Wow! and again I say, Wow. Quite the trip. I loved it all. I'm not good at detailed reviews sorry.

smile-like-u-mean-it posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 6:44am

another amazing story! i love them!!! =)

mrslaura posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 3:42am

I was wondering if I could make the T-shirt sayings in to cross stitches.

Jacki posted a comment on Thursday 24th July 2008 7:22am

You guys are mad, macbre, malevolent, (probably malodorous), sick, sadistic, sarcastic, sleezy, weird, whacky and bloodthirsty. I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU BOTH!

I'm still in a quandry as to which I loved more...the disclaimers...the story...or the authors goats.

Your writing is superb, your playfulness with words leaves me breathless on occasion, and your plots, sub-plots, red herrings and hints kept me enthralled.

I am disabled. Don't get out much and don't have much of a life. You have given me a delightful week of total escapism. (and some rather bizarre dreams!)

Now, my only complaint....(pictue howler here)...BOB! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY WONDERFUL SEXY ALAN OF THE POUTY LIPS AND TIGHT BUNS? (Er, I mean Severus) He's MINE, I tell you! MINE! (alright, Alyx can have a small (very small) taste, but I want the rest.

In all sincerity, this is the most fun I have had in FanFic, and I DO read a lot. Thank you so very much for the stimulating and cerebral enjoyment.

(Mutters to self..."Golly Gee...I almost wish they wrote porn")

STBgirl posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd July 2008 4:20pm

Wow what a story, i've never read one even close to this length before but i was worth the three weeks it took to read this million word epic.

I think one of my favorite moments has to ave been dumbledores death. Death by snorkack is something i have never read of before so i'd like to congratulate you for coming up the the most original death method i've ever read.

Now one of my favorite stories and definitely my favorite with a harry/hermione pairing i can't wait to start reading your other stories and eventually being up-to-date to review your current WIP.