Content Harry Potter


pav posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 5:16pm

I spent saveral sleepless nights reading your famous double novel.Thank you.I truly appreciate your hospitality.
You know how to write,your narrative and dialogues flow,your brilliant ideas about HP universe have already been borrowed by at least a score of fanfic authors.You are firmly in the fandoms top twenty.
What made my reading quite difficult was your unfortunate infatuation with Tom Clancy and your inability to understand that every monotheistic religion has always been enemy of magic.It Harry Potter or Narnia,no in-between.
If there are no real muggleborn wizards then wizardkind is a different humanoid species and a big part of the beauty of HP world is lost.
Brotherhood left impression of an undisciplined,sex obsessed and poorly trained bunch.What was the reason for that ghost trainer if they never really used that knowledge and fled the battlefield after getting injured.No knights there.

Viki Worley posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 6:37am

I want to thank you both for keeping my mind occupied for the last Week or so while I read Sunset and Sunrise. With out these stories I would probably have suffered from panic attacks. Something about having my DH leave for the Middle East for 2 months just really upsets me. However, I was able to hide and involve myself in this set of stories and for the most part they have kept me occupied and panic free.
Thanks also for creating a world I like much better than JKR's version. I'm not a Harry/Hermione shipper, but you made it work.
Hope the triplets show up in some other fic. What a hoot!


Katsav posted a comment on Wednesday 16th July 2008 4:40am

Hello, I just anted to tell you what a fantastic story I think this and sunset was. I have just finished reading them both one after the other and can honestly say that they are in my top 5 all time favorite fan fictions. I don't normally like much AU but the way you have written this is, well for the lack of a better word, magical. I hate, and i mena HATE, Haryy Hermione stories normally but you have opened my eyes to the possiblity that with a good writer than can way supass other more cannon pairings. That being said I just want to thank you for writing such an amazing story and while you endevored to push your boundrys of the cannon pairings you also managed to move my previusly imposible to move bouderys.
Thank you.

padfoot_sirius posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2008 4:07am

Oh my god! I loved both Sunset and Sunrise. My house is a bombsite because I had to sit at my computer and read until I fell asleep!! Your stories were amazing and brilliantly written. Thank you for taking the time to write them for us. Having said that, while I always looked forward to what was going to happen in the next chapter, more importantly, I was looking forward to the disclaimer just as much. They were fantastic and had me in stitches. I'm so glad my husband sent me the link for this. Just think of what I would've missed otherwise. Looking forward to reading your other stories now!!

darthloki posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 4:30pm

"Partner switch?" offered Miles.
Seeing Minerva was agreeable, he bowed to her and switched to dancing...with Miles.
Harry and Miles took several bumbling steps, each instinctively trying to lead the other, when the shock finally wore off enough for Miles to start laughing.
"I meant switch female partners, you prat!" Miles exclaimed as he pulled away from Harry and walked back to Minerva.
"That will teach you to be more specific," Harry told him as he wrapped his arms around Hermione and began to dance.

*laughs hysterically* Very funny. I also liked the birthday prank, especially the dancing pigs.

LoneWolf282 posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 7:09am

Excellent! I've reread Sunset/Sunrise at least 6 times, and never get tired of it.

cwejr posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 4:48am

Fantastic story! Wish I had found it sooner. Ever since I stumbled across the first of your stories, you have been among my favorite authors. Surprisingly, most of them are on FFA. I do intend to go searching to make sure I have found and read all your stories.



cwejr posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 9:46am

Talk about bloopers!

"It's a falcon, sitting on a thrown with a crown in its beak." I wonder what was thrown.

Excellent story, so far.



LilyPotterJr posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 12:09pm

I realize that the story is completed already, but I wanted to review. :)

Why yes, I do hate Amhar. I hope you kill him. And I REALLY hope that it's in a just and ironic way.

Great job with your stories guys! Big fan!

Kingtad posted a comment on Thursday 26th June 2008 4:27pm

Coeur D'Alene?

patrik svensson posted a comment on Wednesday 25th June 2008 10:35am

My thought about the fic as a whole.

Great story,
keep up the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.

poohbear posted a comment on Tuesday 24th June 2008 5:09pm

I have one for your updateless questions and answers by sbar it's a great story but she has not up dated it in a year!!!!!!!!

Bobboky posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 3:18am

I love the Charlie Brown Spoof here

Cheryl MacDonald posted a comment on Friday 20th June 2008 9:35am

I really loved this story, and it's prequel. I'm glad I found this site. Thanks for the great story. :)

witowsmp posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2008 12:53pm

Great story.
I thought they were going to name their first daughter after that woman who saved Harry's life.

pobolycwm posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:50pm

to quote from above

Hmmm how many chapters will this story be? Frankly, Scarlet, I haven't a clue. Our chapters have been getting longer and I still can't really say how many chapters there will be. This chapter is a prime example. In our plot file the visit to see the rescued contained three whole plot points. The actuality of that section was 10 pages of scene. So the answer is, the story will contain as many chapters as necessary to get to the end. Helpful, eh?

i`d say 33 chapters :D will do proper thank you at the end

David305 posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:59am

"a Bluejay started to caw loudly" -- alas, strictly a North American bird. None at all in Ireland or anywhere else in Europe. (Other noisy corvidae, e.g. crows and ravens, are very available, though.)

"he did not share her beliefs. At least, not yet." I sense that where you're going is affirming Christian beliefs. Not only is that your right as an author, but also could be seen as your duty if you're a Christian.
In context, though, it doesn't ring right. The history of the Christian faith has been to regard witches, wizards and magic as evil, and to try to burn or otherwise destroy them. Sorta puts a damper in the desire of a Wizard to belong to such a faith. There are very similar experiences among gay Christians: rejected for what they are, a majority either join a gay church like the MCC, or switch religions, or drop out.
It's a very normal human reaction: don't go where you're not wanted.
JKR calls herself a Christian, and certainly uses a lot of Christian imagery in the books. But she never sends Harry to church, because she recognizes this particular issue.

Nic to see Andromeda and Ted at last! BTW, why haven't we heard a thing for ages about Hedwig?

Keep it up! Cheers,

David305 posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 2:54pm

I still love your story, of course.
I suggest you read my bio page on FFnet, where you'll find a 10-question essay called "Why you _Shouldn't_ get a beta reader."
If you like Pet peeves, I got tons of 'em! There are a mess of them on the bio page, and also in my fanfic called Project Potter.

"If they'd been able to get us out of Hogwarts, we be helping them." we'd be
"Not only can get they get Potter," can they get
"There's no sense is both of us missing dinner." in both
"That's something between Millicent and I," between Millicent and me
"at his friends odd behavior" friend's
"I think it's time we find out what it going on." what is going on
"he quickly walked into an ally" alley
"he sunk lower in the tub" sank
"a point where I'd be no better that Voldemort" no better than
"Hermione expression broke into a huge grin." Hermione's
"His family was just one of the problems he had to deal with it." to deal with.
"Ginny found herself shuddered back" shuddering
"that Ginny was developing a talent, though she didn't what it was." she didn't know

That's just a snapshot; there are hundreds of these. If you have a beta, they've not done the job. If you haven't one, please consider letting one help you.
Why bother? Because errors draw attention towards themselves, and away from the story. Every time the reader sees a confusing error, and has to pause, scratch his head, try to figure out what was actually meant, go back and edit in the correct words or phrases in his head, and then proceed with reading, the momentum of the story gets lost. An extra pair of eyes will simply catch things you can't see because you're too close to perceive them. Every good author needs a good editor; JKR herself has teams of excellent ones!
Peace & love,

impliedauthor posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 12:39pm

I don't know if you guys are still interested, but Harry Potter and the Mind Mage, which you list as being updateless and abandoned, is actually completed. It's posted on a site called It's a good story, but I like yours better.

David305 posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 11:16am

Still enjoying your story, natch.
In ch. 2, you wrote,

Luna’s response was to issue dire warnings to people bothering her about the massive, one footed, hopping Nerfherder.

In this chapter, you wrote:

Luna says Nerfherders are truly one footed. She is our resident expert on strange creatures so we have to take her word for it.

You're right, of course; Luna knows her fantastic beasts. But are you and she the highest authority on language?
See, when she issued the warning regarding the "massive one-footed hopping Nerfherder," she was clearly pointing out the unique qualities of this particular Nerfherder: massive and one-footed. (It goes without saying that if it's one-footed, it's got to hop to get anywhere.)
But to use a similar example, does one ever have to say, "Hey! Look out for that one-eyed cyclops!"? Nay, I say. The single most defining characteristic of any cyclops is that it is one-eyed.
Similarly, if Luna is pointing out the massiveness and one-footedness of our now rather endearing and familiar Nerfherder, it has to be because most Nerfherders are smaller and at least two-footed. (Or possibly no-footed.) Ipso fatso.

Keep it up! Cheers,

PS Till now, we only had Princess Leia's description of a Nerfherder (scruffy), though one must similarly opine that not all Nerfherders must be so. And some may even be very ruly and kempt.
Peace & Love.