By Bobmin
Korisovra posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 8:08am
You've been plagiarized.
Odelia Riddle posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 6:49am
Truely classic disclaimer
Arkantos posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 3:56am
having reread both the stories back to back, i must say, these two stories are my most favorite HP-fanfics in the world.
definitely worth reading many times.
i printed a few hairs, the chest and one arm, but not the whole monster!
cpd6000 posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 10:25am
You two make traveling through the portals sound like stargates
bertovia posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 3:18pm
Just to let you know, these two stories were some of the best stories I have read. There was everything one would hope to read in a story, love, heroism, angst, silliness. At times I was a bit angry with some of the characters, but you made them act honestly and realistically, so it was all good.
Great work and I look forward to reading your other stories, especially Harmonian ones.
Draklorien posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 2:07pm
FYI, Print for straight .doc file appears to be around 1,010 pages while .txt seems to be around 1,512 pages (I tried to remove all of the extra lines). .Lit format is around 9467 on an ipaq. Conclusion --> Really large story that takes lots of time to read but worth every moment of time I spent!!!
Will add more notes later so I am not used, abused or aroused by da Authors! 8-)
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Sunday 25th May 2008 7:29am
I'm tickled at the stories you've written. Thank you for writing them
Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 6:54pm
Oh I do love your Standard Disclaimers they are very funny and I can’t wait to read more of them. I like the new character Eocho, nicely done with him. I like the idea of Harry being a Maglios. I like the twins fairy idea, very nice. I like how the parent and Guardians reacted when they out that their children within the Brotherhood, need to get married.
Oh I love the date with Melinda and Arthur, and the talk help Arthur a lot.
I like that Millicent is willing to help Harry, but is afraid to go to him, as she didn’t know if he would believe her as she is a Slytherin.
Oh the ass Dumbledore is using Charles to get to Harry, at least when he met with his family Ginny suspected something was up.
I like Eocho’s thoughts about war, I agree with them.
Dragen posted a comment on Monday 19th May 2008 10:02pm
Another great chapter mate, Oh I love what Peeves is doing to the Death Eater. :D I like how things happened at Derreenataggart. I like that Harry and Hermione could have the same kind of bond as Luna and Draco. I like what happened at the ritual, very nicely done
Dragen posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 9:21pm
Oh great story mates, I love how the story is going and I can't wait to see what it goes, I love what Harry has done for the children. Keep up the great work.
azrael91 posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 3:41am
damn, this was an excellent story. thanks for your dedication.
clancy21 posted a comment on Friday 16th May 2008 12:49pm
Words can't express how much I have enjoyed your stories ! I am just glad I found then AFTER tax season, else I would have had to file a late return !!
Thanks again for your excellent writing.
AntmanReed posted a comment on Thursday 15th May 2008 6:24am
"How can we have notes when it's a new story?"
I demand notes.
jedjones posted a comment on Thursday 15th May 2008 12:19am
i thought it was "little whinging," not "whining" [or however it's spelled], and i realize that this comment corresponds with a previous chapter, but i was under the impression that ted tonks was a muggle, not a wizard...
nice story guys.
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 11:36am
wow, you two really hate the french, don't you? oh well, I happen to agree, they are a bunch of snotty, arrogant bastards.
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 10:42am
maybe i wasn't paying close enough attention, but when did O'Dalley stop being Irish? he keeps saying it's the Irish' problem, but he came into this story as the Irish liaison to Haven, and even though he is a citizen of Haven, i don't remember that he ever stopped being Irish.
Bucks posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 7:35pm
Ok you got me. The cliche'd beginning in sunset made me cringe and turn away from it the first time saw it. But I read on because someone recomended it to me. T'was great....
azrael91 posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 6:13am
Amen! Fuck politics, politicians and those goddamn French sonsofbitches! Oh, and very nice battle scene, i loved this chapter
jerry3 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th May 2008 11:13pm
i was going to wait untill i finished both stories but i had to review and tell you that your stories are the best ive ever read........ well done
witowsmp posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 7:30am