By Bobmin
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Friday 2nd May 2008 1:09pm
Is getting jugged what happens in those "gentlemen's clubs"?
cartesians posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 12:51pm
A GREAT novel. Thank you. I couldn't turn off the computer until I finished reading them both.
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 12:31pm
I noticed you said you're "out of alan rickman movies", and while I realize this may not be useful for Sunrise, you do know he was in Galaxy Quest and Die Hard, right? I don't remember seeing those, and of course, IMDB has all the "others" listed, though it doesn't seem like he did much outside HP, those I listed above, and those you've used.
Green Hat Linux posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd April 2008 5:06am
one of the best fanfic books i have ever read. plain and simple. thanks for the read. :)
drakko posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 6:47am
Thank you, you two for such a beautiful story.
porthos112 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th April 2008 10:49pm
I'm loving the story so far, especially lines like this.
Ginny climbed off his lap and stood up, hands on her hips, giving him a mock glare. It would have been more impressive if she weren't dressed in her bra and panties , and trying to hide a smile.
Note the part in bold. Of course it would have been more impressive! She'd be naked if she weren't dressed in her bra and panties. lol.
And what red blooded male wouldn't find a spunky red head impressive in that state?
Love your work and I'm going to go back to reading it now
Barni posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 9:14pm
i think the sunset-series are one of the best harrypotter-fanfics i've ever read :) really really good and so looong!
i think it's better than the JKR-stuff ;) and now i'm going for the power of the press :)
keep going !
tshp posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 10:15am
I love long stories
Jason Huitt posted a comment on Friday 14th March 2008 11:29pm
When I read the first chapter of the Power of the Press, I will admit that I wasn't that impressed with it. For some reason, I just didn't like it. But I had enjoyed Sunset. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, I had never gotten around to reading Sunrise. About a week ago, I was looking for something to read and I remembered Sunrise. Halfway through it, I received notice of a new chapter of Power of the Press and decided to try it again. After finishing the story, I came back to Sunrise and just finished it. Thanks for so many great stories and I look forward to your next effort with bated breath.
SHaDoWlOVe posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 3:08pm
omg this series is like the most amazing fan fic i have ever read and i have read alot
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 10:51am
We've decided to comment on all those people that think it's cool to leave descriptive reviews consisting entirely of punctuation characters. So here is our comment.
^$%%#^@ #**@!!!#@^#$##!!@@#$$%__--++!!!!
Ouch! Is that even possible?
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:42pm
If someone has printed this monster out, drop us a note letting us know how many pages it is. We're interested in knowing.
I have save it to a word doc, with 2 pts between paragraphs, 12 point font and it runs 1352 pages.
I have also done a little spelling and punctuation editing that slipped through the furious, and very welcome, pace at which you posted this opus.
If you are interested I would be happy to email you the file.
the reason I created the file was to make it easier to share, as I think it is one of the best long works in the universe.
thanks for this and your others stories, each has been fantastic.
azrael3 posted a comment on Saturday 23rd February 2008 4:02am
Brilliant all of it
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Thursday 21st February 2008 9:27am
You have me questioning one of the comments that Eocho has said during the ceremony. Did you mean to say 'Changlings child' rather than 'Magic's child' during the comments of being 'worthy'?
Then I came up with a possible theory. Is it the fact that Hermione's very Christian and conflicts with Druid beliefs? My earlier thought that it could have been 'changlings child mate' aka Remus because he's a werewolf by none of his choosing. So I'll just continue reading and possibly find out.
Graham V posted a comment on Tuesday 19th February 2008 4:05pm
Great Story! and though again this is umimportant and irrelevant because you've finished this fanfiction but because Mr and Mrs Granger are actually each respectively a wizard and witch shouldn't Hermione be considered at least a half blood more likely a full blood? Just a thought keep up the great work. Just want to personally thank you for giving me fanfiction reading material to last until I'm 40.
Shimmer posted a comment on Friday 15th February 2008 2:09pm
*laughs* Love your disclaimer! (Sorry Alex but it was funny!)
As for the story intro, what an intro! Thanks for a (new to me) story to read!
hjdevnull posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 5:21am
I just checked "The Father" out on the Pit of Voles (a.k.a. and it's been updated since you put this up! Awesome! (Well, most recent update is July of 2007, seven months ago, but whatever.) You have the power of forcing others to update their fiction! That is pretty rad. What other powers has the Brotherhood Ritual given you?
Oh, and this story is pretty rad, too. Although this chapter was a bit exposition-heavy, you've earned my trust that sometime in the near future, some feces will hit an oscillating unit, and it will rock.
Manuel Urrecha posted a comment on Monday 14th January 2008 7:27pm
I had a great time reading through sunset and sunrise, a read many works of fiction and these are up there with the best, congratulations and thank you
Tammerz posted a comment on Sunday 13th January 2008 10:17am
Absolutely astounded by this story. There's not much else I can say. It's definitely on the top ten list. Only one thing: I thought the daughter's name was supposed to be Alison...
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd May 2008 5:05pm