Content Harry Potter


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 4th December 2007 1:54pm

Of course, maybe if Arthur had grown some balls Ron and Percy wouldn't have been lost and neither would have Molly...allowing Molly to run roughshod over him led him to where he was.

Thanks for writing,

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 10:22am

I can see Charlie got his brains from his mother...ripe to be manipulated by Dumbledore.

Thanks for writing,

Yamikeckley posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 4:25pm

well i think this is the first review i have given for this story. i have just finished it all and it has taken forever. i do not think i will print this one out, due to sheer size of it all. i am looking at writing a huge plotted story and this has been a inspiration, as well as others. i would like to thank you for given harry a actual physical problem to deal with, it was nice to see that magic could not heal everything. once again thank you for the story.


Tammerz posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 11:57am

I just realized the significance of Hermione's parent's names. How lame am I for not noticing until the fourth chapter of the sequel?

By the way, Sunset and Sunrise over Britain have officially made my top ten list of fanfiction, even though I don't ship Harry/Hermione. Thanks for being such great writers!

bookaholic_au posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 1:36pm

"Addy brought juice. Would you like glass? It's orange, I think," Emma asked the younger witch as she picked up her cup.

For your blooper section. The missing 'a' has very interesting connotations.

bookaholic_au posted a comment on Wednesday 21st November 2007 2:05pm

I like the bloopers, however I'm not too fussed on the battle.

Marvin posted a comment on Monday 19th November 2007 5:28am

Has Dumbledors Nickname something to do with radgast the brown, one of gandalf the greys friends? :P Dumbledore, old, brown mantel, that nickname...

Good work!

Colleen posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 5:19pm

Well, I've finally had time to sit down and finish reading this monster epic (which I mean in a good way...even if it's a tad redundant ;-)) and I have to say that I just love the whole thing.

Whatever it is that makes great authors great, you two have it in spades. I think I felt every emotion it was possible to feel at some point during this fic, and not just little twinges, but full out. There were times I was sobbing and five minutes later laughing my ass of due to some prank (or disclaimer) get the picture.

I have to say, though, as sad as it favorite parts of the whole thing were the T-shirts that Harry came up with. Those things never failed to have me rolling on the floor...and that scene towards the end where they all show up wearing them...classic!

I also really love the characterizations and pairings that you came up with for everyone. They were all such well rounded characters... especially the original characters and the characters that JKR didn't develop very well, like Amelia Bones. So many authors suck at original characters and use them strictly as plot devices, which annoys me to no end, but you guys made them all into real people. Hell, even the intentionally flat characters felt very real and handled their intended purposes in the story roundly...if that makes sense. (pretty sure it doesn't really make sense, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say...if not, ignore and move on.)

I get the feeling from all the times you had to mention it and address the issue in your author's notes that most people really wanted you to fix Harry's leg. (I know...nothing gets by me. lol) Well, I'm damn glad you didn't. I won't lie...when it first happened I thought that you should fix it. But after a few chapters of Harry dealing with it I was glad that you'd left it gimpy. I think it made the whole story more interesting and gave poor Harry more of a challenge and made him more human. So yeah... great job with that.

Hmmm...I'm trying to come up with something that I didn't like and I can't think of a damn thing. You did an excellent job and I even liked all your spellwork in different languages!

Well, I've rambled on long enough and you're probably bored I'll just leave it that this was a truly superb story and I was sorry to see it end. And from one Idahoan to another... you guys rock! Say hi to my mountains for me...sadly I have to live elsewhere in the U.S. for now. And no it's not for anything illegal! Just no jobs in my line of work. Thanks for the hours and hours of entertainment! Ciao.


theit posted a comment on Thursday 15th November 2007 9:41pm

Great story but I'm wondering whatever happened to naming H/Hr's kid Allison.

Judy Webb posted a comment on Saturday 10th November 2007 7:13pm

Hi -

I just finished Sunset/Sunrise (NOT all in one sitting - though I wish I read that fast).

The disclaimers were a bit annoying, but the series itself was fantastic.



Eviloldersister posted a comment on Friday 9th November 2007 6:25am

That was awesome you two are one of the few who have managed to take a several cliches and turn them into a truly unique story you have my heartfelt appreciation and thanks for the wonderful tale that you have just spun.

slayersfan01 posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 7:44pm


That I did not see coming at all! Oh man, if I didn't feel so bad for Cho I would say good job. Yes, great job in giving her the pleasure of killing Snape, but I sincerely hoped that she would live. That was real sad. Great twist, but so sad at the same time.

nimistar posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 8:39am

meh, a leg with a limp is better then a hunk of metal anyway. might be a good idea if he uses that spell that makes his leg into little more then a dead hunk of meat though.

Kinsfire posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 3:16am

I reread this and find myself laughing occasionally at how brilliant AND stupid Amelia Bones is. "We're invoking the COuncil of Avalon - why don't you trust that nothing will happen?" "We need to talk about what you can and can't do." She basically wants him in politics the same way that Fudge did - rubber-stamp her proposals and be quiet the rest of the time.

I was both happy and sad when this was done - moreso than I was with the source material ending.

Aeryn posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 8:57pm

I just wanted to let you both know that I truly enjoyed reading both Sunset and Sunrise - they were the perfect way to escape the pressure of my exams. You are both rather talented authors, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. :)

nimistar posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 1:56pm

i have to ask, is the power amping ritual valdemort is using the same as the one brought up by snape and dumbeldore in the first story. because if so didn't you say that the subjects whos power is stolen must be a virgin, i dare say that Penelope is no longer one if her physical discription has any truth to it.

Alex Austin posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 2:07am

You didn't talk about Ginny and Neville's or Tonks and Remus. How were their honeymoons?

Anyway, love the story. I'm not an H/Hr shipper, but this one is very convincing.

nurray posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 7:18pm

Wanted to read a good story of a longer length so I decided to re-read Sunset and Sunrise.

Definitely a high-quality story. Sad to come to the end of it.

Thankyou once again for writing it.

wassup posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 2:06pm

many sleepless nights and i've finally reached the end.
i have to say that these are some of the best stories i've ever read.
Sunset and Sunrise over Britain have joined my favorite list!!
i really enjoyed the author's notes too...
thanks so much for writing such a kick ass story!

Morde posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 2:31am

Wonderful Story. Thanks for all your hard work!