Content Harry Potter


James Milamber posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 5:21am

Greetings, oh wonderful...erm...writers of wonderfulness! *Snaps off a salute he stole from Dobby*
Normally I don't review a story until the end, but I just had to review this chapter...for obvious reasons! Now I know what people were talking about when they reviewed HPMM and mentioned "Bobmin's List"...
In case you're remotely interested, HPMM is on the go again (5 years after the's got to be some sort of record, wot?), although not on It's only being published at WizardTales now (, under the same name.
Now, I'm sure I could wax lyrical about your magnificent story, but I'm sure it would be just repeating what you've already heard from countless other stories. Oh, and I agree with Bob about the last 2 books. Sad, sad state of affairs. I mean, really, where the bloody blue blazes did the Deathly Hallows come from? Side swiped, much?
Ahem. On with the story! *Grins, salutes, and Disapparates to the next chapter*

renatria posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 5:23am

Thank you. This was recced to me, and sat for a long time in my "read this story" bookmark file. I'm really glad I finally took the time to read it. Now I have to go read your other stories. Thanks again.

Alternator posted a comment on Friday 26th October 2007 3:58pm

Normally I only leave a review in the last chapter, but I'd forget about the JR comment if I did that, so bravo. But the quote is, more correctly, "Who shot JR?"

k13cat posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 3:57pm

Amazingly organized, plotted and characterized story. I've read books that I paid for that were not half as good as this tale. You balanced the emotions of war, of growing up and the dark days of battle alongside the actions of war (organization, events, strategy) very well. There were more than a few moments where I had to stop reading and go find kleenex.

As I have only read two books I can't really comment on the characterization as compared to the books, but as this is AU how they grow from the canon jumping off point is unique to this universe. So canon doesn't really matter in that regard IMO. The characters outside of the core group were well formed & detailed.

I liked how all of the characters grew & changed; however, for a variety of reasons I struggled with liking Hermione & Ginny at times & reconciling distaste for their attitudes/actions (reactionary use of magic agains loved ones out of temper for one). I could care less about the pairings so it wasn't related to that.

In the end, I'm left tired from the marathon reading and the roller coaster of a well written story. Wonderfully done.

SnowWhite posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2007 3:15pm

Also, your disclaimers are so original and hilarious lmao.
Didn't comment on Sunset Over Britain, but I also loved Harry's sayings on the shirts.
My personal fave? The one about Voldemort's little mind. <3

SnowWhite posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2007 3:12pm

This chapter touched me so strongly that I had to wipe the tears off my face.
The way you two write depicts life in such a realistic manner... the heartbreaks and laugh out loud moments are startlingly clear, as well as effective.
I read the first story, and I was amazed at how well you portrayed the characters, while keeping a believable plot.
I enjoy your witty lines and the perfect description- not too lavish, yet opening the scene to the reader's eyes as if they were there to listen and see all that was going on.
Certain sentences you wrote really struck me, and they carry a lot of weight, even more than what is obvious. In short, your story conveys humanity with blunt truthfulness.
Thanks for writing.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 21st October 2007 11:52am

I have just finished this mega-story and I enjoyed it very much. I think your development of the house elves is nifty. Harry and others having a minor disability doesn't bother me. Thanks for writing. W.

Steve's Place posted a comment on Friday 19th October 2007 11:46am

I'm almost speechless here at the depth of this epic adventure. Some time ago I read Sunset and had since forgotten about it until I realized there was a sequel to it that had been finished this year.

So, I wound my way through both stories in about a two week period.

Bobmin & Co. are quite an astonishing writer. This story could easily win several awards and then several more awards on top of those.

I can't help but wonder where he/they find the inspiration for such an epic adventure, which makes JK Rowling pale by comparison, albeit this is an adult story where her HP is a story for children.

5++ Stars ( * * * * * ++) for this amazing creation and true work of ART.


dlinsenmann posted a comment on Thursday 18th October 2007 12:01pm

Wow I have to say I don't think I have ever read a better written fan fiction and I have been reading Harry and Hermione for a long time. This Story has kept me glued and inAWE of it since I started it over a week. Did someone print it out and if so how many pages, I randomly copied a chapter to Word and it was 55 pages so this story (without Disclaimer and AN's was around 1815 pages...woah. What part of Idaho are ya'll from? My husband is from the Hayden, Coeur d'Alene area and myself from Texas. Ok enough of my babbling let me just end this with this IS the best thing I have ever read and I will read this many times and recommend it to all I can. Wonderful job you two *round of Applause*

Nights Silhoutte posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2007 12:04pm

A great story. I am not too sure what else to say except well done, keep writing.

hpstrangelove posted a comment on Thursday 11th October 2007 5:45am

I haven't printed it out yet, but have it copied into a word file. At Times New Roman, 10 pt font, 1/2 margins all the way around, it's coming in at 1051 pages.

I haven't reviewed yet because I haven't even finished Sunset yet, but hopefully one day soon.

I do appreciate your effort.

Ryunoblue posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2007 11:25pm

loved the story and can't wait for your next one. i think your writing style is awesome, keep up the good work and good luck with your future stories.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 4th October 2007 1:19pm

I've just finished rereading Sunset and Sunrise and wanted to thank you again for writing these wonderful stories and for sharing them with us all.

I found that reading them already knowing how it would come out, I actually enjoyed them more. The plot lines with DD and with Amhar (which had me biting my nails the first time) seemed almost surprising short on rereading. And I did a better job of remembering who was who. :-)

While I haven't printed it (to not answer your final AN question), I did text-to-speech Sunrise. Sunrise alone is about two and half *days* worth of audio.

Lilith_L2 posted a comment on Thursday 4th October 2007 5:53am

Hello guys!
I'm a spanish that arrived to your story because it was recomended by Jeconais. I read in english sometimes and I really want to thank you for this amazing tale that make me cry and laught a lot (Luna rules!!!).
I will be one of my favorites fanfictions for ever. It was romantic, with accion, fears, smiles and tears, many things at the same time that works well like a net. one thing go to another.
I really enjoyed this fantastic story.

And I want to clarify that I think as you, that the problem with Harry's leg is a goode idea it was well done, why? because the hero isn't fantastic, (well, only a little) isn't unreal, he have a problem, but he carry on, he fights! I really love it and I want to give my support on your idea.

Well, I speak a lot, and surely badly, so I am grateful to you again for this experience and expect to read more about you.

ilec posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 7:20pm

I am not one to usually leave reviews, yes I am of that breed of readers that are scorned by authors. (so feel special, I've been reading FanFiction for a 4 years [has it really been that long?] and this is review No2 for me)

However I want to congratulate you on an engaging and thrilling duo of stories. One that, in my opinion, surpasses the latter canon stories themselves, which have left me sorely disappointed.

I enjoyed your stories so much that I completed both in 2 days, and I can feel myself rereading them again and again.

I liked the disclaimer skits, they always brought a smile. And I want complement you on your A/Ns, I don't care how long they were, it felt like I was getting to know you guys as authors.

Though I was puzzled by some of your selections of muggle weaponry, I understand the need to balance authentic effectiveness with the readers familiarity.

There were a few times when I thought that a brit-picker might have been useful (okay so my main complaint is the continued use of Mom, rather than Mum, but that's me being selfish and picky) but a handful of incidents in
1,000,000+ words is entirely understandable.

Overall a thoroughly enjoyable and well written production, Full marks!

Holly Snow posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 11:45pm

Goddammit! Finished! How am I going to be able to get through the day when I don't have a chapter of this to look forward to at the end of it? Ah Well all good things must come to an end. Really incredible story guys. Thanks a lot.

Melferd posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 12:09pm

You get better and get out of bed, and you can't reread your fic at near as fast a pace. Nope, doesn't matter, every time I read the story I'm in awe at your wonderful story weaving. Pace, characters, got it all, baby!!
I was starting to feel a little cranky at Remus, and Hermione's treatment last chapter, but I thought you explained it perfectly, and that Tonks shouldn't let Remus walk around wearing the butt plug for awhile, as someone who should know better, and is allegedly more adult than the kids. But you know, it's a personal 'hey Remus, why are you walking funny and acting like an arse?' comment, not a criticism. Excelsior, y'all!!

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Thursday 20th September 2007 4:29am

I am wondering how many more times a Weas;ey can screw everyone over in this story...having already read this I am just shaking my head at how stupid Charlie was.

Oh sure Charlie, Harry Potter is being controlled by liquid imperius....duh...making Charlie just barely more intelligent than the dragons he worked with.

Thanks for writing,

hjlavery posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 5:04pm

Wow! great story, Thankyou!!!!
*passes a plate of virtual cookies*
I hope you keep writing many more great stories!
*grumbles about bad geans and never being able to write anything cohearant... or spell*

kutekess posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 3:40am

where's the story from?