By Bobmin
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 4:37pm
Just finished raeding this all over again a few days ago, and enjoyed it every bit as much as the first time. Then today I came across an entry for your Typo List that was too good not to pass along, whether you ever resurrect the list or not.
From Destiny's Ghost on Portkey, Chapter 16:
As the warm liquid makes its way down his throat he is surprised at the sweat taste and he quickly drinks as much of the wonderful tasting liquid as he can.
Mmmmm, Sweat, tne next big sport drink!
Simka posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 4:46am
It took me four days to read this monster and I am glad I stuck it out. Good story. Loved what you did to Snape and Dumbledore even if I am a Snape fan.
andyman528 posted a comment on Saturday 8th September 2007 10:36pm
*Loud applause from the back of the theater*
"Woo Hoo"
Amazing story you two. I've been with this from the near beginning of Sunset on, but I could never convince myself to leave a review. I must say that even though I did not, I loved every chapter and the characters you developed. This story was incredible and wonderfully long, with many laughs, tears, and excitement. Thank you for such a great story and good luck. I hope to see another masterpiece soon!!
Ellisande posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 9:17am
I came across this story about a week ago, and I must admit, it has been an absolute pleasure to read. Only 3 stories I have ever read, have possessed a relationship that really puts across the meaning of true love, this has been one of them. I applaud your efforts, as they have been truly magnificent. For a work of fan fiction, the amount of work you have put in is incredible.
webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 5th September 2007 9:30am
I am truely dissapointed... no kitchen sink in this chapter.... shame shame shame...
I don't know what I like more, the actual story, or the disclaimer and notes for each chapter....
dolia posted a comment on Monday 3rd September 2007 6:20am
your story is just great. i like it so much that i don't want to stop reading.if i don't review a lot , it's because i want to continue without is one of the best no,it is the best.
LDA posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 5:05am
Love the fic just wondering why after Harry found that spell for Ginny why didn't he get his leg amputated and use it on himself so he didnt have to be restricted as he is?
Decumo9 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th August 2007 4:16am
an amazing story you guys wrote. I won't lie, i did not expect to find fanfiction written so well or with such a good plot anywhere. But you have proved me wrong. I eagerly await your next project.
neil woodes posted a comment on Tuesday 28th August 2007 10:59am
the sun series is one of the best series that i have ever read, its even better than published works that i have read. i enjoy most of yor work and agree that you chose a good plase to fin this story
Pamela St Vines posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 3:08am
A fabulous epic. I LOVED it!!!!!!
katelyn posted a comment on Friday 24th August 2007 11:45am
could u do a story with daphne/harry or maybe girlblaise/harry
or even hryr/tonks
they are so rare and i wanna read more!
bajab posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2007 9:45pm
An excellent epic that didn't disappoint and kept to an extremely high standard throughout. Thank you.
canys_blackwolf posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2007 11:20am
Hi, I have found your two stories already finished but I want to tell you that Sunset and Sunrise are actually in the top ten of my favorite Fanfiction. Thank you for the adventure and really good work.
An happy reader,
AngelaB posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 8:41pm
OK, didn't quite read this in one go, but still stayed up all night for the last six chapters.
Loved the scenes with King Charles III, didn't quite picture him able to relax that much but good anyways. Kept expecting the boys to show up and then had the image of Prince William and Harry commiserating over being treated as sex objects in the press.
Some of the military stuff was too technical and took away from the flow of the story, but only a couple of time. Could be cause I'm Canadian or cause I'm a girl who's not interested in that stuff.
Both series were wonderful and Bob and Alex,
I envy your friends having you in their lives.
You are very interesting people and I'm sure you will be blamed for many laugh-lines and peed pants.
I adore the t-shirt sayings.
lantana posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 10:04am
What a glorious, wonderful, marvellous story! Read it in one go (well, with some interruptions of RL, of course). Thank you so much for sharing.
Clell65619 posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 2:09am
"SIR! His Sneakiness, Commander Draco Black"
Sweet Jesus on a pogo stick. That is the single funniest line I've ever read in any Fic. Very well done. I just wish I'd found this when it was new.
pfeil posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 10:17am
Wow, very well done. I've spent far too much time over the past few days--including at work--reading it :/
I wrote a script that converts stories to PDF; once I port it for ffa I'll try to remember to tell you. (I've been thinking of LuLu-ing a few favourites, such as Jeconais's Hope.)
peruvianprincess posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 5:26am
You're on my list of best authors now. It was fun getting to know you and your dark, (but smutty - you've got to admit it) , sense of humor through the disclaimers and author's notes. High plot believability and great character development. I'll never know how you kept all the plot lines straight! It must make it easier to have two people working on the story. Thanks for making both stories so long too. (And I'm glad someone finally figured out how to spell 'dining'. I didn't want to pick on anything, since you did such a wonderful job, but I am anal like that)
Ashley Spurgeon posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 4:04am
Well, I have to say, this is on my top ten series. Both Sunset and sunrise had me constantly wondering what was going to happen next. I have to admit that I wasn't going to read this series because of the pairings. I am a major H/g shipper. My husband, who had never steered me wrong as far as reading in concerned, told me over and over to read your fine master peace, and finaly, I did since I had the time with summer and awaiting these last few months until our first child is born. Anyway, you two are wonderful authors, and I can't wait to read whatever you may write in the future.
nimistar posted a comment on Thursday 13th September 2007 5:49am