By Bobmin
nelgraf posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 11:41am
I loved it , no other way to say it, it is the best fan fic ive read. ever
in all love
Pixel (aka nelgraf)
pfeil posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 5:11am
I don't recall Kinsfire having a H-spanking-Hr scene, though there is ...
CaptainG posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 4:45am
A fitting end I think, and infinitely better than the Epilogue in DH.
I still think the best line in this piece is in chapter 30
'The 806th had gone to war before, many times. They were officially listed as part of the Pentagon's black ops group'
The irony makes me laugh. Black ops being officially listed...
Other than that I have to say this has been epic. I, as I think many others were, was sceptical halfway through Sunset, where we had a superbutwimpy!Harry, but i think it really picked up in Sunset.
GreatWarlord posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2007 11:02am
if harry erected a line of death that makes those with a black aura become ill, why doesn't dumbledore become ill when he goes into haven to start his pub. I mean he did kill grindelwald and knowingly did all of that evil stuff to harry, wouldn't his aura be dark too?
Greywolf25 posted a comment on Monday 13th August 2007 6:01am
I really enjoyed the Sun series. Extremely enjoyable. (I believe the word my husband would use is 'addicted') What can i say? I can't believe its all over. *wipes a tear away*
fraupapst posted a comment on Thursday 9th August 2007 1:55am
This thing is epic. Thanx for the great read.
The only thing I found odd in your universe was the pure-bloods giving a damn about Muggle royalty. But I guess JKR used worse plot-devices;-)
I'm usually not a big fan of Harry/Hermione pairings, not because I mind the ship (I don't), I just find the authors are way too passionate about the ship to keep their stories from degrading into stupid character bashing for the sake of character bashing. So many great storylines have suffered from this, it hurts. Sunrise is one of the few stories I found that have a mature and believable relationship between Harry and Hermione, embedded in a story-line that makes sense and does not revolve around the ship. Special thanx for that.
Tlcatlady posted a comment on Monday 6th August 2007 12:00pm
I just want to thank you both for the time and effort you put into these stories. I didn't realize there was an entire AU world out there until a friend told me about your stories and sent me a link. I've devoured both sunset and sunrise and I have to tell you, I like your ending better than JK's! Take care and thanks again, Tara Caton aka TLCatlady
Bevvie posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2007 4:43am
I have not finished reading the story yet, but I just copied it into Word, so I can print the pages to read so I am not attached to my laptop always, and I can see my 2 year old...
Just wanted to let you know that in Arial 10pt, with .5" margins, the story is 1098 pages long. I am sure others have already told you this, but since I just saw the question (August 5th, 2007), I thought I would let you know.
Thanks for writing all of your great stories...Bevvie
phoenix8976 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2007 11:10pm
Wonderful, i thoroughly enjoyed both sunset and sunrise. I don't think i've cried so much reading a story before. Excellent work look forward to reading some of your other stories.
Chris xx
frozendream posted a comment on Tuesday 31st July 2007 5:05am
Excellent thank you very much
Superdd posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2007 7:34am
Thank you so much for putting in the huge amount of effort a book of this quality would need - I loved the whole roller coaster ride, and look forward to devouring the next book/s!
merme87 posted a comment on Thursday 26th July 2007 3:13pm
That's all I have to say, really. I love this series. Brilliant. <3
Curlism posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 10:36am
Good work, im a fan.
Thanks for writing.
KenF posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2007 8:36am
I read Sunset, and the first 19 chapters of Sunrise, then wandered away until a few days ago. I wish I hadn't, as I can't remember everything that happened.
Even with my memory loss, finishing this up was great. Thank you for taking the trouble to share your tale with us.
ella1983 posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2007 2:13pm
Before i read this chapter i just have to say "Oh My God poor Amy, What did she ever do to you?" your disclaimers are cruel and wicked and evil and twisted and i love them :-D
ella1983 posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2007 2:05pm
At the start of the section titled 'Operations Center, Briefing theater (August 12th)...' I half expected Snape to walk out in an exploding thong, your disclaimers are really messing with my head lol, loving this story (and the disclaimers) thanks for sharing :-D
ella1983 posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2007 12:03pm
oh my god i love that you've created a character just to torment her with the Weasley twins. One of the best parts of this story (in my humble opinion) is the fact that even when everything is serious and all doom and gloom you guys just chuck in something random about Amy's toes lol, i love it.
ella1983 posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 11:25am
was just reading through your authors notes and had to laugh at someone rolling their eyes at the grangers names, i think Dan and Emma are wonderfully normal muggle names, you see all sorts of names given to OC and such in fanfiction and while most of these can be passed off as normal in the magical world, in the muggle world it just makes me think what the freakin hell are these people? are they hippies or what? anyway sorry for rambling i just thought i'd offer my opinion lol loving the story so far
Patrick Rice posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 10:09am
Bob and Alyx,
Great story! Like you I am sorry to see it end, but at the same time I agree that this was the logical place to close out the story. Thanks to you both for all of the work that you have put into crafting this wonderful and highly intertaining work of art.
Congratulations on the first ever (to my knowledge) Lucius Malfoy/Moaning Myrtle pairing. Sheer genius!
Thanks again, Am I am loking forward to reading the next story that you decide to post.
Infin1x posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 2:35pm