Content Harry Potter


ella1983 posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 9:59am

oh my poor Severus, i love this story (and sunset) but i hate what you've done to Severus....yet i can't help but enjoy his torment lol. Loving the fic so far, oh and can you please give Charlie back to his family now? :-D

ella1983 posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 7:09am

ok i haven't read the actual story yet but i had to comment on your disclaimer, freakin hilarious, at first i was like, what the hell? (i never read the bit saying standard disclaimer **blushes**) then i clicked who's story i was reading and everything just fell in to place lol you think i'd be used to them by now **rolls eyes** :-D

Mandy posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 7:05pm

G'day and thanks for a bloody good read!
In regard to your page count question using verdana at 11pt my word counter says there were 920 pages for Sunrise Over Britain and using the same criteria for Sunset over Britain I got 574 pages.
As an unpublished ['cause there all unfinished]
HP author who has on more han one occassion been thoroughly annoyed ant the number of unfinished/abandoned stories out there, particularly the well written story its been both an annoyance and a joy to read these stories. an annoyance for the wait between chapters and sometimes for what you've done to the characters - I LIKE Snape but think Ron's a wanker and Fumblewhore should've been charged with multiple counts of neglect and accessory to child abuse and child endangerment for what he does in the canon stories, not just to Harry but to Riddle and all the other students. I freely admit however that I've enjoyed some well written stories from the other viewpoint.

Any way 'May your lives be worth the living and your deaths the dying' for your disclaimers

Bunyip Budgie

Jimbocous posted a comment on Sunday 8th July 2007 11:04am

Hard to see this one end, as I've enjoyed it so much, but it ended well, and as it should. Sorry to hear you won't be moving the others over here, but I can always reread at FF. I'll be interested to see what you come up with next. As always, thanks for your dedication to your fans. BTW, just my .002. Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalus certainly aren't that bad! Both well worth the read.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 8th July 2007 8:17am

Well now I have some of my answers to your Prophesey answered. I guessed right on Draco and Lucius (very idiotic of Lucius to go after Luna like that, but he learned rather quick not to make such future mistakes again in his next life) Oh cool sounding animals that Luna conjured! Did Fuss hitch a ride with Neville when he was portkeyed? You didn't mention it.

I will find out in the next upcomming chapters which of the remaining Brotherhood will have to sustain in their injuries. Glad that Remus and Tonks are going to have kids/wolfettes soon themselves.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Saturday 7th July 2007 11:53am

I only have ONE question for this chapter.

'Why didn't Umtuba ever meet Eocho while he was in Padfoot?' You mentioned in the previous chapter that Umtuba was also a 'Maglios'? Wouldn't Eocho sense his presence and chat with him? I guess it wasn't relevent to this storyline at the moment.

Oh...btw, you had me laughing soo hard till I had hiccups with the effects that you all gave to the 'Portkey' group! That was the funniest yet. Gred and Feorge would have been proud of Hermione and Luna.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 11:37am

Hey, how are you two doing now that this is all completed? Working hard on something or another I'm sure. Hope you're enjoying your summer.

Ok now to the nitty-gritty. I'm going to take a guess at Your Prophesy in this chapter. Here goes:
The Ram (Tommy-boy) is gored by the Bull (Harry of course).
The Blood of the Brotherhood will flow...hmm could be the Brigade or the actual Brotherhood members or both in combination.
Blood will meet Blood (Lucius and Draco or Tommy-boy and Harry since Tom has Harry's blood to be resurected)
Blood will Fight Blood, same as the last pairings.
Ancient Voices will be silenced forever as a single cry heralds the Comming of the New Age: Eocho will pass on all knowledge of the brotherhood to Harry as he is the Malios or something to that affect. Possibly during the Final Battle or after they win the battle will Eocho pass on the Mantel of the Brotherhood to the remaining members to 'harold the New Age of the Brotherhood' in more Modern style.

How was that? I guess I'll find out in up comming chapters if some of it or any is right. Ja ne!

morao posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 11:02am


piad2691 posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2007 3:48am

Wow, almost 2 hole years!!!
It is over, what to do now, well I can start all over again !!
It has been a fantastic journey.
Am so looking forward to a new epic.
Thank you so much for you and your wifes efforts in "making" this wonderful fanfiction.

webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 4th July 2007 1:42am

Great stories, both of them. And as I have a very warped sense of humor, I also enjoyed the disclaimers very much.

I have actually enjoyed every story you have written and look forward to reading more.

juliasnape posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd July 2007 9:08pm

I save it all to a word file and print out when finished so Mum can read - It was 585 pages long - taking out all the lines between paragraphs

Brady1 posted a comment on Monday 2nd July 2007 1:50pm

great story, I cant wait for the next one...

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 1st July 2007 2:43am

Very nice story. I enjoyed immensely (well, maybe only hugely ... ok, greatly ... alot? -- just kidding, it really is immensely).
One caveat on this chapter: why settle for the Order of the Bath? why not the more illustrious Order of the Garter?
Again, this was a great story.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 1st July 2007 12:46am

Is Charles going to become king? I still cotton to the rumor that the Queen will skip a generation and that William will be the next king (Yes, I don't like Charles -- Frankly, I think the royalty in general is a ungainly dinosaur draining funds that be better spent on much more worthy projects).

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 29th June 2007 5:40am

Awesome and Amazing. And sneaking in Susan's delivery (with complications) in the early stages to increase the tension was nasty (brilliant but nasty). Good job with the Harry - Voldie show -- though maybe a tad easy for Harry.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 29th June 2007 1:59am

Somehow I had the impression that most of the Deaters were at Hogwarts. But that can't be, because with only 50 in the cafeteria it would take all day for just one meal. Where are all the others?

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Thursday 28th June 2007 6:40am

Just a note on your use of 'tong' to refer to Asian organizations. The term only refers to secret societies among chinese immigrants. Secret societies in China (which the tongs were modeled after) would be referred to as 'triads'.
'the evacuation of the Dutch Jews in World War II' -- less than one-fourth of Dutch Jews survived the Nazi oppression!
Why would a diplomatic mission being staying elsewhere than the embassy (beside needing them in a hotel for plot purposes)?
Oh, the ski pole and oar were marvelous. And Remus and co. thought they were pranking Ginny.

Brady1 posted a comment on Thursday 28th June 2007 6:12am

omg he is such a loser, please tell me he dies of extreme diahrea from one of the twins pranks...god

Lady Melina Hites posted a comment on Wednesday 27th June 2007 12:38pm

u gyes wanted to know how long it was? here ill tell you sunrise was 1234 pages long(that was with aril narrow and size 8 phont) and sunset was 672 pages long with the same all together it was 2578 pages long.... I sad that it is done personally i was waiting for the end of you story to jks in july... thanx for the great storie gyes

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Wednesday 27th June 2007 3:26am

Isn't the line of questioning of Amhar and others out of bounds? Unless there is a question of tax fraud or ill-gotten income, aren't personal finances beyond government investigation? (I can just see McCain or Kennedy being laughed out of the Senate over some of the questions in this Wizengamot Investigative Committee). Are things really so different in England that such line of questioning would be allowed? Or is this another 'the-Wizarding-World-is-hopelessly-backward' sort of thing?
Oh, why did Amhar have to apologize? Then Harry could have challenged him to a duel and put him out of our misery. (I wrote that last part before I read down to Harry's line, honest I did).
'Is it really necessary to explain in your review why you hate him and why you feel we must hate him as well? I mean, come on, we WROTE him to be hated.' Sorry, it's not that I hate Amhar (not that I particularly care for him); it that I find him a distraction (does he really move the plot along at all?) and have a hard time conceiving of anyone in Haven acting like that (as popular as you've portrayed Harry, someone would have to be a total idiot to oppose him -- alright, I admit Ahmar is a total idiot), particularly after being rescued from Azkaban (thank you all for saving my life but I'm still going to do my best to destroy your little party -- would anyone still hold to such 'racism' after that?). If anything wouldn't that experience have made him rabidly supportive of anyone trying to take down Voldie?