By Bobmin
johnsmith posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 8:14pm
hey just a couple of things. iv only read sunset over Britain but i have a couple of questions. first you said dean was the spy for voldemort. but that he had the mark on his leg. wouldnt harry's ward that was set to warm him when there was a dark mark nearby activate from dean. o and in the author notes for sunrise over britain you added mind magic to the The UPDATELESS LIST. just wanted to tell you that it was moved to another site not abandoned . james quit posting on said that in the last post. now he's posting it at btw sorry far all the bad grammer.
i have just read sunset over britain but im getting sunrise and saving it in a txt gile so i dont have to be online. damn dial up. thats how i knew u put james in that list.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 12:50pm
He Bob!
The comment of your changing your religion to Druidism and 'worshiping bushes' has a very 'double' meaning...I'm sure Alyx will be alot of help. *grins* (Sorry all that previous mushieness from the previous chapter is still running through my suger-rushed veins!)
Also maybe you should take into consideration that this storyline is So Involving that people who review in Rants and Praises do take your storyline so seriously as a Epic Movie! There is another writer almost similar to you in writting such long chapters that can take a couple of hours to read...(for myself, I say Thank You) who posts at Porkey mainly. Their name is 'Madscientist'. But unlike you two, this writer hops from one storyline to the next in updates that are nearly similar in plot with Super Harry's and Super Hermione's. The other characters...well they all vary from strict canon to fanon. Too bad for myself that I don't have another Fanfic reader to talk about these storylines with like some people do with 'Soap Oprahs'. Now you have me thinking of doing something on that. Guess I'll just have to see how it may turn out.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 9:03am
Ok, with this chapter I have a comment to make. Turn away if you don't really feel like reading it.
The thing that's happened with the Harry-Hermione-Miles problem well my first thought when I read it was 'you authors are really picking on Hermione alot' when you wrote of her situation. With Harry...well it's almost a given that he'd go off some sort of deep end. He'd also be true to the fact he'd NOT Talk of it to anyone in the Manor. To me, that part was very spot on. With Miles...*shrugs* now that he's hospilalized makes sense that he'd be such a Guy and NOT admit to being Sick till he FALLS OVER! (Unless of course he's in some type of close enough relationship that said partner would Drag them kicking and cursing to the doctor's appointment.)
So by the way things are going with Remus and Hermione they seem to be getting along again despite what happened. As for the press confrence, I guess all governments are all the same world-wide. Inept at times. Sooo we're going to have to deal with 'Mad-Eyes' need for 'Constant Vigilance' in an upcomming chapter huh? DO say you will, there could be lots of fun with his character in Haven or in Hogwarts!
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Saturday 23rd June 2007 3:17am
Well this one was one really a Grignotts roller-coaster that would put the best to shame. Nice ending to this chapter.
Finally Charlie gets the clue! Now he and Author will have Lots more in common. Both decieved and munitpulated by Bumbles. That reminds me of Harry's infamous T's... here's a suggestion for a t-shirt for Remus given by either Harry or Hermione (not Tonks she could disagree on it *winks*) "Moony/Wolfie Pet, All Bark...No Bite!" *snickers* He's the only known Were who wouldn't 'bite' anyone on the side of the 'Light' (with the possible exception of only Tonks and his future 'pups' *grins*)
Now how will the town of Haven react to Harry's public display of how he handled Dumbles and those that he (Dumbles) 'planted the seeds of dissention'? With the now possible convertion of Charlie to Harry's side...(I say that as a tentive, not a positve known fact) how will this affect the towns perception with also the attack of the Dementors and now the creation of the 'angels'?
Too bad Harry was so exhasted when he confronted Dumbles so publically. His 'rush into things without planning' is really comming to the fore again isn't it? If he confronted Dumbles when he was rested and with an 'warrent for his arrest' would have been much more logical. But that won't help the storyline too much at this point now would it. Looking forward to the next twist you two come up with. Ja ne!
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Saturday 23rd June 2007 1:09am
Ok for this chapter people are still going to obsess over the Charlie/Dumbledore spy thing till the story ends that I get. But in this chapter he (Dumbles) did get into Haven under a false alias right? He IS this 'Rufus Radagast' ? Why does that name sound familier?
Oh btw, my mentioning of vague references to other storylines and such will discontine from here on in till I remember the story's title and/or the Author's name. I don't feel right about mentioning at least the writers name to the idea. It's just not right. The writer could have worked their butts off trying to get that idea to either paper or data bits before posting on various sites. They deserve the credit for their ideas. *shrugs* So when I do mention a story plot bit I'll give the author credit at the very minimum.
Thanks again for the story ideas for future readings.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 10:15am
First and foremost, thanks for posting here some story recommendations.
As for Charlie...I already mentioned something on he and Dumbles in a earlier review. Except for the fact that until now it mentions that he (Charlie) is a Willing Victim (in a matter of speaking). You didn't mention till this chapter that the Journal was a known two-way communication devise.
As for the Harry/Dumbledore confrontation that will be a whole chapter in of itself. Glad Harry finally asked Hermione to the local dance. Also we now have a wedding date for all the Brotherhood. Will it also include Dan and Emma? I know they are already married in the Muggle sense, but would they willingly participate in their new found Wizarding Bonding as well?
Oh I was surprised that Lucius called Dudley a 'muggle' instead of a 'mudblood'. I thought all muggles are called 'mudbloods' in the narrow minded set of purebloods? Just a thought.
DemonReader posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 5:13am
What a way to end the story, in away I am sad to see this one end and in nother way I want to know what the future holds for the Brotherhood, But alas that is something for us to ponder during the boring points in our days... Thank you for such a great story.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 1:20am
Well, Dumbledore just won't/can't quit can he. Not surprised. I was sort of expecting that he did some sort of 'memory charm' thing as he did with Ron on a more willing Charlie. Does Charlie 'know' that he did that to his journal?
As for Ginny's reaction to Charlie I'm not at all surprised. I was also expecting somthing from either her or Harry sensing something 'off' with Charlie's exposure of Dumbldore. Since the barrier is comming down soon, will Dumbles make himself an immediate nuisance of himself with both Harry and the School? How would McGonagall react to him on the school? Since this is technaclly a new school he should NOT be immediately the Headmaster once more. Even if the students are formally Hogwarts.
Oh, thanks btw for a new story to check out. Even if it does fall under the new 'Updateless list' (boy can I relate to THAT one!) There are loads of fics I myself follow but the writers have too much of a life to update their stories for at Least Over a Year! Well I'm now off to work. Ja ne!
cuddlepuppy posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 8:43pm
"OK", She's right on alternate ships (bows my blushing face). Thank You for doing a wonderful job with this one.
On a side note: Bob & Alyx, you two would be most enjoyable to meet, the interplay of intellectual banter between the two of you is very warmimg. You must love each other very much.
Be Well
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 11:48am
*grins* Pet Peeves are a no show huh? Well that's ok. You did enough with your previous storyline.
Ok, Dumbledore will (apparently similar to Ron in this storyline) always be a Munipulatar and still Glory Seeking in his own little world he insists on pushing on others who would not agree. I get that. Why can't others? *heavy sigh*
As for 'The Brotherhood' now re-awakened... well looks like Eocho will soon be getting an earfull with current history of both Wizarding and Muggle cultures. Hermione and Remus will be in their element! Would Emma also be included in that grouping? I'm still unsure as to how 'bookish' Emma is in this storyline? I guess I'll find out soon when or if you include the individual talks that will be going on will include All the members of just a few in detail.
I'm rather surprised that none of the Irish Ministry found out about Dumbledore being in Irealand with his 'magical signiture' or even the thought of him being brought up by McGonnagal, Moony or Amilia? I know they are busy but they should have at least thought of him in passing at least once and possibly get distracted by something of more importance comming to their attention to distract them. But hey, you'll show him to the Haven when you're good and ready. Till then, ja ne!
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 7:13am
Oh wow... since I am off the clock I don't feel bad about writing a review of this phenominal work. I recommend this story to quite a few Potterphiles. I actually have found some here at 'the OFFICE'.
There's this big part of me that keeps thinking that you should do like the Padfoot Chronicles ... or Haven Chronicles so that you can just have like Jiggers or Doubles shots of little adventures that happen at Padfoot Manor or in Haven. Just the images that had been brought to mind regarding the Lupin's changling children had me giggling and wanting to see more adventures.
What DOES Ginny have???
What does Luna and Hermione have???
You did leave quite a few unanswered questions... How Hogwarts expands etc. ...
It wouldn't necessarily be the Fiddler series persay ... but it could be fun to see MORE adventures in that universe.
Why a Ghost of Lucius and Not Ron ... Hmmm there is so much to think about ... and not enough time... I have a bus to catch to get from Lindon to Provo.
Keep up the great writing both of you. Hopefully I'll see more writings soon. (when it's slow here)
Until then ...
As Always,
Muirnin - the Homeless Queen
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 6:41am
Ok, I have a nitpick for you in form of the Weasly's. You keep mentioning that only Molly and Ron were lost/dead in the family from Auther's POV. You keep forgetting to mention Percy! You only remembered him when Charlie went over to the Burrow. There. I'll leave that point alone now that I've mentioned it.
Also in your AN, the fact that you say 'So please stop asking that we let Harry kill him. It's just not going to happen yet.' YET? So are you throwing out a red herring?
Oh btw fiction or not Don't Blame Canada! It's your responsiblity, face it like you should. *grins*
Brady1 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 9:47am
if they continue to resue people who are going to cause a problem, after the rescue why dont the give them a truth serum to define who they are loyal too and if they belive in blood purity or not...?
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 9:24am
*Huh* What a chapter. No Peeves for the moment. Ok.
As for this chapter, well I have to say that most if not a majority of HP fanfic writers end up getting Hermione her due in the SPEW aspect at one time or another for multichaptered storylines.
The one thing that I usually look forward to is Ron's reaction once he finds out she has House Elf/House Elves bound to her. Usually it always ends up being Binky and Dobby to Harry. In another storyline Draco as the last Malfoy in his Will gave Hermione ALL of the Malfoy HouseElves! (He considered it as a last say on Granger Hee Hee.) Poor Harry had quiet a time calming her down and Ron wasn't helping in ANY way. I still find that one to be rather funny.
As for the HP Plot Bunnies are you sure Harry didn't send them your way? He could have used that spell you mentioned in the other story where he taught the Grangers the multi-Bunny thingy. Speaking of Bunnies...*blinks* *blinks again* There goes a Black bunny outside my backyard!! What's with the Bunnies!? It's extending outside the realm of Fanfictions! @@
mythic77 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 8:49am
Well done! I read both Sunset and Sunrise more or less straight through, and though it was a long read, it was worth the time. A million plus words does take some time. This is the only review I will have submitted out of all the chapters, as I don't have a lot of time to just sit down at my computer, so I usually print the stories off to read as time---whether it be minutes or hours---is available to me. I'm sorry, I didn't think to save all the chapters as I completed them to count up the total number of pages, but I would have to say that, between the two stories, it had to have been in the 2000-2500 page range---4 to 5 reams of paper. In any case, I thouroughly enjoyed your stories. I can't say I liked everything about them, but you did a masterful job making it a logical progression from the basic premise, and you tied up the different story lines in a tidy manner. I'm glad I didn't come upon these stories until you had completed them. I'm not a patient person, and I won't usually start on a WIP. I don't write often for fan fiction, but when I do, I'm one of those who wants to do the whole story before I submit the first chapter. That's why I submit what fan fiction I do write to HPFF. I don't have a pack of teenagers with pretensions of being editors and who wouldn't know an adverb from an aardvark (think Mugglenet) trying to tell me how to write my stories. I have to put up with it from professional editors. I won't put up with it when I'm writing for free. Sorry for the rant. Don't know how or why I got off on this track. In any case, I liked your stories a great deal and look forward to reading other things of yours.
runsamok posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 12:34pm
Thank you for a beautiful story that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I have reviewed before, but wanted to ask one question.. what happened to naming Harry and Hermione's last child Alison? Did they forget about her, or was this a slip? Anyway, I like the name Water Lily too..
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 12:05pm
I have another question, when is Harry's Team going to check out Andy and the other DE's that are already in Ireland?
As for this chapter...war is hell.
Deanna Gail posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 8:18am
I loved it!!!!
Amanda Ferris posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 4:24pm
I love your stories! I hate to read WIP's, but you are one of those authors that I can depend on to finish a story and This one was no dissappointment! It was awesome! Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your stuff!! :)
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 11:50pm