Content Harry Potter


thomasnealy posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 9:31am

Hermione is starting to piss me off. Every time Harry wants to do somthing that invalves more pain to some one then a hug she starts scolding him. She is a hypocritical harping nitpicking bitch.

thomasnealy posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 5:19am

I thought this group was to look at what the ministry had been doing since the fall. so why are they looking at every thing else but the actions and new rules of the ministry.

thomasnealy posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 4:20am

Ok i have to ask why was Harry so hung up on makeing Dumbles stand trial. He was the enimy not to mention if he stood trial he would have got off any way. the bastartd was handing out AK's like candy on Halloween he deserved to die. Not only that it was his fault that Voldy became such a problem to begin with.

thomasnealy posted a comment on Saturday 16th February 2013 6:19am

I'm a little confused as to why Harry is refusing to bond to any of the elves him self?

Nytefyre posted a comment on Monday 19th November 2012 4:31pm

Finally finished - this was a great series. I've enjoyed your well thought out characterizations and the fact that you didn't make anyone overpowered. Very well balanced and fun to read. Thanks, again, for posting!

crazylady posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2012 4:31am

for crazy people you write very good stories, many thanks for helping to keep this crazy lady sane with the wonderful distraction from real life


GBTtown posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2012 8:51pm

Not exactly sure how I managed to miss Sunset and Sunrise. I have read and enjoyed other stories by Bobmin. I must say however, this/these rank in my all time favorites written in the HP universe.

capt_bob posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2012 11:23pm

le gasp, Dalton I go to school in dalton and for some reason i have ran accross it in another story and on a british tv show in the past week. Loving the story, ive spent the last 3 days reading your stuff!

ChiaraV posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2012 7:52am

Hi Bob & Alyx,

well what can I say that hundreds, no thousands of adoring fans have not already said? You have once again created a superbly engaging story that is creatively unique in the Pottersphere and I cannot thank you guys enough for your fabulous stories. Yes they are very sleep depriving but your collected worked here and on fan are a testament to your storytelling skills. I agree with the other reviewers who have said that you guys should write your own stories because I think you would be amazing, however not if it means it will deprive us of seeing your wacky disclaimers and author notes here here :)

keep up the excellent work guys!!

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 7:52pm

I LOL at your writing attempts. They're pathetic. Please quit writing.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 7:21pm

Yall are some annoying authors. Get yalls head out of yalls ass.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:26pm

This story sucks. FYI.

and whatever happened to your pet peeve about authors who switch point of views constantly intheir stories. You both are idiots when it comes down to things.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:21pm

Another shitty ass chapter. Wow. Why in the devils name would arthur be deputy minister when he was a traitor and participator in horrendous crimes against a child? Thats how i know i should stop reading your story. Sorry that yall started sucking at writing.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:18pm

This chapter SUCKS!!!!! I'm almost tempted to just quit reading at this point. I couldnt even finish reading this chapter it was so terrible. Your story went from a 7 to a 5 with this chapter alone.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Sunday 27th May 2012 2:03pm

I see now that you created a magical item that doesn't exist. And you sit there talking about pet peeves. How about stop creating and adding things to the HP world without mentioning its a new invention etc...

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Sunday 27th May 2012 1:58pm

I take it that the stasis charm doesn't exist in your stories?

mistys12 posted a comment on Thursday 17th May 2012 3:12pm

Thank You...The worth of a true author is how they affect there readers, in your story you have covered it all!

ikbenik posted a comment on Monday 14th May 2012 10:56am

Hi! I just wanna say I've absolutely loved reading this story. Still can't believe I've just read a million words... Both the size and contents of the story are, in one word, BIG. And it's still sad the story has to end. Oh well, you've written other stories ;-). Thanks for the many hours of reading pleasure you've given me!

Jtc posted a comment on Saturday 14th April 2012 1:18pm

This definitly qualifies as better late than never but since I finally got my real name removed from the site, I can leave a review. I enjoyed both of your Sunrise Universe stories.

I like how you developed Hr/H, and the other relationships and how you integrated your OCs into the stories. That takes skill, often OCs just kind of dangle awkwardly and don't fit in at all. I also like your understanding of war and battle planning. My husband is a retired LTC USAR so I couldn't escape knowing something about it. I prefer your version of the Monarchy to real life--and you are, after all, telling a story. I definiely think yours is better than Half Blood Prince and the books that came after it. What was JKR thinking, and in books marketed for children.

The only thing I did not like was Dumbledore, not that you turned him into a bad guy (I didn't thing much of him when he knowingly left Harry in an abusive home) but his motivation was a bit weak. This is a common failing in 'bad Dumbledore' stories. Maybe you should have shown him going looney tunes a bit earlier, that made more sense.

I have also enjoyed your other stories and will review as I can. I do challenge you to do another good Snape story. Your writing may have been more basic in your first two stories but I confess to enjoying that. And yes, I know Snape is not Alan Rickman but ff is for fun,.

amsev posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2012 3:52pm

Excellent, excellent story! I spent all the time I could reading it (leaving only for work and the rest room -- meals I could eat in front of the computer)

I enjoy your writing so much that I'm going to have to force myself to go read one of your H/G stories. I'm really not into that ship because I've read so many Ginny-as-a-fangirl stories that it's hard to get past that. Knowing your compelling writing will help me get over that will make it easier to read...

Job well done!