By Bobmin
KyleOgden posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:15pm
Truely brilliant, a fanfiction masterpiece.
fuddledone posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:13pm
Not that I could write one but are you allowing fanfics? If they can write them for HBP then any based on superior quality works like yours would have to be better.
Definitely looking forward to your next production.
merf425 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:44pm
I think this was the best way to end. Also, Water Lily Potter? So awesome. I love it.
And I'm debating about even posting this, but when I read that you are writing from Idaho my first reaction was fangirly and something like "OMG IDAHO I WONDER IF I HAVE RUN INTO THEM" even though I am hours away in Seattle and that's impossible because I've never been to Idaho. *is a geek*
Anyway, great ending, and I am looking forward to your next stories! (Also, I think you made the right choice regarding DA and SC so don't let anyone else get you down... Not that my opinion matters more or that you are the types to let that happen, but I just thought I'd voice some support.)
wotmania505 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:17pm
Well, I have read many stories, but this is simply the best. The amount of dedication and effort you put into this in inconceivable. So I'd just like to thank both of you for this masterpiece. Good luck with your future endeavors and keep up the great work!
Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:48pm
Well, it's finally over. Only two things left to say...Great story, and thanks for including me in it. Say, did any of those death eaters that were launched into orbit with that Flaming Flatulence potion ever come back down?
infinity2x0 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:47pm
I absolutely have loved, am loving and will love everything that you guys write. The Sun Series is one of the most well written and original fan fictions that this avid reader has every read. I will remember this series and already am planning on re-reading it all over again from start to finish. As a fellow writer, though not anywhere as good yet, you give me hope that one day I'll be a writer people would like to read from as well. Thank you for the inspiration to write and I look forward to your next update on whichever story you may be dreaming up with the plot bunnies.
Wolff posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:09pm
And here we are, at the end of yet another epic. You folks have really raised the bar on this one. I've thoroughly enjoyed this fic since the first chapter came out, and I plan to be here to read any other chapter of any other fic you write.
Have a beer, you've earned it (many times over)
Jeff Hobbs posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 1:54pm
Thank you.
phineas posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 1:47pm
I enjoyed both Sunset and Sunrise a lot. Thanks for investing the time. What I like most is the realistic outlook still mixed with the fun and pranks.
Waiting eagerly for the next story,
murdock posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 1:09pm
just keep up the great work guys
es posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 12:57pm
i cried it really is like the end of a old friend, but he passed quietly in the night with a smile and a hard on at 96.
Aki posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 12:31pm
Ahhh...That's a very satisfied sigh, one of contentment and maybe a little . Now I have to go back and read it through in one shot all over again! Look forward to your new work.
Katherine Summers posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 12:26pm
OMG! So I've been following this story since Sunset and I swear, this series is one of my absolute favorites of all time, if not THE FAVORITE!
Ok, so I admit, I have saved your story into a microsoft word file....and it is bloody HUGE! It comes up as 8,426 kb total for both stories with 2,321 pages at 8.5 font, book fold, .5" margins on each side with a .2" gutter... Sunset took 804 pages which means that this massive epic of yours called Sunrise comes in at a whopping 1517 pages!
Anyways, Thank you for such an amazing story! This is definitely one that I will never forget!
O and btw, I've read Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalus over many times, and while I agree that it isn't as...mature as this one, it still beats out plenty of other stories that I've read by a long shot.
And I shall blame you right now for spoiling my taste in reading material now. There are only so many writers in this world of your caliber and many that I chance upon just don't satisfy my craving for Harry Potter fanfiction anymore. Thanks for it all, tho. This has just been incredible!
Graup posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 12:24pm
Wow, the story is finally at an end. What a ride!
It was so much fun reading the chapters, and enjoying the plot as it thickened, and then gelled. Very good job to you!
Thanks for all the effort. It was amazing.
Steamfan posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:52am
Great Story. I've printed the Sun series out up to chapter 31 where I ran out of ink. I don't know how many pages it was but I have two 3 inch thick note books full. The first one was all of Sunset and chapters 1 to 12 of Sunrise, the second is the rest. Once again Great Story.
Kim1 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:46am
I am sorry to see it end, but I am looking forward to your new stories. I really liked this series very much. Your writing style is very enjoyable.
Ghostwolf posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:41am
I would like to thank you for a very well written story. It has been a pleasure to read, but it has ended in the right place. Kudos to you and yours. Moving on, I you very much like to see what you folks can do with a palette like the X-men.
Well wishes and good writing...
Hagrid posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:31am
Amazing, simply amazing. Can't say more then that. Then again, I'm pretty shocked that I managed to type this far without slippin' inter character an' stompin' off inter the forest in search of some wild beast. I guess yeh've soothed the savage beast in a lot of us. I fer one, am grateful fer yer story(s) an' plan ter keep readin' em if yer gonna keep writin' em. Bless yeh both.
Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:27am
Wonderful story! I have been a very faithful reader since the beginning of Sunset, and I loved both stories. You two seriously have talent! Thanks for the privilege of allowing us to read your work!
mythicaljayde posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:24pm